Author Topic: The Spirit Molocule  (Read 199 times)

Offline TIOTIT

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The Spirit Molocule
« on: August 20, 2006, 02:43:42 PM »
I'm currenty reading a book called "The Spirit Molocule"
A spirit molecule also leads us to spiritual realms. These worlds usually
are invisible to us and our instruments and are not accessible using
our normal state of consciousness. However, just as likely as the theory
that these worlds exist "only in our minds" is that they are, in reality,
"outside" of us and freestanding. If we simply change our brain's receiving
abilities, we can apprehend and interact with them.

Equally important is that DMT occurs in our bodies. We produce it
naturally. Our brain seeks it out, pulls it in, and readily digests it. As an
endogenous psychedelic,
(Endogenous means that a compound is made in the body:)

 DMT may be involved in naturally occurring
psychedelic states that have nothing to do with taking drugs, but whose
similarities to drug-induced conditions are striking. While these states
certainly can include psychosis, we must also include in our discussion
conditions outside of mental illness. It may be upon endogenous DMT's
wings that we experience other life-changing states of mind associated
with birth, death, and near-death, entity or alien contact experiences, and
mystical/spiritual consciousness. These we will explore in much greater
detail later.

In this chapter, we've learned the "what" about DMT. We now need to
turn our attention to the "how" and "where." We have prepared the groundwork
into which we may now introduce the mysterious pineal gland. In its
role as a potential "spirit gland," or producer of endogenous DMT, the
pineal is the topic of our next two chapters. We'll also start investigating
the circumstances under which our bodies might make psychedelic
amounts of DMT.

Additional research showed that DMT could
also be found in human urine and the cerebrospinal fluid bathing the
brain. It was not long before scientists discovered the pathways, similar to
those in lower animals, by which the human body made DMT. DMT thus
became the first endogenous human psychedelic.

A female physician stated:
How simple everything is. .. . In front of me are two quiet, sunlit Gods.
. . . I think they are welcoming me into this new world. There is a deep
silence as in the desert. . . . I am finally at home. . . . Dangerous game; it
would be so easy not to return. I am faintly aware that I am a doctor, but
this is not important; family ties, studies, plans, and memories are very
remote from me. Only this world is important; I am free and utterly alone.

The crucial question then naturally arose: "What is DMT doing in our
Psychiatry's answer was: "Perhaps it causes mental illness."
This reply was reasonable, considering psychiatry's mandate to understand
and treat serious psychopathology. However, it fell short of all
the other possible scientifically meritorious answers. By limiting themselves
to investigating DMT's role in psychosis, scientists lost a unique
opportunity to probe deeper into the mysteries of consciousness.

DMT is closely related to serotonin, the neurotransmitter that
psychedelics affect so widely. The pharmacology of DMT is similar to that
of other well-known psychedelics. It affects receptor sites for serotonin in
much the same way that LSD, psilocybin, and mescaline do. These serotonin
receptors are widespread throughout the body and can be found in
blood vessels, muscle, glands, and skin.

Twenty-five years ago, Japanese scientists discovered that the brain
actively transports DMT across the blood-brain barrier into its tissues. I
know of no other psychedelic drug that the brain treats with such eagerness.

Once the body produces or takes in DMT, certain enzymes break it
down within seconds. These enzymes, called monoamine oxidases (MAO),
occur in high concentrations in the blood, liver, stomach, brain, and intestines.
The widespread presence of MAO is why DMT effects are so
short-lived. Whenever and wherever it appears, the body makes sure it is
used up quickly.

In a way, DMT is "brain food," treated in a manner similar to how the
brain handles glucose, its precious fuel source. It is part of a "high turnover"
system: quick in, quick used. The brain actively transports DMT
across its defense system and just as rapidly breaks it down. It is as if
DMT is necessary for maintaining normal brain function. It is only when
levels get too high for "normal" function that we start undergoing unusual

If anyone has an interest in this topic I can post some more(it gets better)


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Re: The Spirit Molocule
« Reply #1 on: August 20, 2006, 03:41:46 PM »

Yes, definitely would like to hear more. Endogenous DMT, it wouldn't surprise me if it were the trigger naturally for the OBEs we can experience during sleep, or for the various alien visit claims. I'm wondering, if people who have more vivid dreamlives, may produce more DMT in the brain. It is interesting those tested with the actual drug, 20% felt they'd been visited by aliens (I've always felt these alien visits were most likely astral in nature, in some form, anyways).

Offline Jennifer-

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Re: The Spirit Molocule
« Reply #2 on: August 20, 2006, 10:25:47 PM »
Interested :) I think I need another cup of coffee this morning or at least some stretching before trying to reply.. *smiles* much interested just the same...

Without constant complete silence meditation - samadi - we lose ourselves in the game.  MM

Offline TIOTIT

  • Yogi
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Re: The Spirit Molocule
« Reply #3 on: August 26, 2006, 12:29:33 PM »
I'm trying to condense this material so it's easier to get through...
the quotes taken from the individuals experiencing the effects of
DMT are not representative of one persons experience...what I've
posted is material from a dozen trips...I recently watched a doco
on string theory...and through the eyes of DMT experience,it shares
some interesting paraelles...anyway it's all food for thought...has anyone
tried DMT?

In this chapter, we begin following the spirit molecule into more unexpected
territory. This terrain is not so easy to recognize or understand
because the experiences are less clearly related to the thoughts, feelings,
and bodies of our volunteers. Rather, they suggest freestanding, independent
levels of existence about which we are at most only dimly aware.

Despite their strange nature, these excerpts are introductory. They
set the stage for the next layer of existence to which the spirit molecule
leads. "Where" is the backdrop, the scenery. "Who" gets to the core of
these matters. But first, let's get acquainted with the landscape.

Volunteers have referred to these places already. Marsha journeyed to
"the Taj Mahal," and Cassandra was yanked into "the crazy circus sideshow"
full of clowns and other beings. In this chapter, I will focus on this
issue of "where." Where does DMT take us by the hand and lead us to?
This is a necessary part of mapping the spirit molecule's territory.
At the most basic biological level was the perception of DNA and other
biological components.

I felt the DMT release my soul's energy and push it through the DNA.
It's what happened when I lost my body. There were spirals that reminded
me of things I've seen at Chaco Canyon. Maybe that was DNA. Maybe the
ancients knew that. The DNA is backed into the universe like space travel.
One needs to travel without one's body. It's ridiculous to think about space
travel in little ships.l

There were visuals at the peak, soft and geometric. They were 3-D circles
and cones with shading. They moved a lot. It was almost like looking at an
alphabet, but it wasn't English. It was like a fantasy alphabet, a cross
between runes and Russian or Arabic writing. It felt like there was some
information in it, like it was data. It wasn't just random.2

What's interesting is that I began experiencing sets of hallucinations,
and then I said to myself, "Ah, this is the Logos." There's the blue-yellow
core of meaning and semantics

It's like threads of words or DNA or something. They're all
around there, they're everywhere. After the blue amoebic shapes, there were
several pulsating places. I thought, "There are lots of these." It's a good
feeling. Then it breaks into a ruffled reality. When I looked around, it seemed
like the meaning or symbols were there. Some kind of core of reality where
all meaning is stored. I burst into its main chamber

It is! I don't know if it's because of my interest in computers or not, but
it seems like it's the raw bits of reality. It's a lot more than only ones and
zeros. It's a higher level, very potent bits.

Oh yeah, there were people and guides. I was with a Mexican family,
on a porch of a house in the desert. There was a garden scene outside. There
were kids and stuff. I was playing with the kids. I was part of the family. I
had a sense of an old man standing behind me or around me someplace. I
wanted to talk with him, but he let me know somehow that it was more
important to visit with the young girl. It was pretty laid-back, benign. It
seemed so natural and complete as it was happening. It wasn't a dream at
all. I thought, "It seems like a pretty common day," and then I stopped and
thought, "No, I'm tripping."
There were some black people, too, sort of pulling at me. There was a
curious feeling of being extracted. It was a jarring feeling. I was being
called away.
Trying to keep his train of thought going, I suggested, "It sounds like
something out of Carlos Castaneda's books.It does, doesn't it? No, I
hadn't thought of that.

That was real strange. There were a lot of elves. They were prankish,
ornery, maybe four of them appeared at the side of a stretch of interstate
highway I travel regularly. They commanded the scene, it was their terrain!
They were about my height. They held up placards, showing me these
incredibly beautiful, complex, swirling geometric scenes in them. One of
them made it impossible for me to move. There was no issue of control; they
were totally in control. They wanted me to look! I heard a giggling sound—
the elves laughing or talking at high-speed volume, chattering, twittering.

To get to that space I had to get through some sort of a non-benevolent
space. It felt like there were talons and claws there trying to guard it in a

It started with a sound. It was high-pitched like a tightly taut wire.
There were four or five of them. They were on me fast. As crazy as this
sounds, they looked like saguaro cactus, very Peruvian in color. They were
flexible, fluid, geometrical cacti. Not solid. They weren't benevolent but
they weren't non-benevolent. They probed, they really probed. They seemed
to know time was limited. They wanted to know what I, this being who had
shown up, was doing. I didn't answer. They knew. Once they decided I was
okay, they went about their business.

There are surprising and remarkable consistencies among volunteers' reports
of contact with nonmaterial beings. Sound and vibration build until
the scene almost explosively shifts to an "alien" realm. Volunteers find
themselves on a bed or in a landing bay, research environment, or hightechnology
room. The highly intelligent beings of this "other" world are
interested in the subject, seemingly ready for his or her arrival and wasting
no time in "getting to work." There might be one particular being
clearly in charge, directing the others. Volunteers frequently comment
about the emotional quality of the relationships: loving, caring, or professionally
Their "business" appeared to be testing, examining, probing, and even
modifying the volunteer's mind and body. Sometimes testing came first,
and after results were satisfactory, further interactions took place. They
also communicated with the volunteers, attempting to convey information
by gestures, telepathy, or visual imagery. The purpose of contact was uncertain,
but several subjects felt a benevolent attempt on the beings' part
to improve us individually or as a race.


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Re: The Spirit Molocule
« Reply #4 on: August 27, 2006, 09:21:40 AM »
Tio, love your llama! :)

Just letting you know that in 6 hours, the Coast to Coast radio show will be featuring a discussion on DMT.
Love that synchronicity!

You can perhaps pick it up through their streamlink!
You might have to subscribe, but they are good for the occassional weird-and-interesting radio show!

(If anyone interested is in the us, you can find the nearest am affiliate on their homepage...  )

Offline TIOTIT

  • Yogi
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Re: The Spirit Molocule
« Reply #5 on: August 27, 2006, 12:29:12 PM »
Thanks for the tip Nichi...Had a look but you have to subscribe.I'll wait and it
will turn up somewhere.


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Re: The Spirit Molocule
« Reply #6 on: August 27, 2006, 10:03:02 PM »
I only caught part of it. Something happened -- the guest began exhibiting a speech anomaly, wherein he would back up like a motor vehicle, and then repeat the last half of his sentences. Clearly some sort of disability, though none were mentioned/disclosed. The guest claimed it was a "cold". The host, Art Bell, cut the interview short because he said the last thing the guest would have needed was to be accused of "taking too much dmt" himself. 
Twas all very mysterious.
The rest of the show consisted of folks calling in with their experiences of being in other dimensions.

Anyway, your topic got waylaid a bit, so just as well you didn't subscribe today! :)


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