I too have had this close connection to my genetic ancestors. It told me a lot. The Native Indians sometimes says that they want to break the curse of the family. That is their chance to freedom. "Curse" sounds a bit dramatic but tells a lot what it is all about, it is something dysfunctional, a kind of energy pattern, that we inherit from generation to generation.
This doesn't seem at all dramatic for my wife's side of the family. Matter of fact, it is the most accurate description I have heard for her family. I used to try and tell my wife that if she wanted to be free of her depression she might have to stake her claim to her own life and individuality (putting it in words she could understand) and this might require that she leave her family.
The family thing in this case really does seem like black magic.
Her family is the type to hold on to there issues and wounds like they are treasures and then pass them on from generation to generation. There is a long line of abuse esp. sexual abuse. They are very clingy, if you leave (Like her brother Michael did, smart kid, but he was raised by his father not his mother.) you are sending them a big flower you and must not really love them. I've watched how Lisa and her mother re-stimulate each other's issues and then act as if nothing is wrong. And, you can almost see the cords connecting them like they are tangible material things.
Personally I've resigned myself to not try and help her with this. I've taken Lisa's mother as my petty tyrant, because she annoys me to distraction. Like I said before maybe if I grow Lisa will as well or maybe not.
I never had a solid familial life which I'm thankful for except it did cause some trouble later in life.
I and my wife have know each other since I was 5 years old so in many ways her family and mine are one. Not to mention the vast similarities between us. This has always fascinated me, that is how similar our two families are and how this whole genetic thing works.
There does from time to time seem to be something more to my connection to my wife...like maybe we have shared a past life or so. One time I even swore my wife spoke to me from some other place within her:
We were driving down the road and the sun was setting. The sky had a red tint. I could feel a connection between me and the setting sun or something, I can't understand it. But, there was something the air that day. I and my wife had been fighting. On some level I knew I was being immature and handling the whole thing wrong, even felt like i was playing games on some level.
Then my wife said: So you want to play this game again, okay fine.
When she said it I felt something deja vu like, and then most significantly of all, I felt something like an energetic whirlwind move from her to me and then some how on some level I managed to send it back to her. But, it totally freaked me out.
This came from her under her breath, and to this day she insists she doesn't remember ever saying it. And, to be honest it doesn't sound like something she would say!
She got out of the car to go to work and I drove the car around all night freaked out....

Then there was this other time when we were both in bed together talking. The lights where out, it was pitch black, and I don't remember the conversation but I'll never forget what happens next. I reach out to her and she reaches out to me and I feel this weird jolt like some part of my being was separating from my body and reaching out for me. I feel a strange sensation through my eyes like they were...connecting to her eyes and a tingling sensation in my fingers like they were shooting static electricity out in the direction of her hands. To this day I have no idea what this was.
I know there is a lot of fantasy in this but there was something going on.