Author Topic: Woodswalk and hoping for a sign Sunday Feb 10  (Read 145 times)


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Woodswalk and hoping for a sign Sunday Feb 10
« on: February 11, 2008, 03:52:37 AM »
« Last Edit: April 07, 2008, 07:47:15 AM by . »

Offline Quantum Shaman

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Re: Woodswalk and hoping for a sign Sunday Feb 10
« Reply #1 on: February 11, 2008, 05:29:03 AM »
What an awesome accounting, Chance!  :)  So much to talk about, so I'm just going to jump in the middle and ramble for a bit.

Your request for a turtle shell from spirit reminds me of some of my own experiments in creating reality 101.  I've written about it over at TSW and back on the old Delphi forum, but in a nutshell,  I wanted to determine to WHAT extent we create our own reality, and many of the manifestations which came were virtually instantaneous and all but unbelievable - even to me.  *smiles* 

Just this morning, I was looking for a crochet hat pattern online and was getting frustrated because I couldn't find what I was looking for.  I had the conscious thought, "Well, I suppose I could take a witch hat and modify it to get what I'm looking for, but where am I going to find a pattern for THAT?"  No sooner than I had the thought (literally in the same virtual instant), I scrolled down on a page I have been perusing for a long time, and there had APPEARED a link to "witch hat."  Needless to say, I almost fell off my chair, more or less laughing at the perfect irony of this mysterious universe.

Yesterday, as I was stuck in Wal-Mart (sorry, it's essentially the only store in town here!), I was looking at some videos and came across a DVD of "E.T."  Took me back to a memory of when I had seen it at the theater ages ago - fond memories, but nothing truly spectacular.  So, it was about 10 minutes later that I had wandered over to the grocery store, and the elevator music began playing "Turn On Your Heart Light" - I think it was a Neil Diamond song written for or about "E.T."  Again, it left me grinning from ear to ear.

I take all of these things as manifestations of intent, as well as what you were terming gifts of spirit.  We bring to ourselves what we need, usually at the time when we need it most.  In matters of spirit, for me these manifestations I wrote about at TSW really validated the path for me in ways that I'm not sure anything else could have done.  The most obscure things at the most unlikely places. 

Thanks for sharing that, Chance.  I hope you'll post a pic of the turtle rattle when it is completed.  :)
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Offline Shamaya

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Re: Woodswalk and hoping for a sign Sunday Feb 10
« Reply #2 on: February 11, 2008, 06:10:17 AM »
Ahh :)  Sounds as if your weekend was just as perfect as ours!

Connection is just amazing, each in their own seperate way yet all connected too....................

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Reflect not, but respond to it with spontaneous right action in the moment.
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