Author Topic: Nag Hammadi  (Read 179 times)


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Nag Hammadi
« on: February 28, 2008, 02:08:15 AM »
Nag Hammadi Library

~Purporting to be all of the text..


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Re: Nag Hammadi
« Reply #1 on: February 28, 2008, 04:55:14 AM »
"Flesh and blood shall not inherit the kingdom of God" (1 Co 15:50). What is this which will not inherit? This which is on us. But what is this, too, which will inherit? It is that which belongs to Jesus and his blood. Because of this he said "He who shall not eat my flesh and drink my blood has not life in him" (Jn 6:53). What is it? His flesh is the word, and his blood is the Holy Spirit. He who has received these has food and he has drink and clothing."

"Jesus took them all by stealth, for he did not appear as he was, but in the manner in which they would be able to see him. He appeared to them all. He appeared to the great as great. He appeared to the small as small. He appeared to the angels as an angel, and to men as a man. Because of this, his word hid itself from everyone. Some indeed saw him, thinking that they were seeing themselves, but when he appeared to his disciples in glory on the mount, he was not small."

"There were three who always walked with the Lord: Mary, his mother, and her sister, and Magdalene, the one who was called his companion. His sister and his mother and his companion were each a Mary.

"The Father" and "the Son" are single names; "the Holy Spirit" is a double name. For they are everywhere: they are above, they are below; they are in the concealed, they are in the revealed. The Holy Spirit is in the revealed: it is below. It is in the concealed: it is above. "

The Nag Hammadi Library

The Gospel of Philip


Translated by Wesley W. Isenberg

« Last Edit: February 28, 2008, 05:21:43 AM by Jahn »
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