Author Topic: Traveling Between Worlds  (Read 66 times)


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Traveling Between Worlds
« on: December 05, 2007, 06:15:47 AM »
Im reading this book, Traveling Between the Worlds which interviews some various shamans (or so called for all I know, tho so far the shamans interviewed seem legit). Such as the author from Urban Shaman is also interviewed.

One of the shamans who was interviewed in the book, made an interesting comparison between sorcerers and shamans. I think it does have some validity, and sort of connects to what Michael has been saying about 'free gift' and love, even if he did, twist my quote around, ;) but Im still waiting on a reply about that! :)

The shaman, the individual stated (name escapes, sorry its in the book), their path is to be of service for others via Spirit. They are very similar to sorcerers (and yes, they referenced CC and DJ), however, their path and main objective is geared toward helping others, and it was 'because they can.' This, when I was reading it, rang off some chimes in my head. Im not, certainly, stating I am a shaman, by any means. However, there is several times, or occasions (and there's a recent incident I dont want to go into for now, cause it wasnt really a healing issue but justice one, unrelated to roomie), which that rang in my head. Do it, why? Because I can. The other thing which I did appreciate the individual stating was, that when she's had folks come to her and say "I want to be a shaman" she dismisses them, not to be mean, but its because "no individual" in their right mind, would 'want' to be a shaman. Because of all it entails. Such as taking that death, then still, crossing through that pathway, and still having to do whatever work needed to be done to heal another, as well as risking getting themselves sick, or going nutty in the process.

But the sorcerer, their path is similar, in they do similar workings, however, it is for their own personal growth and benefit. Now, that wasnt listed as some 'bad' or 'selfish' thing, its just, a sorcerer is what they are. However, through various workings Ive come across, one of the main battles of that particular path, while one can gain for the self, and it may even be their path, because it is so self-geared, it could become self-indulgent, overly, the work, and the taste of power, can become an endless, unquenchable thirst, especially if thats all it becomes about. "Energy" for the sake of it, for the self. "Power, concerving or attaining power for the self." And while they both, shaman and sorcerers, have similar abilities, even, because of these vital differences, really, not only none is better than the other, or more or less dangerous than the other, its up to them. However, the sorcerer path, has more risk of someone 'losing themselves' on it, than the shaman path.

Sure, you already are going to 'lose yourself' to a degree. But even as I was reading that horrible book by Amy Wallace, The Sorcerer's Apprentice, CC definitely went down that dark road  with the whole Toltec business, and probably scarred his own path up, even after death, for quite some time. The more power he gained, the more insecure and paranoid he became, and perhaps this is why I presented the question, when is it about breaking self-importance, or breaking the will? Because Tesengery(sp im tired kids), became a group about doing just that, breaking the will of others, because he became so incredibly weak willed in the end, and lost sight of the path. He's going to have to pay for that on down the road.

But in reading that, and those statements, on sorcerery and shamanism, it rings true. Whilst he did toss around the word 'shaman' once in awhile, while in the earlier books he defined warriors from sorcerers, he definitely succumbed to sorcery and got trapped into a self-important, destructive rut, and took others with him on that disasterous road.

Anyways, the tough part, tho of either path, which is you either are, or arent, a sorcerer or shaman. You cant just 'choose' to become it, you either are or are not. You may find yourself being it - but thats only cause you already were in the first place.


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I Was Carlos Castaneda
« Reply #1 on: December 05, 2007, 06:24:58 AM »

“People asked if my teacher Don Juan really existed. Of course he did. How could I have woken up without him? A sprinkling of Datura, a dash of Peyote, a swill of water, and traces of the jungle were back in my system. The sap rose with me again.

Others said that my books are filled with invention. The dunderheads. They are blind to their own civilization and they dare to question mine? I move my life to their arid deserts so that my imagination has space to work, to recapture the essence of a truer life in words that entertain them, then they dare to use imagination as a dirty word? I spit on them. What are all the books filled with that they revere so much? Imagination. /…/

How can I go in front of people as a writer, a personality, a personage, when I know that this body they want to pay homage to is just an empty shell?

I have ten books out in the world. They appear n many languages, in many million of copies. Do you imagine it needs ten books to say all that I have to say? Do you think it cannot all be said in the conversations between ourselves? Of course it can. Each book repeats itself, and then each book repeats the other. People thrive on repetition. They are so swamped with meaningless drivel that books are like amusement parks. There is nothing to take in but they come along for the ride. I figure if I keep writing they’ll take the ride for longer. Who knows, if I keep their attention for long enough they might catch sight of the reality behind all those words. What is that reality? I call it a Separate Reality, but that of course is another of my lies. Reality is reality, and it’s our book-reading society that is separate from it.

Then I am dying, and I realize I am a fool. I have kept myself out of the public eye, but I forgot about the public imagination. Millions on millions of people know my name, and each have an impression of me. For some I am like god, for others a charlatan, it makes no difference. There is this gargantuan figure out there, a being called Carlos Castaneda, who is far from imaginary. He finds his source in my life and work, end is fed by the energy of hordes.

My life was passing and I screamed and cursed. People said it was the pain of cancer, but they are fools. I saw the terror of my life force tethered forever to this puffed-up pain-filled ghost. I die but the distorted Castaneda of people’s imaginations will live on and drag me with it. O live in the public imagination, Martin, believe me that is damnation. It is fire and brimstones. Of course I screamed and cursed.

And so I have come back. How I did so, a agreed, we leave till later. Why is very simple. I have two tasks. One to reclaim the boy Carlos as part of myself and so be free to leave his world behind. The other, to somehow deflate the public image of me and replace it with something I can bring myself to live with. Or die with.”

He chuckles, sniffs the whisky one more time, then downs it in one gulp. His eyes shine as he holds out the glass for more.

From: I was Carlos Castaneda – the Afterlife dialogues by Martin Goodman


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Re: Traveling Between Worlds
« Reply #2 on: December 05, 2007, 10:05:39 AM »
This writing, is it claimed as channeled, Jahn?


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