I haven't seen a praying mantis since I was small. I don't know if they're not big in AZ anymore, or they get eaten a lot. But anyway, it's interesting.
Yesterday at my sis's house, I saw a praying mantis on the screen of the window. It's by the window where the dining room table is, where we all eat.
Then today, I saw a praying mantis outside, where I work at. I was in the back, and saw him there. They were both brown.
My mom used to love the praying mantises. I remember she had one in particular, which she found which was wounded, or sick, something was wrong with it. She took it in as a little pet to nurture back to health. She fed it cat food, ground meat. Eventually, she let it go back into the garden, but she saved it.
It's funny because they've recently shown the day after I received the child support papers. There's a long story with ex, her, and I, like when she was dying. He'd made certain promises to her, which he himself broke. I'm hoping mantis is there in some way, her spirit. I kinda thought about it, maybe it's her way of making herself known she's around. This is actually around the time and year my grandmother died (end of August). Then gma's birthday is Sept 11th (yes that day), and the day mom died was on 9-18. So another odd thing with the whole timing. I receive the papers around gma's death date, and then during the September months, and then my case. And the two praying mantises. Who knows, maybe it's both their spirits

The praying mantis is a good warrior symbol. He is both "praying" like a Buddhist, yet "preying" like a predator/stalker. And SHE also defeats her mate by ripping off its head after mating

It could be, I'm to meditate. Prepare for battle, for I will. But rip his head off? I dunno. But I think I have to work on some praying mantis skills.
I think on the personal note, the nursing back to health. There is separate symbolism in this just for me. I need to consider I think, too.