Author Topic: Praying mantis  (Read 153 times)


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Praying mantis
« on: August 31, 2006, 03:21:53 PM »

I haven't seen a praying mantis since I was small. I don't know if they're not big in AZ anymore, or they get eaten a lot. But anyway, it's interesting.

Yesterday at my sis's house, I saw a praying mantis on the screen of the window. It's by the window where the dining room table is, where we all eat.

Then today, I saw a praying mantis outside, where I work at. I was in the back, and saw him there. They were both brown.

My mom used to love the praying mantises. I remember she had one in particular, which she found which was wounded, or sick, something was wrong with it. She took it in as a little pet to nurture back to health. She fed it cat food, ground meat. Eventually, she let it go back into the garden, but she saved it.

It's funny because they've recently shown the day after I received the child support papers. There's a long story with ex, her, and I, like when she was dying. He'd made certain promises to her, which he himself broke. I'm hoping mantis is there in some way, her spirit. I kinda thought about it, maybe it's her way of making herself known she's around. This is actually around the time and year my grandmother died (end of August). Then gma's birthday is Sept 11th (yes that day), and the day mom died was on 9-18. So another odd thing with the whole timing. I receive the papers around gma's death date, and then during the September months, and then my case. And the two praying mantises. Who knows, maybe it's both their spirits :)

The praying mantis is a good warrior symbol. He is both "praying" like a Buddhist, yet "preying" like a predator/stalker. And SHE also defeats her mate by ripping off its head after mating :) It could be, I'm to meditate. Prepare for battle, for I will. But rip his head off? I dunno. But I think I have to work on some praying mantis skills.

I think on the personal note, the nursing back to health. There is separate symbolism in this just for me. I need to consider I think, too.

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Re: Praying mantis
« Reply #1 on: August 31, 2006, 03:46:57 PM »
they are the totem of head hunter tribes, presumably because they decapitate their prey with those saw arms.  but they are great meditators...

Offline Nick

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Re: Praying mantis
« Reply #2 on: September 02, 2006, 11:54:11 AM »
ooh! ooh! ooh! ooh! I have inspiration for a new drawing now! Thank you!  :-*
"As long as we confuse the myriad forms of the divine lila with reality, without perceiving the unity of Brahman underlying all these forms, we are under the spell of maya..."
 -Fritjof Capra, The Tao of Physics: An Exploration of the Parallels between Modern Physics and Eastern Mysticism


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Re: Praying mantis
« Reply #3 on: September 02, 2006, 12:07:02 PM »
I saw the praying mantis at my sis's house today. It was the same one on the screen window.

I figured out why it likes the spot. I should've figured. I thought it interesting.

My sis got one of those huge plug in bug lights, to keep at bay any mosquitos, knats, flying pests from the canyons from sneaking in.

Unfortunately, this takes out a hoard of moths all the time. I've considered unplugging the Executioner. However, it's her house, her buglight. She's in charge and only fair.

So today I saw the praying mantis, sitting on the outer edge of the light. I could see s/he is smart. And knows better than to go inside and burn up in the light (or get electrocuted, zapped)!

So I went inside and told how the praying mantis was sitting on the buglight. Of course! Why wouldn't s/he? There's plenty of food laying around.

The light does the work, zaps the prey. Then the predator snatches the victim when they've been toasted up, and eats them.

I realized the intelligence in this. How wise the praying mantis was. S/he knew this buglight served as a trick, a trap. Knows better than to go in and be zapped. Even knows all the moths will fall for the whole teasing of the light. S/he -- being one step ahead in the hunt -- waits patiently until the time is ripe. Then moves in, with little energy expenditure.

Now that's one smart predator. Now I know why it chose that particular spot on the screen before. Nearby the window, was it's own special restaurant! :)


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Re: Praying mantis
« Reply #4 on: September 02, 2006, 12:17:09 PM »
Yum yum!! :)


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Re: Praying mantis
« Reply #5 on: September 02, 2006, 12:45:36 PM »
Yum yum!! :)

I betcha! It's wild, because its been on the light for hours now, just waiting til it gets a little darker and the moths will gravitate to it. A little bit sadistic, just watching them fly in to the Executioner to get zapped! I'll have to check and see if s/he's still out there in a bit! ;)


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Re: Praying mantis
« Reply #6 on: September 02, 2006, 02:09:17 PM »


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Re: Praying mantis
« Reply #7 on: September 02, 2006, 02:19:16 PM »
Welll. if you want to talk about sadistic....  8)
When I was a kid, for one of my grades I kept a praying mantis cocoon in a jar. It was on a stick in there, and when it hatched, there were hundreds and hundreds of tiny praying mantises! Ok, perhaps only a hundred, but it looked like an endless stream there in the jar!

They began to eat each other, yikes! It was horrifying at first, then fascinating, then I released the little guys out into the yard, with a shudder.

Every so often, we'd see an adult thereafter, and I fancied it came from my magic jar. (I was probably 7 or 8yo.)   


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