Author Topic: The Art of Dreaming  (Read 311 times)

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Re: The Art of Dreaming
« Reply #15 on: September 10, 2024, 01:51:50 PM »
Ok I'm right at the end. Now this is interesting when I come to this. I read how he meets The Tenant. How he is then dreaming with Carol Tiggs, but don Juan states he dreamed with both the tenant and Carol Tiggs, they merged.

"It means that the death defier has seen her total way out. She caught a ride with you. Your fate is her fate...""

"Meaning that if you reach freedom so will she."

But this is also interesting here. This made me get up to type it out:

"The death defier's gift consists of endless dreaming possibilities. One of them was your dream of Carol Tiggs in another time, in another world; a more vast world, open-ended, a world where the impossible might even be feasible. The implication was not only that you will live those possibilities but that one day you will comprehend them."

THAT is quantum theory. That is speaking of timelines. CLEARLY.

Later Carlos says: "I was with the real Carol Tiggs at the hotel...for a moment, I myself believed she was the death defier, but after careful evaluation, I can't hold to that belief. She was Carol. In some obscure, awesome way she was at the hotel, as I was there at the hotel myself."

But don Juan says it was not Carol, but Carlos projected her. But Carol Tiggs is gone.

But we know she was around somewhere. But perhaps he meant her soul went with the sorcerers of intiquity?

So I wonder, as the death defier gave him countless dreaming possibilities, if Carlos never returned to the original timeline. It seems as such.

What a bizarre way for this to end!

"A warrior doesn't seek anything for his solace, nor can he possibly leave anything to chance. A warrior actually affects the outcome of events by the force of his awareness and his unbending intent." - don Juan
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Re: The Art of Dreaming
« Reply #16 on: September 10, 2024, 02:54:56 PM »
So trying to wrap my head around this. Don Juan said Carol Tiggs is gone. You would think she left “on the wings of intent.” But could it be, Carlos shifted and he actually left, going into a different timeline? I just feel like he didn’t return to the original one.
"A warrior doesn't seek anything for his solace, nor can he possibly leave anything to chance. A warrior actually affects the outcome of events by the force of his awareness and his unbending intent." - don Juan

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Re: The Art of Dreaming
« Reply #17 on: September 11, 2024, 11:38:16 AM »
So trying to wrap my head around this. Don Juan said Carol Tiggs is gone. You would think she left “on the wings of intent.” But could it be, Carlos shifted and he actually left, going into a different timeline? I just feel like he didn’t return to the original one.

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Re: The Art of Dreaming
« Reply #18 on: September 13, 2024, 04:51:32 AM »
Read this at 937pm 37%

I just got done commenting, last stats, Taylor Swift got like 337k folks to go to a voter registration site. I mean, I just put the post up and now saw this. :)
"A warrior doesn't seek anything for his solace, nor can he possibly leave anything to chance. A warrior actually affects the outcome of events by the force of his awareness and his unbending intent." - don Juan

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Re: The Art of Dreaming
« Reply #19 on: September 13, 2024, 04:58:25 AM »
Also a lot on this, and yes, I mainly picked it up again, one, spirit led to do so. But I wanted to wrap around shifting the AP. A bit more. I can shift it. But I want to do it without going flower all insane and returning back to sobriety. Now, I blame the double on those moments, hands down! I may "be" the double and the avatar both. But I don't need that shit!  ;D

Now I still am reading Being in Dreaming, also led to crack it open again. But I also need to re-read The Active Side of Infinity.

Shit I got two months basically, to get my house in order. Cause Soma, we gonna move. We have been moving. But we gotta "go big or go home" move before Pluto is done and sets its ass in Aquarius.

I also got a lot of ideas swirling on this Carol/Carlos deal. Anyone ever notice how similar their names are? I noticed that years ago.
"A warrior doesn't seek anything for his solace, nor can he possibly leave anything to chance. A warrior actually affects the outcome of events by the force of his awareness and his unbending intent." - don Juan

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Re: The Art of Dreaming
« Reply #20 on: September 13, 2024, 08:59:32 PM »
Well, I haven't read all this, at least since I read that book many time long ago, but I have a few points to prosecute.
Firstly, forget about Carol - poor woman got roped into the Carlos drama. As did so many others. Best forget about Carlos and his dupes.

Secondly, intent is not intend. Intend is a verb, and to say all one needs to do is practice is frankly inane. To lift intend from wish, hope, and casual will, requires a lifetime of building inner force. How to do that is the core precept of sorcery. I'm always flabbergasted at how many play at sorcery terms but rarely ask how they can become a reality.

Thirdly, the comment about the prevalence of female energy, put to lie the excesses of feminism. True, masculine energy in the vast past and current history of humanity has been unbelievably appalling - in fact I'd call it down-right evil. But there is something unique and preciously essential about masculine energy. I understand why women throw their hands in the air and reject the whole thing - I get it - but that's no answer. If humanity is to have a future, male energy must align with its spiritual intent. That's not just a job for men - women must play their role in forcing men to drop their stupid brutality and ignorance. I suppose, this will never happen and we are all doomed...

Fourthly, I am coming to realise why the path of human evolution veered away from the influence of priests and mystics, into the hands of rationalists and materialists. Mystics must of course, continue to play their essential role, but they caused so much havoc in the past that it was with excellent wisdom that the inner sanity of humanity rejected them.

In so many countries, the mystics cast humanity down such a dark hole, that people simply walked away but never forgot. In so many lands there is evidence of wonderful social arrangements, like the Hopewell Interactive Sphere on Turtle Island, only to be followed by the worst male atrocity of Cahokia. Or like Teotihuacan followed by Tenochtitlan in Mesoamerica. Even Chavín de Huantar terrifies me. The downfall was always accompanied by the mystical priestly caste who validated inhumanity on an insidious scale. Truly, humanity is better off without a mystical tradition, except, with that went supersensible meaning and purpose.
« Last Edit: September 14, 2024, 01:00:02 AM by Michael »

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Re: The Art of Dreaming
« Reply #21 on: September 14, 2024, 01:09:23 AM »
Yes there is things I can say about Carol. I think when I get home, ill grab "The Sorcerer's Apprentice." Tho I have felt somewhere in the middle is the truth, what happens in the church. I also am beginning Active Side of Infinity, cause Carlos gets cursed in it. ;) But I think on the masculine. If the masculine keeps continuing at the rate it is right now, which is getting more extreme, to suppress the feminine, they are going to be abandoned altogether. This energy, which is not just US, but all over, wanting to suppress and own the feminine and get her to deny her power, it's always lurking, but it is rearing its ugly head in a bad way. Then we have feminine leaders rising all over. I'll get more on this. What you say about dark mystics makes sense too cause they get drunk on power and miss the mark the original intent of their path.
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Re: The Art of Dreaming
« Reply #22 on: September 14, 2024, 04:32:32 AM »
Also I do want to address the whole feminine thing here. It is ironic don Juan says what he does, when Carlos got all weird in the end, which we cant dismiss. But what you said here is the true takeaway:

Secondly, intent is not intend. Intend is a verb, and to say all one needs to do is practice is frankly inane. To lift intend from wish, hope, and casual will, requires a lifetime of building inner force. How to do that is the core precept of sorcery. I'm always flabbergasted at how many play at sorcery terms but rarely ask how they can become a reality.

Yeah and I will speak on intent all the time. The thing is, we all DO have power within. But I know it is super hard to explain how to use it. It's a physical, mental, spiritual endeavor to even wield force. Now, I think when folks get real desperate - say if unskilled - but just desperate and it explodes from them. Things can happen (like the woman lifting a car off her toddler, despite the odds). But force is in us, and it has to be nurtured and built up. Imagining its there is not going to do it. I mean as it being a true force. But folks need to know its in them to be nurtured at all.

But a huge problem with folks: laziness. So many resort to magical thinking and no effects are made. Now I know you said practice need more than that. But practice will build it. But course we have to get past the practice stage and be putting shit to use.

I'll touch on the feminine later. I could write reems on that.
"A warrior doesn't seek anything for his solace, nor can he possibly leave anything to chance. A warrior actually affects the outcome of events by the force of his awareness and his unbending intent." - don Juan

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Re: The Art of Dreaming
« Reply #23 on: September 15, 2024, 06:11:48 AM »
Yeah so I pulled out The Sorcerers Apprentice. It’s the chapter The Truth Defier, what went on with Carol Tiggs in the church. Some weird exchange of energy. Somehow sexual with the Death Defier.

Now this is why, and other things, I feel in his last book, Active Side of Infinity, Don Juan said “I hope you find love” to Carlos. Plunged into a dumpster fire of IBs wrecking him in the infinite.

But I think Don Juan has a similar parallel to Jesus too (see my Crack in the Cosmic Egg post). I think Don Juan knew that Carlos could be weak to things. But I feel Don Juan wanted the books recorded. But he knew some bad things could occur. Jesus the same. He knew once he came out as he was, and had his warrior party spreading his message, it would get messed up too. He does say, it’s a narrow gate, and very few find it!

Now what Michael is saying, that women should not totally abandon the masculine. Looking at me running my group 8 years now. I have said countless times, it’s 85% women. Now I have to be somewhat lighter in there. A little bit. When it comes to the masculine, at least in the US, many are chomping at the bit this “alpha male” nonsense, and listening to that tired ass, played out Jordan Peterson, and the likes of him, the “poor man’s intellectual,” and they call that spirituality. So until these Whiney, crybaby alpha males stop their petty nonsense, and learn a thing or two, women have to stand alone in spirituality. The women are way far ahead of the game and “getting it” much faster these days. So until the crybabies drop JP and all the other c***s squawking about male superiority, this is where it sits. My two cents.
"A warrior doesn't seek anything for his solace, nor can he possibly leave anything to chance. A warrior actually affects the outcome of events by the force of his awareness and his unbending intent." - don Juan

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Re: The Art of Dreaming
« Reply #24 on: September 15, 2024, 07:25:18 AM »
I'm not sure how to feel about Carlos Castaneda anything. While I see something's true per experience the general vibe is dark and twisted. For a while I kept receiving the message Don Juan is a bully. This was in early 2023, I think.
I take what I can from what's written if it is alignment to my experiences but I don't trust it at all.

I have had more issues in Carlos realm of things than I even had as a Christian. Christianity suffocates the true self and spirit but Carlos is a whirlwind of flowerery soup satan himself made that would make people run back to religion because it -feels- safer.

I will not elaborate further 😂

I do question a lot of humanity is lost entirely. I don't see a way for humanity to make any correct turns. I'm not saying impossible..... But I know there's so many perspectives, stories, beliefs, ect for humanity to come together as a whole. Then we are being forced to reincarnate over and over as well planned out four-course meals.

Masculine and feminine energy is out of balance in many ways.
The masses are not awake and they have the bulk of the collective so....I feel that's an issue.
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Re: The Art of Dreaming
« Reply #25 on: September 15, 2024, 07:43:08 AM »
I'm not sure how to feel about Carlos Castaneda anything. While I see something's true per experience the general vibe is dark and twisted. For a while I kept receiving the message Don Juan is a bully. This was in early 2023, I think.
I take what I can from what's written if it is alignment to my experiences but I don't trust it at all.

I have had more issues in Carlos realm of things than I even had as a Christian. Christianity suffocates the true self and spirit but Carlos is a whirlwind of flowerery soup satan himself made that would make people run back to religion because it -feels- safer.

I will not elaborate further 😂

I do question a lot of humanity is lost entirely. I don't see a way for humanity to make any correct turns. I'm not saying impossible..... But I know there's so many perspectives, stories, beliefs, ect for humanity to come together as a whole. Then we are being forced to reincarnate over and over as well planned out four-course meals.

Masculine and feminine energy is out of balance in many ways.
The masses are not awake and they have the bulk of the collective so....I feel that's an issue.

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"A warrior doesn't seek anything for his solace, nor can he possibly leave anything to chance. A warrior actually affects the outcome of events by the force of his awareness and his unbending intent." - don Juan
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