after writing this last night, this morning I heard a talk on the radio by one of Aust leading scientists who has just written a book on the heating up of the earth. Grim stuff - he says despite anything we do now, and here in Aus we are doing absolutely nothing (the Gov and the stupid aust people who elect them, are in complete denial), there will be meters and meters added to the sea level for centuries to come. Good bye Bangladesh, New York I think I heard is also gone, Indonesia will have severe problems, Holland goodbye, etc. Refugees? boy we ain't seen nothing yet!
In Aust, almost everyone lives on the coastal strip all down the east and across the south - precisely the area that has been dropping rainfall for the last 50 years, and ever capital city is under severe water restrictions. The rain has increased in the north west - could be a good place to buy property, as almost no one lives there (fantastic place actually - Bradford country).
Let's watch what happens to the US this storm season, begun already, with the last devastated place still devastated a year on, and no money spent at all.
All the scientists in the world, save a couple of ratbags, are screaming for the politicians to act - so what do they do? They launch in nuclear industry - big bucks for their mates. 15 years lead time, and if anyone has heard Dr Helen Caldicott speak or read her book, it's a nightmare answer to a nightmare scenario. But money talks loudest still in this critical time.
Money is needed by politicians to hoodwink the idiots who vote - there you have it, modern democracy. I know - I'm surrounded by people who vote for the government because last election they actually gave $1000 odd to every family in aust, just before the election - a deliberate and blatant bribe for votes, and then they bashed the shit out of asylum seekers, including little children, plus the aboriginals and the unemployed, and the whole country applauded! It's complete and utter madness.
Then there is Iraq, and Iran soon to be bombed, House of Saud about to be overthrown, Pakistan on the verge of a coup, India expanding into Antarctica, the last virgin place left on earth, Africans breeding like wild fire into poverty and war - I suppose that's all jaundiced view, but sufficient to point out we are very far from having an intelligent global management in place to handle the environment crisis. And I haven't even touched on China.
So we little ants will need to think about finding a hole to shelter in, and playing a role in the greatest crisis to have ever confronted the human species. There is a moment in time with us now in which those who have kept alive the ancient wisdoms, need to make their voice heard by those looking for sanity in an impermanent universe. (before we each say, "I'm just going outside, I may be some time...")