Author Topic: Crow  (Read 332 times)

Offline Jennifer-

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« on: June 01, 2007, 10:56:51 PM »
I am Crow!
I am the west direction- Wiyopiyata. The color of the west is black as are my feathers. I am the color of the night. Black is the womb in which the new is born and the old return.

Crow is watchful and warns other crows and animals of danger. I have a voice that does not sing but can speak many things to those who take the time to listen. I am adaptable to my environment. I work together with my brother and sister crows.

If you look deeply into Crows eye you will find a gateway to the supernatural. Crow knows the unknowable mysteries of creation and is the keeper of sacred law. Crow is protector of the ancient records, and it is said that the Creators Book of the Law is bound in Crow feathers. Crow is truth!

Crow is an omen of change. Crow lives in the void and has no sense of time. The Ancient Chiefs tell us that Crow sees all, the past, present and future. Crow merges the light and dark of the the inner and outer reality, Crow travels freely between the world of the seen and unseen.

In China crows are worshipped and considerd a symbol of solitude. To the Celts, the crow was symbol of creation. In biblical lore the prophet Elijah was fed by crows while hiding in the wilderness. In the Norse tradition, the God Odin had two crows for messengers.
Crows are everywhere hear their call.

Crow reminds us to be mindful of our opinions and actions.
Be willing to walk your talk, speak your truth.

Wherever Crow is, there is magic! See me fly.

Without constant complete silence meditation - samadi - we lose ourselves in the game.  MM

Offline Michael

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Re: Crow
« Reply #1 on: August 25, 2007, 01:31:26 PM »
i just heard on the radio - on the science program - that crows and parrots are cleverer than dogs and dolphins


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Re: Crow
« Reply #2 on: August 25, 2007, 02:53:51 PM »
There was a documentary about how clever birds are and crows came out as the deep thinkers of the flying species.

It was shown how one crow learned to crack nuts. First, it tried with its beak - nothing. Then it started dropping it. Initially, it tried to drop it on rocks, but it rarely worked. Then it learned that dropping nuts on road is more effective - cars would crack them. Yet it was dangerous to go and pick the bits up while cars moved. Hence, the crow learned to use traffic lights. It dropped the nuts on the road near traffic lights when green was on and picked the bits up while red light stopped the cars.

Offline Michael

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Re: Crow
« Reply #3 on: August 25, 2007, 04:50:57 PM »
yep, that'd be right


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Re: Crow
« Reply #4 on: August 25, 2007, 10:13:41 PM »
In the Norse tradition, the God Odin had two crows for messengers.
Crows are everywhere hear their call.

Crows in the form of Ravens. Oden (Wodan) had two Ravens named Hugin and Munin (Håg and Minne), best translated to "Mind" and "Memory". It is said that he let these two birds fly out over the world in the morning and that they returned every evening and told him what they had seen.

Odin is the shaman of the shamans, he sacrificed himself to his self by going dead for seven days. He has only one eye because he let the other into the well of Mimer in return for all knowledge and wisdom. Most of the other gods are sons or daughters of Odin and Freja. So is for instance Thor, the god of Thunder, a son of Odin. The name of the days are from Norse mythology if you didn't know.

Tuesday comes from Tyr another son of Odin, Wednesday is Wodans day, the day of Odin, Thursday is Torsdag Thors day and Friday is Frejas day. Freja is the goddess of everything that grow, Freja comes of the word Frö that means Seed.

Odin also had two wolwes and a horse Slepiner that had eight legs.


Offline Michael

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Re: Crow
« Reply #5 on: August 25, 2007, 10:47:33 PM »
I had a wonderful old book of Myths from my mother's side - I used to love reading about Thor and Odin, and who was the bad guy? chained to a rock where some bird came every so rarely and did something - there were great pictures. It was such a treasure for a young mind!

Offline Jennifer-

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Re: Crow
« Reply #6 on: August 25, 2007, 11:00:56 PM »
Without constant complete silence meditation - samadi - we lose ourselves in the game.  MM

Offline Jennifer-

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Re: Crow
« Reply #7 on: August 25, 2007, 11:05:52 PM »
Without constant complete silence meditation - samadi - we lose ourselves in the game.  MM

Offline Jennifer-

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Re: Crow
« Reply #8 on: August 25, 2007, 11:09:06 PM »

Without constant complete silence meditation - samadi - we lose ourselves in the game.  MM

Offline Angela

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Re: Crow
« Reply #9 on: August 26, 2007, 02:04:05 AM »
Beautiful artwork! :)  Thanks Jen!

« Last Edit: August 26, 2007, 02:37:25 AM by Serafina »
"If you stop seeing the world in terms of what you like and dislike, and saw things for what they truly are, in themselves, you would have a great deal more peace in your life..."


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Re: Crow
« Reply #10 on: August 26, 2007, 02:48:58 AM »
I had a wonderful old book of Myths from my mother's side - I used to love reading about Thor and Odin, and who was the bad guy? chained to a rock where some bird came every so rarely and did something - there were great pictures. It was such a treasure for a young mind!

Loke was the bad guy or their trickster, buecause these gods didn't know about evil or any hell. Loke is a kind of shadow and he has done many funny things too. To arrange to kill Balder with an arrow, the beloved god, was not that appreciated though. So therefore he got this punishment. He has been chained in a cave with a snake above him that drips venom.  His wife stood there by his side to hold a cup to collect it. When she has to empty the cup the earth trembles of the pain and shiver from old Loke. As it is the end of this cycle in Mans history Loke is now set free. Höder the blind god got the message to find him and to release him.

Now Loke will join the other gods to fight in the Ragnarök which is our North version of the Acocalypse.

« Last Edit: August 26, 2007, 02:51:32 AM by Jahn »

Offline Michael

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Re: Crow
« Reply #11 on: August 26, 2007, 08:19:09 AM »
Yes, Balder! now I remember - Balder is Dead, Balder is Dead!

Ah, great stories.


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Re: Crow
« Reply #12 on: August 26, 2007, 06:22:13 PM »
Yes, Balder! now I remember - Balder is Dead, Balder is Dead!

Ah, great stories.

Perhaps he is dead, perhaps not. Balder was shot dead. He was used as a target when these gods were training archery. He was used as target because he was like Akilles, he couldn't be hurt. But Loke found out that this gift was a deal with all living trees and species of which wepons of those days were made. But they had forget to ask the mistletoe. So Loke made an arrow of that and put forward when Höder, the blind god should fire an arrow. So far the books ...

What I have been told in a series of out of body sessions is that Höder has a extreme sense of smell and he knew that it was not Balder that he aimed at that day. This is because Oden had found out that Loke was up to something, asking every tree if they had a deal about Balder. Oden never attained the younger gods archery training and many ofthese gods was masters in the art of doing a disguise, especially Loke, Oden and Thor. Par example, Imagine Thor as a bride!. So Oden takes the place of Balder and when Höder aim the killing arrow he is the only one that know that he is actually aiming at Odin himself. The others "see" Balder but Höder "smells" that it is Oden.

Odin had died before so this was just another round. So I have been told. But it matters nothing more than I know that Loke is set free by Höder.

« Last Edit: August 26, 2007, 06:24:57 PM by Jahn »

Offline Michael

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Re: Crow
« Reply #13 on: August 26, 2007, 07:54:56 PM »
That is interesting. the Balder is Dead comes from one of the stories, after we read we went around for days saying that.

Bringing up these myths reminds me of how much I was influenced by these stories. Much more than the Greek or even English. Don't know why, but I feel it has something to do with the wild strength of them. I have always been attracted to stronger foods. Odin's one eye struck me when I was young - that with it he could see into the other world. Thor and Loki also were so fascinating. Xero's brother even called his son Thor. But I was also strangely attracted to Loki for some reason I can't explain - like he was the wild black sheep. Not evil in heart, just wanted to stick it up the bum of all the 'proper' goody-goody family members (like Balder) - I think I was also like that.

Odin was so much more interesting than Zeus.

It is like I was so much more attracted to the wilds of Scotland than the pleasant England. I hitchhiked all around Scotland in my youth, and vividly recall standing on a wind swept desolate road beneath the treeless mystical craggy hills, for hours. Loved it!

Offline Turquoisecrow

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Re: Crow
« Reply #14 on: September 26, 2007, 12:02:01 PM »
This morning crow woke me three times with caw, caw caw..Same word over and over..They are very communicative in their sounds.Living here in woods with them , I know what sounds mean with each and every one of them. They are the most resourceful birds always..Nothing will fool a crow. When I first moved here , I called them up and they all circled above me , checking me out..I can make a sound just like them..To my surprise as I was looking up at sky at them hovering to see what I was in my call, I felt a sting on my hand..It was a honey bee stinging the living heck of out me..At that moment , I thought aha you crows have the way of life around here , I am just a being that needs to learn respect for everything here in this new forest..A stunning way to get it, with being stung by the honey bee, yet as look towards sky calling to crows , remember what is around you in the elements at all times..Crows rule the forest around here..


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