Finally read it. I had been meaning to. But I am glad I waited till now to read it. Like if I had picked it up 20 years ago, I am sure would like it. But being older now, I can relate to it much more. Like when he speaks of the river. I have a river very close, Columbia River. I have sat by it, or walked the trail of it, countless times. So yes it does "speak" I can relate to that. But I didnt expect the book to split Siddhartha from Buddha. That was interesting. And I do agree that we kind of do have to go through things and experience them, we make mistakes, sin, if you will. We are going to do that. But we hopefully will learn from it.
I also like he said you can gain knowledge from teachers but not wisdom. I agree. Wisdom is a deep inner deal between the person and spirit. You cant really teach that. I have said (my view) that wisdom is knowledge AND experience combined. So you can tell stories of experiences, sure. But folks arent going to really, truly understand, unless they experience for themselves.
Now I know Ive considered we do lives, are we sometimes a good guy or a bad guy or whatnot? I dont think anyone is supposed to necessarily turn into a bad guy like, I dont see it as all a "play" like Alan Watts says. Tho it can seem like it at times, the audacity of things. I do like the fact that Siddhartha does get past the deception all is a deception. The only deception is people and their bullshit getting in your head. Drop it all and I think folks can "see" the world.
But its good timing to read with all that is going on now. Now the thing is, also where I can relate. If the world, or country, was like this say ten years ago with all this bullshit going on, I would hate people, a lot. I would hate them and judge and be angry with them. I would, hands down. I would fall into the whole duality that the sinister force wants ALL to fall into, divide, and hate another side of people. But when I go to work, and I know im facing these people who are believing some outlandish stuff, I speak to them many are actually nice people. (Im not talking about the nazis, wonder woman doesnt like those, just regular people). But anyway, so I dont like seeing them duped like that, as it is. So I really dont hate them, or even dislike them. I feel sorry for them and fear for them, cause I know where all leads.
But then I know, all these experiences. Samsara and Nirvana are not separate from each other I already knew that, and you cant have one without the other.
And it just turned 1:44 my time.

But I also reflected my own mistakes I made times I gave into my own desires, and I dont think we can totally annhilate them. But we can manage them better. That we can do.
But yes him going into the world and getting lost in things like riches or lust or gambling. He knew it was poison and got free of it. But he had to walk into it to understand it, too.
But its a good one. Maybe I can say more later but im beat.