Author Topic: Lets Talk About Petty Tyrants and Tribes  (Read 84 times)

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Lets Talk About Petty Tyrants and Tribes
« on: July 21, 2023, 01:18:00 PM »
A petty tyrant is a tormentor. Someone who either holds the power of life and death over warriors or simply annoys them to distraction.
~Carlos Castaneda – The Fire from Within~

“My benefactor used to say that a warrior who stumbles on a petty tyrant is a lucky one.”
~Don Juan~

Let me say this. Petty tyrants probably rule the internet they are scummy and shakti stealers. But in the toltec communities this thing with them also allowed for abuses which are above and beyond the pale. This was facilitated and allowed however we did have a victim of abuse, childhood and also in marriage. And because of this toltec shit, it was allowed a totally abherent asshole to attack mercilessly said survivor.

My stance on this is that yes, warriors do need to use such situations to their advantage. But it is different in a tribe setting. Much different. I dont "see" or grasp the folly of internet abuse and words on a screen as a true warrior vs petty tyrant deal. I would say my ex turned petty tyrant. I have dealt with bosses petty tyrant. But in soma, we had an asshole who was a man abusing a woman. And surely some could step back and say she was "lucky" to have found said creature. But no, no she was not. The abuse was allowed and it was disgusting. It should have been stopped. I was banned a few times even recent. But he, Juhani, was allowed to abuse and abuse and push buttons anytime he had a wild hair up ass or having a bad day. I stood in the line of fire to stop it but he would keep coming a cowardly keyboard armchair warrior attacking a woman who suffered abuse in past. And any form of kindness went out the window and there was ZERO PURPOSE and he would rob her of energy and fuel himself to feel more powerful when she would crack. And course toss in the men he would attack them as well and this went on and on for years and now hes gone but still could return one day and the other two swore this place off which was thought by Nichi as "sacred" to her. And we have a mix of sacred images and should have healing and our journeys, but what made it go quiet was, him. A flowering bad blueberry and if you have a bunch of blueberries, and put one rotten blueberry in the bunch, it spoils the whole bunch.

So its Michael power of silence and me writing. And I did a call today to see if all could be repaired and can it be? I think that banning Juhani forever cause he totally is toxic and shits where he eats. And hurt people and made a religion of it, to make himself feel better - he should be banished to the other side of the wall and never be let back in. Lori Ann should be apologized to, and asked to return. Know she is loved and really love should not hurt people. And Jahn is right - to return a fair exchange, kick out the petty tyrant - and let the good guy who never hurt anyone back in. And then he can talk about cars, astrology, CC and 911 why not? And then maybe i would feel comfortable bringing over a few folks. And soma could rise up and be ready for a big flowering shift cause its gonna get real. Oh yeah and let nick know he is a huge part of soma and not some lackey who didnt matter - nick is very intelligent and a good warrior who does everything for his kid. He matters. AND by removing the trash and saying goodbye to it, soma could have a nice Phoenix moment and rise from the ashes so its not all flowered up and a shell of what could-have-been.

Michael thinks im snotty to my own. NO sir. I work very hard with folks and if someone comes in my group and attacks someone - they get theirs first - then booted. I waste no time. Now wasting time on Juhani did he change his ways? NO. Did he help anyone become a better warrior? NO. They just said "flower this place" and left. So soma has to change its ways. To survive and resurrect.

I call he gets his account banned and Jahn and Lori Ann come back and Nick is part of any special folders. Enough is enough with bullshit. Be nice to people and sure folks may argue but..... pushing pain abuse buttons to cripple an opponent is like me kneeing a man in the you-know-what and laughing about it when he keels over and begs for death. You would not consider that a true warrior move, samurai honor thing right?

Course not. Kick MF Juhani out forever and bring back those that matter...Michael Maher.

Make it right.
"A warrior doesn't seek anything for his solace, nor can he possibly leave anything to chance. A warrior actually affects the outcome of events by the force of his awareness and his unbending intent." - don Juan


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