Author Topic: A day in the life  (Read 353 times)

Offline TIOTIT

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A day in the life
« on: August 17, 2006, 03:40:42 PM »
Earlier today I decided to go for a walk to a rock pool in the rainforest...
this particular pool is one of my favorites...when I was a few K's from the
pool an unfamiliar dog appeared(nothing unusual about that)I assumed there were
other bushwalkers nearby...but I heard no one...the dog was quite aloof but stayed close...
10 paces or so...occasionally glancing we progressed it became apparent the dog
was going the same way...a couple of times I called to the dog,it would stop but come no closer and remained detached...when I started to walk again it would continue to lead the way....when we arrived at the pool the dog took up it's position...once you arrive at this pool you can go no further(unless you climb shear rock walls)so I had a swim and sat in the sun for a while...the dog kept it's distance..I tried calling a couple of times...but still no responce...I felt a bit uncomfortable laying there with my eyes closed in the sun knowing the dog was watching....still what else was there to I just let go and drifted off thinking about all kinds of things(as you do)I started thinking about different Taoist...Zen...Sufi stories I'd been reading...about this forum and things I have been reading here...about work and people I work it one point I started dreaming that I was
walking along a road in a very dry arid environment...desert or mountains rocky and bleak...I was by myself...just some point up ahead I could see someone sitting by the side of the road...I walked on until I was beside this oriental looking... Mongol...Tibetan man,he smiled laughing and asked why I was pulling such a noisy old pile of tin cans behind me,I turned to look but could see nothing,puzzled I asked him what he meant...he said he'd seen many like me but not usually on this road,and that I was lucky to have seen anyone because the noise I made caused everyone to conceal their selves...but he had stayed because he was curious...I asked why I couldn't see or hear the cans..he replied...that's always the way and began to laugh at my confusion...I was starting to feel  uncomfortable and was about to go when he shot out a question in a somewhat threatening tone...So You Want to Know?.and just stared right through me...I couldn't reply...there was a pause...then he spoke.they are result of your doings and they bind you to others who make the same noise and alert those who have shed their burden of your he really started to can leave them here...just let go of that rope...there was no rope...he told me it was time to go...and we walked away in opposite directions...then he called...I turned...holding up an old tin can he said,you dropped something...threw it to the side of the road and walked away...
needlees to say when I awoke the dog was gone...
the image is of the rock pool...from an earlier walk...


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Re: A day in the life
« Reply #1 on: August 17, 2006, 04:39:08 PM »
Tio, Im' sorry if you have written about it already, but have you done any recapitulation work?

You did have an extraordinary experience and got some intriguing comments there!

Offline Michael

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Re: A day in the life
« Reply #2 on: August 17, 2006, 08:48:07 PM »
it would be that pool

Offline Jennifer-

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Re: A day in the life
« Reply #3 on: August 17, 2006, 09:52:22 PM »
Wow Tiotit! What a wonderful sharing :)  :-* and experience!

The pool area is beautiful, I envy your surroundings deeply. Sounds like a very powerful pool of water ;)

shot out a question in a somewhat threatening tone...So You Want to Know?.and just stared right through me...I couldn't reply...there was a pause...then he spoke.they are result of your doings and they bind you to others who make the same noise and alert those who have shed their burden of your he really started to can leave them here...just let go of that rope..

Great work Tiotit!

then he called...I turned...holding up an old tin can he said,you dropped something...threw it to the side of the road and walked away...

l love the personality of this one!

Thanks for sharing, Raven
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Offline daphne

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Re: A day in the life
« Reply #4 on: August 17, 2006, 09:56:10 PM »
What an amazing place... so much is happening there!
Thank you - what a beautiful expereince (and picture) you shared!   :D
"The compulsion to possess and hold on to things is not unique. Everyone who wants to follow the warrior's path has to rid himself of this fixation in order not to focus our dreaming body on the weak face of the second attention." - The Eagle's Gift

Offline Jennifer-

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Re: A day in the life
« Reply #5 on: August 17, 2006, 10:03:03 PM »
In further looking at your photo, I noticed 3 circles on the rock before the pool area....

These sort of things show up in my art work frequently for no known reason. The three circles.

Do you have any idea if they could of somehow been manmade, an old gated area or something?
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Offline Michael

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Re: A day in the life
« Reply #6 on: August 17, 2006, 10:16:23 PM »
go on tio, tell them about the pool


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Re: A day in the life
« Reply #7 on: August 17, 2006, 11:15:10 PM »
Awesome, Tio!

"You dropped something....."  :D
« Last Edit: August 17, 2006, 11:22:39 PM by Nichi »

Offline TIOTIT

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Re: A day in the life
« Reply #8 on: August 18, 2006, 02:47:29 PM »
OK here is a bit more about the pool...I'll do this over 2 post because of photos...
In the twenty or so years since my first visit to the pool I've taken only a handful
of people to this's a special place for me and each person I have taken
there also feels this way...It will be hard to convey the energy and vibe of this place
so a selection of photos may help to give an appreciation of the lay of the land....
a breif description may also help...The pool is on the eastern edge of the caldera
and is found between the ocean and mountians....Here is a  description taken off
a web site...sorry if there's to much info

The biggest erosion caldera in the southern hemisphere, and one of the largest calderas in the world, it

is one of the world's great natural wonders, and also one of the few places where the erosion process

can be seen to the underlying pre-volcanic sedimentary and metamorphic rocks, providing enthusiasts

with a wonderful opportunity to test their knowledge of geological processes.

When the volcano finished it's eruptions about 20 million years ago, the volcano had risen to a height

of over 2 kilometres. Layers of ash and lava had been deposited over its outward slopes, to a diameter

of about 100 kilometres.

This spread the volcano out over an area from Byron Bay in the southeast, and Lismore in the

southwest, to Mount Tamborine to the north in QLD.

Over the past 20 million years the vast majority of the material ejected has been eroded away by time,

and the effect of the many minor creeks and tributaries including the Rous and Oxley rivers, feeding

the Tweed River, winding its way across the valley floor and eventually entering the ocean at Tweed


What remains is still mighty impressive.  Considered the central magma plug, Mt Warning and a

system of ring dykes, being extremely hard rock, have resisted erosion, and dominate the valley

landscape, especially in and around the township of Murwillumbah.

The rim of the caldera has been protected by a cap of very hard basaltic rock, forms a virtual semi

circle of vertical cliffs around the western side of Mt Warning, which now stands at just over 1100

meters tall, and is increasingly known by it's aboriginal name - "Wollumbin".

Being so high and so far east on the Australian coast, it is the first peak on the mainland in Australia to

be touched by the rising sun at the Autumn and Spring Equinox.

Back to my stuff now...It's a pretty amazing spot...and this pool is not accessible to the general public..
I've only encountered people there once....and they were leaving as I arrived...the best way to describe
the enviroment of the pool is womb feels like a safe secret place...and I'm sure has been used

as such by many who have visited...for doing whatever they had to do...especially Aboriginal peoples...
the pool can only be accessed one way...
(unless you abseil in,or jump...DJ would of had a good spot here with CC)
So when Michael says"tell them about the pool" Well...some people say it's good for their Dreams

others say it's like a wishing well...some just admire the beauty...some go there alone and you never

know...some go there to chant and told me they saw their future...and some just like to swim
some never tell...we are all fortunate in that we have places like this we can go....
I took two aboriginal men from the Northern Territory (Ramangining, East Arnhem Land)and they said
it was a special place and stood in the pool and chanted...when they finished they told me that the

ancestral spirits(Guardians) had been asleep because no one was left to talk with them...but now
they were awake(so it would be good for me to spend time here)they also said they could speak with
their Kin back in the N.T.because this pool was connected with many others(Aboriginals also do this
with special trees...Talking Trees)they then showed me how it's done...then they made fire and

smoked tabacco at the entrance of the pool,told me that a flying fox spirit appeared(I was supprised
because I knew that nearby there was a large flying fox rookery-colony,they had only just arrived...and
this fact had not been mentioned)they liked it there very much...I managed to record the tabacco
song...I'll MP3 it and with Michaels help post it somewhere for downloading...

As for the deppressions on the stone(I think there are 5)They may be natural but the pattern doesn't
suggest so...also the similar depth and spacing makes this unlikley(my guess is they were made by
aboriginals) as I have not seen any others like them in this area...but very similar wearing can be seen
in other places I have visited and it's definitely natural...I'll post a pic of this...I'm familiar with the ideas
of recapitulation but as such don't practice as set out by DJ...hope you enjoy the pics and reading

about the pool...the numbers on the pics should allow you to position yourself in the pool,enjoy your

THE PICS...the pool is a 3 tiered system the upper pool only accessible by climbing up next to the first

waterfall,the top of which is  #1...there is no way out of this pool but to climb back down or jump....
#2 is the top of the waterfall flowing into this pic looks back down from this point #2 to point
#1&3...from this point just to your right there is a smaller waterfall from which I always have a drink...

point #3 being entry and exit to the lower main pool next to the rock with 5 circular deppressions... also

there is an image of the sky above the pool...and 2 of natural wear in stone...hope this helps put things

in perspective...

P.S. I follow all of your threads but am not always able to respond...I enjoy the time that I visit "Soma"   

thanks everyone!!!

Offline TIOTIT

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Re: A day in the life
« Reply #9 on: August 18, 2006, 02:52:22 PM »
The other pics..

Offline TIOTIT

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Re: A day in the life
« Reply #10 on: August 18, 2006, 03:12:16 PM »
Last 2


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Re: A day in the life
« Reply #11 on: August 18, 2006, 03:14:15 PM »
That sky pic...womb it is!


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Re: A day in the life
« Reply #12 on: August 18, 2006, 03:38:21 PM »
wonderful place!

Offline Jennifer-

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Re: A day in the life
« Reply #13 on: August 18, 2006, 10:26:42 PM »
Thank you so much for sharing such a wonderful and powerful place with us Tiotit!!

That rock seems to call to me somehow, I think I can access the area via that rock, if the local spirits allow me to move further then that, we shall see! *smiles* I hope you dont mind, I may slip in for a swim in your private retreat.

Blessings, Raven
Without constant complete silence meditation - samadi - we lose ourselves in the game.  MM


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Re: A day in the life
« Reply #14 on: August 20, 2006, 01:17:31 AM »
About that dream

I have also met some funny dream-teachers lately. One used my leg as a towel and sneezed in it. that was funny and i laughed. then he tried to write on my leg with a pen.

In another dream there was someone who draged me along the floor. this was also funny.


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