Another thing to add to the FI, I watched a movie called Bad Faith. Educating on the evangelical takeover of the political sphere in this country. It has been very systematic over the years, with pastors all over "linked in" and poisoning their congregations. There is no message about Jesus anymore. He is merely a lure and a tool. If a pastor is "actually" talking about his teachings, they are steering clear away from this satanic movement. The basics "Golden rule" or "love your enemy" or "bless those that curse you" is not adhered to. Now Dr. Martin Luther King Jr and the African American community actually did, just like Gandhi did, and they were able to make serious headway with oppressive governments. But both strategies involved loads of suffering. But these folks have made Jesus totally unrecognizable. Now God has always been made in man's image in this country, by many. He likes who they like, hates who they hate. They have no connection to any God. It's clear. Just not to the masses who follow these clowns. And they get rich, which should be, for many, the red flag, since Jesus was all about renouncing wealth and power in the matrix. But yes, this systematic deal these folks have done, is also, the FI. The only way a person can save themselves, is dare to take a solitary path to find the actual truth, which even truth, can be hard to find due to misinformation.
But it is not impossible.
This is going to be an interesting year. Have to see what transpires.