love cornbread and so do birds! Do you have leftover from last night's supper? Crumble it onto a platform bird feeder and watch the birds make it disappear.
If you make a separate batch for the birds and add some additional ingredients, it'll be even more nutritous for them.
Get a package of cornbread mix. I use the cheapest package at the grocery store.
Prepare it as directed on the package except add an extra egg. Crumble the egg shells crumbled into the mixture also.
If the mixture is too dry, add a little more water.
Bake as directed on package. Cool.
Cut into serving size pieces. Freeze in small freezer bags until needed.
Defrost and crumble into pieces onto a platform feeder and watch your birds devour it!
Peanut butter is a favorite of many birds including Juncos, towhees, mockingbirds, even chickadees and native sparrows.
Melt 1 1/2 cup lard. You can also use meat drippings, bacon drippings or corn oil.
Mix in 1 1/2 cup chunky peanut butter. Stir until completely combined.
Stir in 5 cups of corn meal. You can use either white or yellow cornmeal.
Add 1 cup chopped nuts. You can use peanuts, walnuts, sunflower seeds (shelled).
Add 1/2 cup chopped dried fruit. You can use raisins, apples, etc.
If the mixture is not stiff, add more cornmeal. If it is too dry, add more peanut butter and lard.
Put into mesh bags (like onions come in from the store), or shape into cakes.
Hang the mesh bags or place the cakes into suet holders. You can also just place the suet on a platform feeder.
Cook up a bit of cereal, mix it with some goodies, and wow! Watch the birds go wild!
3 1/2 cups oatmeal
1 quart water
1 lb suet or lard
1 (12 oz) jar peanut butter, chunky
1 c. raisins or nuts
3 1/2 cups cornmeal
3 1/2 cups dry cream of wheat
Cook oatmeal in water for 2 minutes.
Remove and stir in suet and peanut butter until melted.
Add cornmeal and cream of wheat.
Cool until you can handle it.
Shape into cakes that will fit in your feeder.
Keep the cakes in a plastic bag in your freezer until the birds need another bit of Morning Madness.
Love pasta?? Birds do too! When fixing spaghetti, macaroni, pente, spirals, or any other pasta, cook up a bit more for your backyard friends.
Cook pasta as directed on package. If the pasta is long, break into smaller pieces before cooking.
Drain the pasta, and add enough vegetable oil to coat the pasta. I use corn or olive oil.
Soak raisins in warm water until they are puffed. Drain.
Add the raisins to the oiled pasta.
Add any canned or fresh fruits available. Make sure they are in small pieces and drained.
Put the cooled Italian Delight in a pan on the ground or in a low feeder.
Variation: After cooking and draining the pasta, mix peanut butter into the hot pasta so it melts and coats the pasta. Add raisins if you wish.
If you have any leftover pancake batter in the morning, make the extra into pancakes for your backyard birds. Or if you have a bit of time, make an entire batch, just for the birds.
Pour pancake batter onto griddle.
Sprinkle batter with nuts, raisins, or chopped dried fruit.
Cook the pancakes as usual on both sides.
Cool. Tear into pieces and serve on a platform feeder.
If you made extra pancakes, stack them with wax paper in between. Freeze in plastic bag until ready to use.