Chet Day presents
EarthRain Meditations
Musings on Letting Go for Peace of Mind
March 7, 2008
Dear Kris:
For today's meditation, we turn an ear to Robert Linssen,
author of "Living Zen," who writes...
Being incapable of conjugating the verb "to
be," we conjugate instead the verb "to have."
But as the verb "to have" can lead us nowhere
for nothing lasting can be acquired, we seek
indefinitely "to have more." Such is the
source of our enslavement.
Biting into this one is like biting into a lemon, isn't
Embrace a moment right now and do our usual centering
technique of taking three long, slow deep breaths.
Do that right now before reading the rest.
Now, ask yourself which is more important, "to be" calm and
centered and at peace as you are right now, in this moment,
or to spend your life running around like a chicken with
its head cut off, constantly over-working, over-wanting,
and over-striving "to have" more.
To be in this moment, right now.
It's better, isn't it?
Until next time,
Chet Day
Editor, EarthRain Meditations<<chuckles>>
Chet was moving along just fine until he finished with 'it's better.' Contradicts, to me, what he stated above. Maybe he did that on purpose.
Just my two cents worth
