« on: February 20, 2008, 06:31:55 AM »
A certain devout man, convinced that he was a sincere seeker after truth, embarked upon a long course of discipline and study. He had many experiences, under various teachers both in his inner and outer life, over a considerable period of time.
One day he was meditating when he suddenly saw the Devil sitting beside him.
"Away, demon!" he cried, "for you have no power to harm me; I am treading the path of the elect." The apparition disappeared.
A truly wise man passing by told him, sadly: "Alas, my friend, you have grafted effort upon such an unsure basis as your unaltered fear, greed, and self-esteem that you have arrived at your ultimate possible experience."
"How so?" asked the seeker.
"That 'devil' is, in reality an angel. 'Devil' is only how you saw him."
~from the collections of Idries Shah
« Last Edit: February 20, 2008, 06:33:26 AM by nichi »
