Author Topic: Raven  (Read 144 times)

tangerine dream

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« on: February 03, 2008, 03:03:22 AM »
I forgot to mention the other day after writing a poem about it and then stepping outside to have a Raven circle me and swoop down over my head...

That as he dove toward me, I said "Hi, Raven; and he answered back "haw!"
In his beautiful Raven voice.

And this reminded me to tell you all that the Ravens have been speaking to me lately.  Sometimes they use their Raven voices and caw or cluck to me.   Other times they speak to me telepathically in feelings or impulses.  But occasionally they have spoken to my mind using human words.

Just a little while ago, I looked up, knowing that they were trying to tell me something, there were two of them.  And I heard them, as clear as day say "Lori-ann" with human voices.  And once, the big Daddy Raven said my name in caws and clucks.  ;D
Kind of amazing isn't it?

Not sure if I posted the story about when the big Daddy Raven dropped me a gift.  If not, I will find it and post it here in this thread.  I feel blessed!
love you all

« Last Edit: February 03, 2008, 03:08:03 AM by tangerine dream »

Offline Jennifer-

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Re: Raven
« Reply #1 on: February 03, 2008, 03:29:46 AM »
 :-* Beautiful!

Without constant complete silence meditation - samadi - we lose ourselves in the game.  MM


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Re: Raven
« Reply #2 on: February 03, 2008, 04:57:26 AM »


tangerine dream

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Re: Raven
« Reply #3 on: February 04, 2008, 05:36:19 AM »
Did you take that photo, Jahn?
He is absolutely gorgeous!

Here's a pic of one of the Ravens when he was just a wee little bird.  I don't have any pics of them now that they are big, yet.

tangerine dream

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Raven's gift
« Reply #4 on: February 04, 2008, 05:51:00 AM »

I had an awesome experience with a raven friend of mine one beautiful day in May. There are two beautiful Ravens here in Thunder Bay that I fell madly and completely in love with and they have babies.  I love them all, but the daddy one I've grown especially fond of and close to.  I feel as though we are family somehow.  When I see him, or feel him flying over head I get an intense full, pulling sensation that starts in my heart but spreads out and washes over my entire body.  A couple of days ago i was watching him at one of our usual meeting places and he flew over me really low as he often does.

And just in front of me he dropped something.  It landed about 10ft away from where I was standing in awe.  So I kept my eye on it and walked over to see what it was.  I was excited, ama xed to see that he had dropped me a beautiful stone!  It was a small piece of pinkish-grey uart-like stone that resembled the shape of a raven's head.

I picked up the stone and felt it in my hand.  I could feel the Raven on it and in it.  I could feel how his beak picked it up and how he carried it in his mouth.  I thanked him and cried and cried, overjoyed and completely in awe of such a gorgeous creature!

I stood there by the field and just watched him for a while until he flew over me again.  And this time he flew down and around so low I could feel the wind from his wings brushing the hair on the top of my head.

When he came back to the field, I watched him for quite a while more.  He was with his mate now and they were picking worms out of the grass.  He talked to me a bit.  So I listened.
Amazing birds they are!

Then I noticed something new about ravens that they do which is very unique.
They open their beaks and tip their heads back, and ruffle their neck feathers a bit.  From a distance it seems like they just moving, not making a sound
but when you're close enough you can hear that they are making a low, slow, quiet almost cat-like purring sound coupled with a windlike whispery-whistle
Ravens are beautiful beings!


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Re: Raven
« Reply #5 on: February 04, 2008, 05:54:02 AM »
WOW! A gift from a raven ... that is so awesome.


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Re: Raven
« Reply #6 on: February 04, 2008, 06:30:06 AM »
WOW! A gift from a raven ... that is so awesome.

Very awesome, I would even say close to magic!


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Re: Raven
« Reply #7 on: February 04, 2008, 06:31:25 AM »
Did you take that photo, Jahn?
He is absolutely gorgeous!

I have only taking the pic of my avatar and that is one of the crows that honor my garden.  :)


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Re: Raven
« Reply #8 on: February 04, 2008, 06:32:26 AM »
Very awesome, I would even say close to magic!


tangerine dream

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Re: Raven
« Reply #9 on: February 27, 2008, 10:20:56 AM »
Just now I went for a walk with the kids outside.  We went to Subway for a dinner treat. (Heh, the house is clean and I didn't feel like messing up dishes!).
It was a beautiful sunny day for a walk.  I was delighted to have the company of the three small ravens all during our walk.  The small ones, babies of the Daddy Raven I am so fond of, met us almost right outside our door and flew low above us nearly the whole way.  They did quite the acrobatic show, rolling and tumbling and touching each other's toes and beaks in the air.  A great way to end my day and what a marvelous sign that everything is good and just going to get better!  Thank you Spirit!

Offline Nichi

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How Ravens Came To Be Black
« Reply #10 on: March 28, 2014, 05:23:23 AM »
How Ravens Came To Be Black

Once upon a time and long ago, Odin was walking under the branches of Yggdrasil when two ravens swooped down and settled upon his shoulders. The raven on his left was white as the mists of Niflheim (for back then, all ravens were white), and his eyes mirrored the clouds. The raven on his right glistened in the sun like the snows of Jotunheim, and looked at him with bright clear eyes. And Odin called the raven to his right Hugin, which is Thought, and the other one he named Munin, which means Memory.

As the days passed, Hugin and Munin matched the Allfather’s curiosity for everything in the Nine Worlds, flying around and watching and listening to whatever they could, and in the evenings, they returned to him to tell him all they had seen and heard in the long hours of the day. They told him about the slow thoughts of the mountains, the colorful and ever-changing memories of men, and the sound of the song in the heart of everything that lives.

And though Odin delighted in the knowledge they brought, he always felt they had missed something, and he said, “That was much, but not yet enough. Tomorrow you must fly again. Try to rest now.” And the ravens slept uneasily, not knowing what they had missed, and every morning, they flew out again.

There came one of many evenings after another long day when they had once again seen all that Sunna’s shine could show, had listened to all men’s bright thoughts in Midgard, and read their waking memories, when Hugin said to Munin, “We cannot return yet. It is not enough. We must go farther.” And they flew on into the night.

And Hugin flew through the dark dreams of mankind and heard their thoughts which they dared not think during the daytime, not even before themselves. He winged through the black void between the stars where there was nothing at all, and on to the twilight world of the future, where there is equally nothing and everything at once. And when he returned, his feathers, from tip to tip, were black as the night.

And Munin flew through the minds of men into the shady corners and cellars where they had hidden all the things they did not like, and locked them away, saying “I do not remember.” He soared through the sightless void of Ginnungagap, and on and on until he arrived at the ashes of Ragnarok which obscured this age from the next. And when he returned, his feathers, from beak to tail, were as black as soot.

The ravens returned to Odin just before the break of morning, when the night is at its darkest, and when they settled back on his shoulders, he knew all that they had seen, and they did not need to tell. And he understood what had been missing, and nodded, and said, “It is much, and it is enough. For tonight. You may rest.” And the ravens blinked drowsily into the first rays of the rising sun which glinted on their now black feathers, tucked their beaks under their wings, and slept very well.

Since that time, all ravens have been seen to be as black as a shadow on a starless night. Very rarely it happens that somebody catches a glimpse of a white raven, and should you ever be lucky enough to see one, you’ll know that you have wandered far off and back into the land of memory, before ravens came to be black.

© Michaela Macha
Not here, not there, but everywhere - always right before your eyes.
~Hsin Hsin Ming


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