Author Topic: A New Earth  (Read 135 times)

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A New Earth
« on: February 01, 2024, 07:31:19 PM »
Now many of us, and teachers before us, have spoken of A New Earth, and a 3D and 5D “split.” It’s difficult to fathom. But… many of us, esp those who have been on a spiritual path some time, know it’s hard to comprehend. But…it’s happening.

But tonight, when I saw this man, who I have mad respect for, Shaolin Master Shi Zheng Yi say it? Oh damn! And it’s not like the man is a new ager per se.

It’s just bizarre. But many spiritualists, of all walks of life, are acknowledging this shift. So I’ll start this new thread on it. Let him open up with it.
"A warrior doesn't seek anything for his solace, nor can he possibly leave anything to chance. A warrior actually affects the outcome of events by the force of his awareness and his unbending intent." - don Juan
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Offline Firestarter

  • Rishi
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Re: A New Earth
« Reply #1 on: February 06, 2024, 03:27:00 PM »
So I was just listening to some of his videos. Hes got such good ones! Real good stuff.

But what he says in the above one about the shift, and a "natural" splitting of old vs new world. I dont know if he ever read Dolores Cannon. Maybe Eckhart Tolle. But obviously his philosophy is more Buddhist and Taoist. But when he says that this shift is happening in the monastery and "Inside of me..." Thats powerful and thats EXACTLY what Ive been feeling, esp since last year. Very powerfully. Like, there is no more procrastinating. Get affairs in order...NOW.

And he knows and I know this is occuring. But even myself, I dont claim to know what and how this will all transpire. I dont think any 144k'r totally knows themselves. We are just going with the flow. We know enough, be ready for this. We know enough, drop anything that weighs you down. Tie up all loose ends. Its almost like, just do all for the transition that you possibly can. No wasting time here!

I know it would seem that folks would want lovely peace on earth. But sadly there are those who want drama and are hooked on it. Or they are so knee deep in addictions or the various things which hook. And the Kpax saying has always stuck with me: "Everyone in the universe, knows right from wrong." We do, deep down. Oh folks can get misguided on beliefs and things. But basic, right from wrong. You dont need a book to tell you. You know it. Did people even need ten commandments here?

Anyway its interesting so last year I began the process and this year same deal. I am just examining all I have to do to make the shift and im taking it all seriously. I dont claim to know it all of course. I just know its happening, its in process and its gonna happen. I would be a shit spiritualist, if I couldnt interpret the "signs" man. And the signs are massive and flying at us, all over, constantly. Nonstop.

I just looked at clock for me its 8:24: Romans 8:24  "For in this hope we were saved. But hope that is seen is no hope at all. Who hopes for what they already have?"

With all before our eyes, I am still horrified how folks have been captured. WTF are they thinking? They need to be shaken awake,

"A warrior doesn't seek anything for his solace, nor can he possibly leave anything to chance. A warrior actually affects the outcome of events by the force of his awareness and his unbending intent." - don Juan


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