Wow ok!
So I’m toward the end. Gurdijeff is giving hard warnings on evolution. He did not seem to confident the whole of humanity to evolve. But per things I’m seeing, and warning about:
“Are we able to say that aspirations toward unity, towards unification, can be observed in life? Nothing of the kind of course. We only see new divisions, new hostility, new misunderstandings.
So that in actual situation of humanity there is nothing that points to evolution proceeding. On the contrary when we compare humanity with a man we quite clearly see a growth of personality at the cost of essence, that is, a growth of the artificial, the unreal, and what is foreign, at the cost of the natural, the real, and what is one’s own.
Together with this we see a growth of automatism.
Contemporary culture requires automatons. And people undoubtedly losing their acquired habits of independence and turning into automatons, into parts of machines. It is impossible to say where is the end of all this and where is the way out-
Or whether there is an end and a way out. One thing alone is certain, that man’s slavery grows and increases. Man is becoming a willing slave. He no longer needs chains. He begins to grow fond of his slavery, to be proud of it. And this is the most terrible thing that can happen to a man.”
He wrote this during the Industrial Revolution when man worked with machines. But this Era we are in, the talk of AI and Transhumanism, man may completely give into this.