Author Topic: "Todays view" of Self-Love and Pride  (Read 132 times)

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"Todays view" of Self-Love and Pride
« on: September 28, 2023, 03:34:02 PM »
I just read through most of the posts in this folder. Undoubtedly Gurdijeff was an amazing man with a big aura and presense. And when it comes to taking down the inner, I understand that. He made sense on many levels, and I see why warriors liked him.

BUT this is what I want to discuss. His issue on pride and self-love. Now back in his day, these had a different meaning and were something to take down. I understand that. They were different animals so I can see them devilish, sure. I also revisited discussion on the aforementioned "angel and devil" on each shoulder, which I felt rather black and white. But with the times we are in, it sure seems to have narrowed down to it. Just like the old cartoons. So I get it.

But what Gurdijeff did not see, he may not have been able to foresee, is the plunge of humanity and mental illness. It is at an all time high with many diagnoses among the humans. In the US its massive. On a couple occasions I have polled my members "How many of you have been diagnosed with a form of mental illness?" Many stepped forward with various things. But if I were to narrow - depression is the big thing. A huge feeling of darkness, hopelessness, despair which can be crippling. And among many spiritualists whom are fighting for sanity, in a world which can feel loveless, and abusive, something like self love and having some semblance of pride is necessary for survival. It can be a thing of beauty when one attains, a healthy balance of it. Because lets face it:

Society as a whole, has taught the Christian "guilt" paradigm and also to hate oneself. We have had folks in congress even on instagram alone, where numerous young girls are hooked on their reflection and no matter how beautiful they are, continually "filter" their images to an idea. It is so bad, numerous girls are getting plastic surgery to appear like their filtered photos. So while some could see this as vanity, this is a self loathing and lack of love for the self, and this filtering to gain approval and love from others, to gain followers, is a sickness in itself. Perpetuated by the folly of this flowering thing we are on, the mask is created but behind lies the insecure seeking love from others cause they cannot find it within. Now even before the internet, the dieting and anorexia nervosa and bullimia among young girls is prevalent. The "image" thanks to magazines and society to create this "ideal" which is for the most part unattainable, only causes young girls to hate themselves even more.

So that is one example so the spiritualist of today is trying to teach self love - its a necessity of survival. And course LGBTQIA to have Pride in themselves for who they are, in a world which shuns them, wants to cut them off from rights or bully abuse, even god forbid call for their deaths.

So see, many years ago Gurdijeff would be right. But nowadays as this huge pit was created to toss people in, esp the young, that which was considered bad is now a necessity to survive - without it, the individual is subjectated to the pressure of society to be what they want and sacrificed is any love or healthy pride. In replacement it is a constant chasing of an ideal to be something "else" and hate what you are. So in this sense as we have evolved or even devolved this has changed. Its not an evil thing and was it ever? Now pride the old way, or self love the old way was one thing. Now its something different. the word is the same, the energy is not. Its different. Just as we are different than in the 20s. Our society is even sicker now. And we do have some folks who know an inner journey is necessary and are aiming for it. But others are very lost and dont understand what "inner journey" really entails. Even tho they see Buddha with eyes closed.

Do I make sense?
"A warrior doesn't seek anything for his solace, nor can he possibly leave anything to chance. A warrior actually affects the outcome of events by the force of his awareness and his unbending intent." - don Juan

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Re: "Todays view" of Self-Love and Pride
« Reply #1 on: September 29, 2023, 12:56:51 AM »
Its like when I went to the bookstore, and walked out with two books having this poem.

And didnt della teach "love is the reason" and even the double is like a "love affair with the infinite?"

If the double IS the self, us turned inside out, and love is what we "do" with that...isnt that self-love?

"A warrior doesn't seek anything for his solace, nor can he possibly leave anything to chance. A warrior actually affects the outcome of events by the force of his awareness and his unbending intent." - don Juan

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Re: "Todays view" of Self-Love and Pride
« Reply #2 on: September 30, 2023, 01:23:18 PM »
Let me add. I think Gurdijeff should have replaced "self-love" with "narcissism." That would be better. Because its really narcissism which is the big demon running around. Having no empathy for anyone, at all. Totally self-serving and abusive to others. The goal of the narcissist is to break the spirit of another. Thats all they do is that. Dorian Gray story. That would be better to say it like that.

"Egoic pride." More like that, a huge puffery of pride too proud to apologize, or ask for forgiveness. Or too proud to take a shitty job to feed a family, a person would rather be unemployed. Or folks who get all proud and do a fight "its the principle of the matter." No MF thats egoic pride. I hate it when folks say that. Karens have egoic pride. Chads have egoic pride. Get all high and mighty on a high horse. But pride in the self like the LGBTQIA group, is a counter to what many folks want them to feel = shame. Shame for their nature, who they are inside? So yes. I would modify those things in this way. Because self love and pride are necessary for survival.
"A warrior doesn't seek anything for his solace, nor can he possibly leave anything to chance. A warrior actually affects the outcome of events by the force of his awareness and his unbending intent." - don Juan


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