Personal Power
DJ: “It doesn’t matter what one reveals or what one keeps to oneself,” he said. “Everything we do, everything we are, rests on our personal power. If we have enough of it, one word uttered to us might be sufficient to change the course of our lives. But if we don’t have enough personal power, the most magnificent piece of wisdom can be revealed to us and that revelation won’t make a damn bit of difference.”
“I’m going to utter perhaps the greatest piece of knowledge anyone can voice,” he said. “Let me see what you can do with it.
“Do you know that at this very moment you are surrounded by eternity? And do you know that you can use that eternity if you so desire?”
[having pointed at the horizon] “Do you know that you can extend yourself forever in any of the directions I have pointed to?” he went on. “Do you know that one moment can be eternity? This is not a riddle; it is a fact, but only if you can mount that moment and use it to take the totality of yourself forever in any direction.”
“You didn’t have this knowledge before,” he said, smiling. “Now you do. I have revealed it to you, but it doesn’t make a bit of difference, because you don’t have enough personal power to utilize my revelation. Yet if you did have enough personal power, my words alone would serve as the means for you to round up the totality of yourself and get the crucial part of it out of the boundaries in which it is contained.”
--=Carlos Castaneda, Tales of Power
CC: “What happens if one doesn’t have enough power?”
DJ: “Death is always waiting, and when the warrior’s power wanes death simply taps him. Thus, to venture into the unknown without power is stupid. One will only find death.”
--=Carlos Castaneda, Journey To Ixtlan
DJ: “We are luminous beings,” he said. “And for a luminous being only personal power matters. But if you ask me what personal power is, I have to tell you that my explanation will not explain it.”
--=Carlos Castaneda, Tales of Power