Love and heart are parts of any path. No real path is without a heart.
Yet, how sure are you about love being the way in deepening darkness, self-destruction, and mass murder of nature and species around us?
Growing violence and chaos seem to require very much the ability of a warrior to walk the path of war - without a slightest concern and with a total self-abandonment.
In dreamers language: everyone can dream alive; the trick is to dream when dead.
Yes, it's an interesting point you make Juhani. Firstly, lets be clear that everyone needs a bit of every path. But what I am referring to is the stamp of an age. Every age has had "darkness, self-destruction, and mass murder of nature and species", except perhaps the fabled age of pure dharma, if such an age existed. There is however, something about this current age. It is not characterised by the fire of the spirit, in good or evil. It is characterised by malaise.
In visual terms, the egg shape has given way to the ball - the top of the energetic 'egg' has disappeared. We live in the age of mediocrity, of the middle class, of conventionality, of convenience, where quality is replaced by 'good enough'. The enemy we face is not Dionysus but Ahriman, not passion but the 'lie'.
In such an age as this, the warrior cannot draw power from his adversary, as is the way of warriors. Think of the ages of the warrior, in Japan, in Rajasthan, in Rome, in Zululand. These were times when fighting had dignity as well as brutality. Today it is only brutality.
Any person may belong to the current or a past age, but for the bulk of people in today's age, love is the only refuge. Just look at all the dominant religions, or religious themes that have vast popular support, and you'll see they all speak of love in one way or another.
Unfortunately, all that is also a lie. But it doesn't mean that people can't seek and find pure love. It's just that in such an age as this, the age of the two-way mirror, it is harder than ever to find what the path of love really means.