I was thinking I have many "I", many selves. Each one was created by some influence....I think....like I know I have a Shawn in me, and a Gary, a Lisa, and a Christina, each of them people I have known whom I have occasionally on accident or on purpose acted like and or identified with. I have a Nick and Nicholas, an Ian, a smart and an non-smart, a true and untrue, what I believe I am have told myself I am and what I really am or think I am.
Each identity has a history. I can recap when they developed in me, but where did they come from before me?
The me that is interested in liberal enjoyment, coffee shops, jazz, and the beat generation. Each of this interests have a history of their own...perhaps a life of their own, a spirit that imprints it's signature on me and I become identified to it...? Then do I partake in this living history, is this personal history united to the collective history or a people? Could some of my identities be French, Russian, German (even a Nazi?), or maybe Atlantian, or Hindu?
Then when we travel might we meet ourself in some other county? When we travel do we go to a particular place because the spirit of history we are connected to pulls us there?
How can we choose the direction that is best? What is the homeland of the soul?