"The self dreams the double. Once it has learned to dream the double, the self arrives at this weird crossroad and a moment comes when one realizes that it is the double who dreams the self. Your double is dreaming you. No one knows how it happens. We only know that it does happen. That's the mystery of us as luminous beings. You can awaken in either one." - don Juan
Thank God for the books and Della too. You too Michael. But Della was the master of this topic, hands down.
The other night when I was in the old apt (funny to call it that), in the Reading room, I just was sitting there thinking "Im a character in someones book. This cant be real." I get it. Its a dream. My whole life is one phenomenal mess. Ok so im this psychic and ive been back to back 7 years. I can also do what I call the "urban shaman" thing. I dont necessarily have to whip up any big ceremonies, though sure i have a drum and rattles. Ive used them. But I can journey and can heal. I can and have done that, many times. I can also draw down tons of info and have. I have even been right on missing person cases. I have had the strangest experiences, met the coolest people tho. But anywho, I just sat there in the room kind of speaking to that "dreamer" hey look i get it - Im a character in a book! I have to be! At least this aint a boring read!
Tonight when struggling for leads, ugh, its ok ill pick it up. But within an hour span, three people walked by wearing shirts with these slogans: DREAMLAND, DREAMER, LIVING THE DREAM. Now I know these are people who have their own lives. But I also know when we stand in this world as a dreamer, and the dreamed, messages will come like that which can shake our reality. Now that aint psychosis. Thats my "first neptune" talking. Seeing through the whole thing which is messages. I just nod to the double "Yeah I know - tell me something new!" And they certainly will do that. Cause I have my own mission.
We do not get abilities like this for just our own benefit. We have to use them toward the whole for others in some way. I did not get healing ability, foresight, or a strong clairaudience, claircognizance, or the ability to journey for only myself. I know this. And see, a lot of folks in my group get this as well. This is why spirit channeled to me to do the soul contract readings. One of my most important ones. The layout - all of it - my own. And that is so others can get those messages to get on track. But I digress. Even reading soma the last few days I feel like Im cheating them of knowledge - do I introduce the double so they can save themselves?
I dont know I do not know. I know Michaels "The Escapees Dilemma" is about that. This earth is school and a prison. But there is another world - and yes like the Allegory of the Cave - and its inside. Buddha closes his eyes and so do a lot of others - ITS INSIDE. Jesus said the kingdom of god is within - he said same thing - ITS INSIDE. So yes I do instruct folks to go inside all the time. But the physical world hooks folks on the outside, and does a very good job of it. And that shuts them off from the inner world. And that is the "heaven" part we have on "earth" in its own way. Folks look at clouds and rays coming down - yes its reflecting stuff - but its inside. A whole world within. But the physical world of suffering which is a dream, is compelling. Tho a dream. And yes its our tonal and we have to work and operate in it. But we have to awaken within it and see that we are a "dream" therefore there is no "I" really. Tho yes we are something. Death is real - ok no one argues with that. Death is real here and "there" it is. But we have to die before we die which yes we have to unhook from this its pure folly and shut it down.
Let me tell you something which happened cause most know Krishna showed up strong. Ash believes me! But one day my pc, which I had Wonder Woman her, actually her, in the background cause she is like my spirit animal. So something happened her image was just "gone" probably Krishna flowering around. So anyway I was trying to replace it with something else. I was sitting there and I was like "I want her happy" but I was trying to get it to save and then my pc did something weird. It somehow on its own, made her sword and shield my wallpaper. Yes. face gone, totally gone and I "knew" what Krishna was trying to say. "Shes inside." Its my face. And so the sword and shield are still my wall paper on the desktop. And that is one way I kind of wrecked the *I* in this tale. Who we are "inside" is who is really, the issue. Not what we necessarily "think" we are, but what "we just are." That nature as luminous beings.
So the double. I know I have one oh for flowering sure! Ive got that down and very thankful I do. This can be either masculine or feminine. Tho lately is more feminine its weird but can shift into either one. But I know that I was reading what michael said about like loving people but they are impermanent - many arent going to necessarily make it cause they will lose awareness - im totally paraphrasing. Our goal is to retain it and move past the eagle. It aint easy either I know. But I am considering somehow teaching on a bigger level the double - at least get folks to initiate it, create it, get it moving. Then maybe then they have a fighting chance.
Till then I am a character in a book who gets flowered with a lot, but can pull off some hard stunts and do some cool feats. And that is all she wrote for now.