this is some of the core wisdom in this film which attracted some people. however i would wager it's not the reason the film became famous - it was only a clever plot feature for a popular audience.
I was quite taken by this aspect (you quote) of the film myself. I only saw the first one, because I was completely turned off by two things.
one the grungy space ship which the freedom fighters were in - that to me is simply wrong. the people in this world who are fighting the hardest against the matrix live in beauty - in fact it's the familiarisation and accustomisation to grunge and what I see as the leeching of quality from our lives, that is one of the best tools of the matrix - it is a strange combination of watching flashy stylised stuff on TV while your house is a dump, or worse, a clean and bland cell just like all the rest down the street. Homes without beauty or personality.
second, and this really did it for me, all the gun shooting. I can't stand that stuff, its so brute low-brow banality. That also is one of the best tools of the matrix.
This left me in a very strange mood. Here was a film score that was talking about ripping the veil of illusion from our eyes, and yet what did it do? who did it attract? not the hippies living off in the hills smoking dope, playing their own music and meditating. no, it attracted the 'with-it', the 'go-get-em', the spiffy the smart the young kids who think they are all those things - the people who desire to live in our new Star-Wars film set world, like Hong Kong. And that is the matrix - the rejection of the natural, the organic, the home-grown, the ramshackle beauty.
So how am I to fit these two aspect together? on one hand here is a film, after so long, that really wanted to get dug into the truth behind our world, and then off they went and sealed it's viewers further into it by all that modern bullshit and worse, some stupid scene where the hero dodges millions of bullets. I nearly walked out right then. Precisely why the US was loosing the war in Iraq (ps, did you hear they may now be winning it? - now they have put a counter-insurgency guy in charge).
Counter-insurgency? well I'm an insurgent. I studied this in my youth and have been fighting in the hills ever since. I see a film that seems to speak to our dwindling cohort, but then I walk our confused and uncertain - have I been betrayed or validated?
OK, I'll add something on the subject.
This is my most favourite song ever, and it's not mine. One either immediately recognises these words, or is on the other side. This song sums up so much of my life - so much emotion, it is like a secret anthem for me:
The Partisan
When they poured across the border
I was cautioned to surrender,
this I could not do;
I took my gun and vanished.
I have changed my name so often,
I've lost my wife and children
but I have many friends,
and some of them are with me.
An old woman gave us shelter,
kept us hidden in the garret,
then the soldiers came;
she died without a whisper.
There were three of us this morning
I'm the only one this evening
but I must go on;
the frontiers are my prison.
Oh, the wind, the wind is blowing,
through the graves the wind is blowing,
freedom soon will come;
then we'll come from the shadows.
Les Allemands e'taient chez moi,
[The Germans were at my home]
ils me dirent, "Signe toi,"
[They said, "Sign yourself,"]
mais je n'ai pas peur;
[But I am not afraid]
j'ai repris mon arme.
[I have retaken my weapon.]
J'ai change' cent fois de nom,
[I have changed names a hundred times]
j'ai perdu femme et enfants
[I have lost wife and children]
mais j'ai tant d'amis;
[But I have so many friends]
j'ai la France entie`re.
[I have all of France]
Un vieil homme dans un grenier
[An old man, in an attic]
pour la nuit nous a cache',
[Hid us for the night]
les Allemands l'ont pris;
[The Germans captured him]
il est mort sans surprise.
[He died without surprise.]
Oh, the wind, the wind is blowing,
through the graves the wind is blowing,
freedom soon will come;
then we'll come from the shadows.
and for those who can:
The PartisanI too will die without surprise ... into the wind.