Nick posted this in our Toltec Group:
"Every seeker dreams of a guide who knows ... but seldom asks himself objectively and sincerely - is he worthy of being guided? Is he ready to follow the way?
Go out one clear starlit night to some open space and look up at the sky, at those millions of worlds over your head. Remember that perhaps on each one of them swarm billions of beings similar to you or perhaps superior to you in their organization. Look at the Milky Way. The earth cannot even be called a grain of sand in this infinity. It dissolves and vanishes, and with it, you ...
Before all these worlds ask yourself what are your aims and hopes, your intentions and means of fulfilling them, the demands that may be made upon you and your preparedness to meet them ...
A long and difficult journey is before you; you are preparing for a strange and unknown land ...
Do not reckon on trying to come back. This experiment may cost you very dear ...
In a green meadow covered with abundant flowers, in the thick grass, a deep precipice is hidden ...
Do not forget to concentrate all your attention on the nearest sector of the way - do not concern yourself about far aims if you do not wish to fall over the precipice. Yet do not forget your aim ...
Remember where you are and why you are here ...
And now you can set out on the way."
~ Gurdjieff, 'Views from the Real World', pp. 57-59