I try to imagine you on the internet and looking at the flowerery of this with kids.
You had to see it coming all this senseless suffering.
I know the message was "butterfly effect." Yes ive used it and I know all is interconnected and interdependent so we can do stuff with mind. Its all there! But this task is massive. That is a lot of flowering kids and people and many in the world dont see it for what it really is.
And i know somehow Bruce Lee saw it coming. Enter the Dragon demonstrates it. The bullied and the bullies when he fights on the island. The attacks the words and they plant seeds and he does fight back. But when he goes in to deal withb the bear, the mirrors - that is IN HIS MIND now the opponent.
Its more dangerous Buddha. ts one thing say to be kicked you can heal from a kick. But for damage to mind you and I know that is...dangerous.
he defeats his opponent cause he gets the mirrors....he has to discern the confusion of the images and then he does get it done and get him on a hook the mirror spins and he walks out....free of....the reflection and its all about ego and stuff. But really its....the problem. He saw the problem with mirrors and mind.
Bodhidharma was smart enough to remove the mirror - its all void.
Kids dont know that tho. So things will rise and fall right...from mind. They cant empty it.
So lead the way on this one. I know One and All is connected I get it. I get it. And this wont be some magical deal either. Its gonna take a butterfly effect. A small ripple to create.... a massive effect. Massive.
Like Mulan with the avalanche. a spark and massive.
Snow and Ice are water too.
Its impossible to determine how many drops of water form a snowy mountain. Perception sees one snowy mountain. But the snow is made of countless drops of water.
Thats impossible it would seem so the mountain. One swoop action has to be done that way.
Om Mani Padme Hum