Author Topic: WE'RE STUFFED!!!  (Read 34392 times)

Offline Michael

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« Reply #1680 on: May 03, 2011, 07:39:24 AM »
True, the thinking I put forth requires a unified actor to implement it. I have one on offer: ISI+higher echelons of Army.

Now Juhani, a man in your speciality would be wise to avoid any speculation based upon an homogeneous view of the ISI, less your word in other areas become doubted.


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« Reply #1681 on: May 03, 2011, 02:07:38 PM »
Now Juhani, a man in your speciality would be wise to avoid any speculation based upon an homogeneous view of the ISI, less your word in other areas become doubted.

It is a valid point that shows that one can put forth mostly various hypotheses about the developments in the murky world of special services. Something as big as ISI or any human organisation is probably not homogenous in terms of views of people in there, but it can be homogenous in terms of strategy implemented.

My assumption is that ISI has deliberately played a double game with the US, but also with the Taliban, Haqqani network, Lashkar-e-Taiba and other insurgent organisations it has established and sponsored.

Clearly, it would take ages to put forth all aspects of the information available on the ISI and its doings. Thus, I would add only a few bits and pieces that allow to think about the capture of bin Laden as a cold blooded  trade-off on behalf of Pak.

It appears that Pak Commander-in-Chief General Kayani has been lately very straight forward in his statements:
1) Pak Army has a direct interest in Afghanistan and it entails protection of interests of all sides of conflict in reconciliation process (that means also Taliban, etc.)
2) Afghanistan should look for a post-war partnership and cooperation in Pak and China and rather than in the US and the West.

These two statements suggest that Pak is at last "coming out of the closet" with regard to its real interests and intentions in Afg and the region.

The ISI:
1) While sitting on the fence from 2001-2003/4, allowed Taliban, Haqqani network and others to have refuge in Pak, regroup, adapt and go back to Afg as a renewed and adapting fighting force from 2005-present (it is weird how West wants not to see the elephant in the room - ISI has hidden insurgents from Western forces in Afg, provided their leadership a refuge and allowed them to regroup in Pak - yet anybody hardly ever mentions that)
2) It has been ISI that has been strengthening Islamic sentiment in the country and used it against the US and CIA operating in Pak.

Thus, Pak remains a "kingmaker" in Afg (remember - it has already brought Taliban to power once) akin to Earl of Warwick in England. The US and its allies cannot stay there for too long and they are already starting withdrawal. Pak has always been interested in securing Afg as its bastion, but the previous experiment with Taliban went wrong and invoked the US invasion. What would be the logical course of action to secure Afg, but also keep the US and others out of the region?

The facts to consider are:
1) ISI's years (nearly a decade) long effort in support of insurgents in Afghanistan
2) The (now) openly stated interests of Pak
3) The approaching end of operations in Afg

These just some considerations. Considering how leaky is the US administration, how they will ruthlessly employ shit throwers in their election campaign, and how quickly somebody like Bob Woodward will write another book about the hot and sexy stuff, we'll hear pretty soon about the details of capture of bin Laden.
« Last Edit: May 03, 2011, 02:18:30 PM by Builder »


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« Reply #1682 on: May 04, 2011, 02:18:27 PM »
Whoa! Temperature rise by 6.1 degrees in 2080...craiky, I might get fried in my next incarnation...

Arctic ice melt 'alarming'

Ocean could be ice-free in summers within 40 years and sea levels could rise by 1.6 metres by 2100, says new study.

Ice in Greenland and the rest of the Arctic is melting dramatically faster than was earlier projected and could raise global sea levels by as much as 1.6 metres by 2100, says a new study.

The study released on Tuesday by the Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Program (AMAP) said there is a "need for greater urgency" in fighting global warming as record temperatures have led to the increased rate of melting.

The AMAP report said the correspondending rise in water levels will directly threaten low-lying coastal areas such as Florida and Bangladesh, but would also affect islands and cities from London to Shanghai. The report says it will also increase the cost of rebuilding tsunami barriers in Japan.

"The past six years (until 2010) have been the warmest period ever recorded in the Arctic," said the report.

"In the future, global sea level is projected to rise by 0.9 metres to 1.6 metres by 2100 and the loss of ice from Arctic glaciers, ice caps and the Greenland ice sheet will make a substantial contribution," it added.

The rises had been projected from levels recorded in 1990.

Dramatic rise from projections

In its last major study in 2007, the United Nations' Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) said that sea levels were likely to rise by only between 18 and 59 centimetres by 2100, though those numbers did not include any possible acceleration due to a thaw in the polar regions.

The new AMAP assessment says that Greenland lost ice in the 2004-2009 period four times faster than it did between 1995-2000.

The AMAP is the scientific arm of the eight-nation Arctic Council.

Foreign ministers from council nations - the United States, Russia, Canada, Sweden, Finland, Denmark, Norway and Iceland -- are due to meet in Greenland on May 12, and will discuss the AMAP report's findings.

The report will first be discussed by about 400 international scientists at a conference this week in Copenhagen, Denmark.

"The increase in annual average temperature since 1980 has been twice as high over the Arctic as it has been over the rest of the world," the report said. Temperatures were higher than at any time in the past 2,000 years."

In its report, the IPCC had said that it was at least 90 per cent probable that emissions of greenhouse gases by human beings, including the burning of fossil fuels, were to blame for most of the warming in recent decades.

"It is worrying that the most recent science points to much higher sea level rise than we have been expecting until now," Connie Hedegaard, the European Climate Commissioner, told the Reuters news agency.

"The study is yet another reminder of how pressing it has become to tackle climate change, although this urgency is not always evident neither in the public debate nor from the pace in the international negotiations," she said.

UN talks on a global accord to combat climate change have been making slow progress, and the organisation says national promises to limit greenhouse gas emissions are now insufficent to avoid possibly catastrophic consequences of global temperature rises.

Arctic could be ice-free

The AMAP study, which drew on the work of hundreds of experts, said that there were signs warming in the Arctic was accelerating, and that the Arctic Ocean could be nearly free of ice in the summers within 30 or 40 years. This, too, was higher than projected by the IPCC.

While the thaw would make the Arctic more accessible for oil exploration, mining and shipping, it would also disrupt the livelihoods of people who live there, as well as threaten the survival of creatures such as polar bears.

"There is evidence that two components of the Arctic cryosphere - snow and sea ice - are interacting with the
climate system to accelerate warming," the report said.

The IPCC estimate was based largely on the expansion of ocean waters from warming and the runoff from
melting land glaciers elsewhere in the world.

The AMAP report says that Arctic temperatures in the past six years have been at their highest levels since measurements began in 1880, and the rises were being fed by "feedback" mechanisms in the far north.

One such mechanism involves the ocean absorbing more heat as a result of not being covered by ice, as ice reflects solar energy. While the effect had been predicted by scientists earlier, the AMAP report says that "clear evidence for it has only been observed in the past five years".

Temperature rises expected

It projected that average fall and winter temperatures in the Arctic will climb by roughly 2.8 to 6.1 degrees Celsius by 2080, even if greenhouse gas emissions are lower than in the past decade.

"The observed changes in sea ice on the Arctic Ocean, in the mass of the Greenland ice sheet and Arctic ice caps and glaciers over the past 10 years are dramatic and represent an obvious departure from the long-term
patterns," AMAP said.

"The changes that are emerging in the Arctic are very strong, dramatic even," said Mark Serreze, director of the US National Snow and Ice Data Center in Boulder, Colorado, and a contributor to the report.

"But this is not entirely a surprise. We have known for decades that, as climate change takes hold, it is the Arctic where you are going to see it first, and where it is going to be pronounced," he said by phone.

Ke-ke wan

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« Reply #1683 on: May 05, 2011, 12:30:53 AM »
US president expected to announce that al-Qaeda leader has died and that US is in possession of the body.

US president Barack Obama is due to make a statement shortly in which he is expected to announce the death of Osama bin Laden, the leader of al-Qaeda.

This doesn't make me happy, doesn't make me want to sing for joy.   

I want to find it hard to believe that folks are genuinely happy that a man was murdered. 
But I can not.


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« Reply #1684 on: May 05, 2011, 02:34:35 AM »
This doesn't make me happy, doesn't make me want to sing for joy.   

I want to find it hard to believe that folks are genuinely happy that a man was murdered. 
But I can not.

I agree.
However, in The next step the rational man must ask why they murdered Bin Ladin and not captured him and took him to Guantanemo, Cuba or any similar out of human rights place?

Man of conspiracy (breathing together) will say that Bin Ladin was not guilty to most of the actions that he was accused for, and to make interrogations with an innocent man would only work against the major ..... (fill in here what you prefer). And to keep him alive would in the long run more prove his view of reality than the opposite. So dupe media that you have killed a beast and everybody that believes in their cover up becomes happy.

It is a sad story and this World is far more crazy than it was yesterday.


Ke-ke wan

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« Reply #1685 on: May 05, 2011, 06:59:41 AM »

 Bin Ladin was not guilty to most of the actions that he was accused for,

 And to keep him alive would in the long run more prove his view of reality than the opposite. So dupe media that you have killed a beast and everybody that believes in their cover up becomes happy.

It is a sad story and this World is far more crazy than it was yesterday.


What's sadder, even is that folks like you and I, who call attention to this,  will  be called the crazy ones. 

Aaah, well.


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« Reply #1686 on: May 06, 2011, 03:35:04 AM »
What's sadder, even is that folks like you and I, who call attention to this,  will  be called the crazy ones. 

Aaah, well.

That has always been the case to be called crazy or not democratic or not royalistic or not whatever the political agenda tell you to be. Even if we experience some alien pressure for our sound theories, this age of change is nothing to compare when it comes back to the real dark age. M can tell you all the witch stories from that time that noone wants to hear of today. Back then it was really dangerous to try to tell "the truth".
« Last Edit: May 06, 2011, 03:51:26 AM by Jahn »

Offline Nichi

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« Reply #1687 on: June 21, 2011, 06:27:08 AM »

Caption for the following attachment:

Chief Raoni crying when he learned that the President of Brazil approved the Belo Monte dam project on the Xingu indigenous lands. Belo Monte will be bigger than the Panama Canal, flooding nearly a million acres of rainforest & indigenous lands. 40,000 indigenous and local people will be forced off their native lands (as well as millions of unknown species & plants) In the name of "progress".
Not here, not there, but everywhere - always right before your eyes.
~Hsin Hsin Ming


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« Reply #1688 on: July 14, 2011, 12:59:21 AM »
Worst ever carbon emissions leave climate on the brink

Greenhouse gas emissions increased by a record amount last year, to the highest carbon output in history, putting hopes of holding global warming to safe levels all but out of reach, according to unpublished estimates from the International Energy Agency.

The shock rise means the goal of preventing a temperature rise of more than 2 degrees Celsius – which scientists say is the threshold for potentially "dangerous climate change" – is likely to be just "a nice Utopia", according to Fatih Birol, chief economist of the IEA. It also shows the most serious global recession for 80 years has had only a minimal effect on emissions, contrary to some predictions.

Last year, a record 30.6 gigatonnes of carbon dioxide poured into the atmosphere, mainly from burning fossil fuel – a rise of 1.6Gt on 2009, according to estimates from the IEA regarded as the gold standard for emissions data.

"I am very worried. This is the worst news on emissions," Birol told the Guardian. "It is becoming extremely challenging to remain below 2 degrees. The prospect is getting bleaker. That is what the numbers say."

Professor Lord Stern of the London School of Economics, the author of the influential Stern Report into the economics of climate change for the Treasury in 2006, warned that if the pattern continued, the results would be dire. "These figures indicate that [emissions] are now close to being back on a 'business as usual' path. According to the [Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change's] projections, such a path ... would mean around a 50% chance of a rise in global average temperature of more than 4C by 2100," he said.

"Such warming would disrupt the lives and livelihoods of hundreds of millions of people across the planet, leading to widespread mass migration and conflict. That is a risk any sane person would seek to drastically reduce."

Birol said disaster could yet be averted, if governments heed the warning. "If we have bold, decisive and urgent action, very soon, we still have a chance of succeeding," he said.

The IEA has calculated that if the world is to escape the most damaging effects of global warming, annual energy-related emissions should be no more than 32Gt by 2020. If this year's emissions rise by as much as they did in 2010, that limit will be exceeded nine years ahead of schedule, making it all but impossible to hold warming to a manageable degree.

Emissions from energy fell slightly between 2008 and 2009, from 29.3Gt to 29Gt, due to the financial crisis. A small rise was predicted for 2010 as economies recovered, but the scale of the increase has shocked the IEA. "I was expecting a rebound, but not such a strong one," said Birol, who is widely regarded as one of the world's foremost experts on energy.

John Sauven, the executive director of Greenpeace UK, said time was running out. "This news should shock the world. Yet even now politicians in each of the great powers are eyeing up extraordinary and risky ways to extract the world's last remaining reserves of fossil fuels – even from under the melting ice of the Arctic. You don't put out a fire with gasoline. It will now be up to us to stop them."

Most of the rise – about three-quarters – has come from developing countries, as rapidly emerging economies have weathered the financial crisis and the recession that has gripped most of the developed world.

But he added that, while the emissions data was bad enough news, there were other factors that made it even less likely that the world would meet its greenhouse gas targets.

• About 80% of the power stations likely to be in use in 2020 are either already built or under construction, the IEA found. Most of these are fossil fuel power stations unlikely to be taken out of service early, so they will continue to pour out carbon – possibly into the mid-century. The emissions from these stations amount to about 11.2Gt, out of a total of 13.7Gt from the electricity sector. These "locked-in" emissions mean savings must be found elsewhere.

"It means the room for manoeuvre is shrinking," warned Birol.

• Another factor that suggests emissions will continue their climb is the crisis in the nuclear power industry. Following the tsunami damage at Fukushima, Japan and Germany have called a halt to their reactor programmes, and other countries are reconsidering nuclear power.

"People may not like nuclear, but it is one of the major technologies for generating electricity without carbon dioxide," said Birol. The gap left by scaling back the world's nuclear ambitions is unlikely to be filled entirely by renewable energy, meaning an increased reliance on fossil fuels.

• Added to that, the United Nations-led negotiations on a new global treaty on climate change have stalled. "The significance of climate change in international policy debates is much less pronounced than it was a few years ago," said Birol.

He urged governments to take action urgently. "This should be a wake-up call. A chance [of staying below 2 degrees] would be if we had a legally binding international agreement or major moves on clean energy technologies, energy efficiency and other technologies."

Governments are to meet next week in Bonn for the next round of the UN talks, but little progress is expected.

Sir David King, former chief scientific adviser to the UK government, said the global emissions figures showed that the link between rising GDP and rising emissions had not been broken. "The only people who will be surprised by this are people who have not been reading the situation properly," he said.

Forthcoming research led by Sir David will show the west has only managed to reduce emissions by relying on imports from countries such as China.

Another telling message from the IEA's estimates is the relatively small effect that the recession – the worst since the 1930s – had on emissions. Initially, the agency had hoped the resulting reduction in emissions could be maintained, helping to give the world a "breathing space" and set countries on a low-carbon path. The new estimates suggest that opportunity may have been missed.


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« Reply #1689 on: July 14, 2011, 01:04:19 AM »
State Of The Ocean: 'Shocking' Report Warns Of Mass Extinction From Current Rate Of Marine Distress

If the current actions contributing to a multifaceted degradation of the world's oceans aren't curbed, a mass extinction unlike anything human history has ever seen is coming, an expert panel of scientists warns in an alarming new report.

The preliminary report from the International Programme on the State of the Ocean (IPSO) is the result of the first-ever interdisciplinary international workshop examining the combined impact of all of the stressors currently affecting the oceans, including pollution, warming, acidification, overfishing and hypoxia.

“The findings are shocking," Dr. Alex Rogers, IPSO's scientific director, said in a statement released by the group. "This is a very serious situation demanding unequivocal action at every level. We are looking at consequences for humankind that will impact in our lifetime, and worse, our children's and generations beyond that."

The scientific panel concluded that degeneration in the oceans is happening much faster than has been predicted, and that the combination of factors currently distressing the marine environment is contributing to the precise conditions that have been associated with all major extinctions in the Earth's history.

According to the report, three major factors have been present in the handful of mass extinctions that have occurred in the past: an increase of both hypoxia (low oxygen) and anoxia (lack of oxygen that creates "dead zones") in the oceans, warming and acidification. The panel warns that the combination of these factors will inevitably cause a mass marine extinction if swift action isn't taken to improve conditions.

The report is the latest of several published in recent months examining the dire conditions of the oceans. A recent World Resources Institute report suggests that all coral reefs could be gone by 2050 if no action is taken to protect them, while a study published earlier this year in BioScience declares oysters as "functionally extinct", their populations decimated by over-harvesting and disease. Just last week scientists forecasted that this year's Gulf "dead zone" will be the largest in history due to increased runoff from the Mississippi River dragging in high levels of nitrates and phosphates from fertilizers.

A recent study in the journal Nature, meanwhile, suggests that not only will the next mass extinction be man-made, but that it could already be underway. Unless humans make significant changes to their behavior, that is.


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« Reply #1690 on: July 14, 2011, 04:22:47 AM »

Well, Juhani haven't engaged much the last months, and he said something that could be meant that he was about to leave Soma. My wild ideas about Bin ladin being dead since 2004 could be one reason, but I don't know. Anyone knows more?
« Last Edit: July 14, 2011, 04:25:28 AM by Jahn »

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« Reply #1691 on: August 05, 2011, 11:03:59 PM »
Here we go again, and this time it looks nasty.

As I speak, stock markets are cashing in their chips faster than rabbits can run. Central bankers are buying their own debts across the board. The US is heading for a train wreck in fast motion, and Obama's luck has run out - the Tea Party will be in power next election.

China is in uproar over corruption and incompetence, not just surrounding the Very Fast Train debacle.

The weather has taken a back-seat for once, and for a short time. It's all down hill from here, and that's not just for those in Syria.

From what I hear, the world is out of shortcuts - cold turkey is on the menu for everyone, and for many that means on the street, or in the morgue.


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« Reply #1692 on: August 06, 2011, 02:35:04 AM »
Here we go again, and this time it looks nasty.

As I speak, stock markets are cashing in their chips faster than rabbits can run. Central bankers are buying their own debts across the board. The US is heading for a train wreck in fast motion, and Obama's luck has run out - the Tea Party will be in power next election.

And how does the ordinary old man react to this downhill on the stock market?

My 88 year old father, that grew up with owning companies and stock market affairs when it still was sound business (the 1940's to 1980's) told me today that he was about to buy stocks. Just because the prices was that low. I tried to argue a bit and said that he probably should wait until the prices went up a little bit but he insisted and went to the bank to buy.

On the other hand - I checked the professional and amateurs recommendations for the stocks that he was interested in and they said "Buy" on a scale of 4 to 5. I do not know, my horoscope once told me that I should not intervene on the stock market or similar gambling places, so I don't.


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« Reply #1693 on: August 17, 2011, 05:08:10 AM »
Due to the instable financial market and with so many countries in crisis, The sweden government decided today to postpone coming tax reforms, while waiting for better times.

It is clear that the Swedish gov. has inside information about the world economics and that they now take the full responsible to keep the Swedish budget in balance. Still having muscles to meet another fall in the recession. The Gov. count with a future lower tax income due to the global recession and that restrict any planned welfare balances. "Not until 2014 it may be possible to do the tax reforms that we announced in the election", said prime minister Reinfelt.

"But during the election we also said that these tax reforms should only be made under circumstances of growth in the economy, and this is not the case today. One has always to consider the daily development of the financial market and the world economy at hand, before one take decisions about reforms. Today there are unfortunately no room for tax releasing reforms and we are the first to regret that. But the interest of the Swedish national economy comes first and we think that everybody agree and understand this decision."
From my free memory it is this what the Prime minister said today 13:30 (16th Aug).

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« Reply #1694 on: September 10, 2011, 11:50:36 PM »
Here is a recent article by Pankaj Mishra. I feel he is trying to get at something which is gradually dawning in the world - a change that is close to overwhelming us all, yet I'm not positive of the outcome myself.

"In India, tens of thousands of middle-class people respond to a quasi-Gandhian activist’s call for a second freedom struggle – this time, against the country’s venal “brown masters”, as one protester told the Wall Street Journal. Middle-class Israelis demanding “social justice” turn out for their country’s first major demonstrations in years. In China, the state broadcaster CCTV unprecedentedly joins millions of cyber-critics in blaming a government that placed wealth creation above social welfare for the fatal high-speed train crash in Wenzhou last month.

Add to this the uprisings against kleptocracies in Egypt and Tunisia, the street protests in Greece and Spain earlier this year, and you are looking at a fresh political awakening. The specific contexts may seem very different, ranging from authoritarian China to democratic America (where Warren Buffett, the world’s richest man, publicly denounced a “billionaire-friendly Congress” last fortnight). And the grievances may be diversely phrased. But public anger derives from the same source: extreme and seemingly insurmountable inequality.

As Forbes magazine, that well-known socialist tool, describes it, protesters everywhere are driven by “the conviction that the power structure, corporate and government, work together to screw the broad middle class” (and the working class too, whose distress is not usually examined in Forbes).

Certainly, the strident promoters of globalisation – politicians, big businessmen, and journalists – will have to work much harder now to bamboozle their audiences.

For years now, the mantra of “economic growth” justified government interventions on behalf of big business and investors with generous tax breaks (and, in the west, the rescue of criminally reckless investors and speculators with massive bailouts at the taxpayer’s expense). The fact that a few people get very rich while a majority remains poor seemed of little importance as long as the GDP figures looked impressive.

In heavily populated countries like India, even a small number of people moving into the middle class made for an awe-inspiring spectacle. Helped by an entertainment-obsessed and “patriotic” corporate media, you could easily ignore the bad news – the suicides, for instance, of hundreds of thousands of farmers in the last decade. However, the carefully maintained illusions of globalisation shattered when even its putative beneficiaries – the educated and aspiring classes – began to hurt from high inflation, decreasing access to education and other opportunities for upward mobility.

Economic growth is no defence against the frustration of the semi-empowered. The economies of both India and Israel have recorded dramatic growth, especially in their service sectors, in recent years. But inequality has also grown spectacularly. The Financial Times, which recently compared India’s oligarchic business families to Russia’s mafia-capitalists, pointed out two weeks ago that “the 10 largest business families in Israel own about 30% of the stock market value” while one quarter of Israeli families live below the poverty line.

Last month the Indian supreme court blamed increasing social violence in the country on the “false promises of ever-increasing spirals of consumption leading to economic growth that will lift everyone”. Obviously it is not the supreme court’s remit to define India’s economic policies. Nor should Anna Hazare be entrusted with establishing the office of an anti-corruption ombudsman, a moral rather than political mission that amounts to nothing in a country littered with compromised and impotent institutions.

Still, they respond, however incoherently, to a profound crisis of legitimacy afflicting their country’s highest institutions, and their supposed watchdog, the media. In India, for instance, a lot of public anger in recent months has focused on the country’s senior journalists who were recently caught making deals between corrupt politicians and businessmen.

In the last decade, billionaires, “billionaire-friendly” legislators and CEO-worshipping writers and journalists have together constituted what the political economist Ha Joon Chang calls a “powerful propaganda machine, a financial-intellectual complex backed by money and power”.

Nevertheless, the real facts about “economic growth” are getting through to those most vulnerable to it in both the east and the west: the young. Denouncing “the corruption among politicians, businessmen, and bankers” that leaves “us helpless, without a voice”, the manifesto of theSpanish indignados released after their massive demonstrations in May could have been authored by the Indian supporters of Hazare.

Even as they export jobs and capital to Asia, economic globalisers in the west continue to preach the importance of upgrading skills and retraining at home. Yet the dead-end of economic globalisation looms clearly before Europe and America’s youth: little chance of stable employment, or even affordable education.

The violence in European cities this year comes at the end of a long cycle of steady socioeconomic growth. In postcolonial India and China, where billions are now being coerced into a transition from agrarian to urban industrial economies, this cycle had barely begun before it began to splutter. A secure and dignified life seems even more remote for most as a tiny minority hives off the fruits of “economic growth”. Worried by the prospect of social unrest, China’s communist leaders frankly describe their nation’s apparently booming economy as “unstable, unbalanced, unco-ordinated and ultimately unsustainable”. Its fumbling response to Anna Hazare reveals that India’s democratically elected government has no better ideas about how to deal with the anger of an overwhelmingly young population, whose dramatically raised expectations stand little chance of being fulfilled.

The Chinese philosopher Zhang Junmai once wrote that an agrarian country has few “material demands” and can exist over a long period of time with “poverty but equality, scarcity but peace”. However, its embrace of the west’s model of consumer capitalism exposes it to endless political and social chaos.

Returning to an austere age of wisely managed expectations is no longer possible – even if it was desirable. It remains to be seen what political forms this summer’s unrest will take. But there is no doubt that many more people across a wide swath of the world will awaken with rage to what Zhang warned against: “A condition of prosperity without equality, wealth without peace.” "


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