Author Topic: WE'RE STUFFED!!!  (Read 34139 times)

Offline Michael

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« on: September 02, 2006, 09:00:21 PM »
Well I'm just going to have to say it, the world is stuffed.

I know there are a lot of bright people out there who could save it, but you know, it is being stuffed by democracy - funny that.

the Gaia man, prof lovelock, has also gone for the same thing, tho his opting for nuclear power is daft. the problem is politics. the issue is time. the fact is it has run out. we're stuffed. prepare for a nightmare future. as the beings we here are, this has profound ramifications.

I'm sick and tired of all the gabbers spruking about their precious group identities - the US, Semitics (Arabs, including Israel), France, Catholics, Muslims, Iran, Hezbollah, Tamil Tigers, China, all of them whose names slip past me much to the horror of the people involved who pump out their identities endlessly into the public sphere - I've had enough of the lot of them. Don't they realise the whole ship is going over the falls? Who gives a stuff for their precious little beliefs and problems - we're all stuffed, and while they squabble over chicken scraps on the boat floor, the monster's foot is coming down!!!!!

you all here will need to look sharp - I'll give us 5 years, then it's eveyman and woman for themselves. I only hope in this place you have learnt that little bit extra to help you find a survival niche. Cause there's no way we will be talking like this! Good luck everyone, I've just got to go and put my fish in the oven....
« Last Edit: August 18, 2007, 01:43:44 PM by Michael »
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« Reply #1 on: September 03, 2006, 02:01:59 AM »


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« Reply #2 on: September 03, 2006, 04:13:42 AM »

you all here will need to look sharp - I'll give us 5 years, then it's eveyman and woman for themselves. I only hope in this place you have learnt that little bit extra to help you find a survival niche. Cause there's no way we will be talking like this! Good luck everyone, I've just got to go and put my fish in the oven....

It looks better from here.

There are holes in their brains
and around their chakras are chains

Instead of seeking change
they plan and plot for revenge

They say the answer is us
but they have missed the bus


Offline Nick

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« Reply #3 on: September 03, 2006, 11:13:10 AM »

what ever happen I'm not taking me chances.....

yesss we are STUFFED

and, if you are right M, which I feel you are,
then this monster is coming like a wave, a tsunami.....
best to be fully awake when the wave comes, I suspect.

destiny relates, no....?

« Last Edit: September 03, 2006, 11:21:23 AM by Ian »
"As long as we confuse the myriad forms of the divine lila with reality, without perceiving the unity of Brahman underlying all these forms, we are under the spell of maya..."
 -Fritjof Capra, The Tao of Physics: An Exploration of the Parallels between Modern Physics and Eastern Mysticism

Offline Michael

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« Reply #4 on: September 03, 2006, 12:06:04 PM »
after writing this last night, this morning I heard a talk on the radio by one of Aust leading scientists who has just written a book on the heating up of the earth. Grim stuff - he says despite anything we do now, and here in Aus we are doing absolutely nothing (the Gov and the stupid aust people who elect them, are in complete denial), there will be meters and meters added to the sea level for centuries to come. Good bye Bangladesh, New York I think I heard is also gone, Indonesia will have severe problems, Holland goodbye, etc. Refugees? boy we ain't seen nothing yet!

In Aust, almost everyone lives on the coastal strip all down the east and across the south - precisely the area that has been dropping rainfall for the last 50 years, and ever capital city is under severe water restrictions. The rain has increased in the north west - could be a good place to buy property, as almost no one lives there (fantastic place actually - Bradford country).

Let's watch what happens to the US this storm season, begun already, with the last devastated place still devastated a year on, and no money spent at all.

All the scientists in the world, save a couple of ratbags, are screaming for the politicians to act - so what do they do? They launch in nuclear industry - big bucks for their mates. 15 years lead time, and if anyone has heard Dr Helen Caldicott speak or read her book, it's a nightmare answer to a nightmare scenario. But money talks loudest still in this critical time.

Money is needed by politicians to hoodwink the idiots who vote - there you have it, modern democracy. I know - I'm surrounded by people who vote for the government because last election they actually gave $1000 odd to every family in aust, just before the election - a deliberate and blatant bribe for votes, and then they bashed the shit out of asylum seekers, including little children, plus the aboriginals and the unemployed, and the whole country applauded! It's complete and utter madness.

Then there is Iraq, and Iran soon to be bombed, House of Saud about to be overthrown, Pakistan on the verge of a coup, India expanding into Antarctica, the last virgin place left on earth, Africans breeding like wild fire into poverty and war - I suppose that's all jaundiced view, but sufficient to point out we are very far from having an intelligent global management in place to handle the environment crisis. And I haven't even touched on China.

So we little ants will need to think about finding a hole to shelter in, and playing a role in the greatest crisis to have ever confronted the human species. There is a moment in time with us now in which those who have kept alive the ancient wisdoms, need to make their voice heard by those looking for sanity in an impermanent universe. (before we each say, "I'm just going outside, I may be some time...")

« Last Edit: September 03, 2006, 12:11:04 PM by Michael »

Offline TIOTIT

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« Reply #5 on: September 03, 2006, 12:22:08 PM »
It's always a task for me to sit and write,my typing skills are to slow for my thoughts....
I'd much rather sit and I'll make it brief.
About six weeks ago I experienced what you could call a tsunami of dark energy(during a
meditation) I realized It's circling the each of us responds to this is our position
as the story unravels...

Michael your five years made me think of an old song I used to listen to twenty five years ago....

Pushing thru the market square, so many mothers sighing
News had just come over, we had five years left to cry in
News guy wept and told us, earth was really dying
Cried so much his face was wet, then I knew he was not lying
I heard telephones, opera house, favourite melodies
I saw boys, toys electric irons and t.v.s
My brain hurt like a warehouse, it had no room to spare
I had to cram so many things to store everything in there
And all the fat-skinny people, and all the tall-short people
And all the nobody people, and all the somebody people
I never thought Id need so many people

A girl my age went off her head, hit some tiny children
If the black hadnt a-pulled her off, I think she would have killed them
A soldier with a broken arm, fixed his stare to the wheels of a cadillac
A cop knelt and kissed the feet of a priest, and a queer threw up at the sight of that

I think I saw you in an ice-cream parlour, drinking milk shakes cold and long
Smiling and waving and looking so fine, dont think
You knew you were in this song
And it was cold and it rained so I felt like an actor
And I thought of ma and I wanted to get back there
Your face, your race, the way that you talk
I kiss you, youre beautiful, I want you to walk

Weve got five years, stuck on my eyes
Five years, what a surprise
Weve got five years, my brain hurts a lot
Five years, thats all weve got


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« Reply #6 on: September 03, 2006, 12:36:23 PM »
The planets supposed to have 9 BILLION people in 2050.

That's a lot of people.

Offline Muffin

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« Reply #7 on: September 03, 2006, 05:12:45 PM »
The planets supposed to have 9 BILLION people in 2050.

That's a lot of people.

Don't worry. Our scientists are on the case.
They are finding new ways to reduce population growth, and the population. Killing 90% off with viruses, for example. Only those who have the money to buy the cure would survive... and the scientists themselves. The cure would be very expensive, of course. >:D
"The result of the manifestation is in exact proportion to the force of striving received from the shock." -Gurdjieff, Belzebub's Tales to his grandson

Offline Michael

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« Reply #8 on: September 04, 2006, 02:05:53 AM »
There is a purpose to my little rant on this issue. We have two parts, and although we may align more to one than the other, we still have to nurture both. These are the mystic and the activist in us.

We spend a lot of time talking about our mystic side. But it is equally important to develop our activist. For this, what is required is a special task.

It doesn't matter what the task is, what is important is that we see it not as a task to simply achieve its ostensible objective, but as an opportunity to reveal secrets about ourselves in its undertaking.

This is done by us going beyond our usual parameters, beyond our accustomed identity patterns. The value of a good task, is that it changes us - that is what this whole game is about, change. Not change determined by another person who thinks we should be more this or that. But change that is predicated on the very actions demanded by the task. This type of changes comes as a revelation that we were in fact that all along, just that no situation had allowed it to surface.

A magical task is usually identified by a teacher or guide, but the great teacher in the firmament has cast down the gauntlet. The greatest task of a life time stands before us - the time of judgement for our species. Some will stand, some will run, some will cry, some murder.

Here is a chance to squeeze ourselves into the most contorted emotional and experiential yoga positions imaginable.

For the time being, we must watch and prepare ourselves. Watch carefully the world, and the people around you. What you learn now about this, will determine your success or failure in the near future. Notice the peculiar mental and emotional waves that sweep across, as everyone lays down and feeds the wave with their bellies.

What you are looking for is the unique chance to act, opened like a door with your name on it. Do not assume what it will be - it could be working in a fish shop, or handing out pamphlets for a cause. Just be ready, and know that you carry a special piece of knowledge, that is to be disseminated in ways yet to be seen, different for all.

Don't go to sleep! Armies are marching.
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« Reply #9 on: September 04, 2006, 02:44:39 AM »
The Sun is setting behind us, darkness is taking over the land.
We are in battle formation, but outnumbered by 1:100,000.
The only road between huge mountains leads into enemy hordes.
There is no way to win.
It has been pre-determined during previous milleniums.
Under these circumstance the most important thing is to dare to charge!
Launch into the last, absolutely hopeless attack without any regrets, any doubts.
We'll lose for sure.
We have already lost.
But in the process we' might, just might, through the cubic centimetre of chance, get closer to ourselves, to that what drives us from inside.


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« Reply #10 on: September 04, 2006, 03:10:00 AM »
I share your exasperation, M, and I too have heard that if there was something we could have done about it, the time has long past now --- the meltdown of the poles is happening much faster than they predicted a couple of years ago. As I understand it, what they predicted to transpire in "50 years" has happened in 2.

Another factor I don't hear mentioned much are the solar flares. Poo me if you must, 9/11/2001 came in the midst of a megacycle -- I don't think that's a coincidence. Now what can be done about the sun? Not much at all! I'm not saying it's the primary factor -- just one of the many things that don't get enough interest.
Another thing which doesn't get addressed -- all of the nuclear activity which has already been!!! I don't see how we don't think having dropped the bombs we dropped in the 40's hasn't had long-range effects: it's not as if we had lot of experience with them and knew shit about them. Then, years and years of underground testing thereafter!

I've been out here in California the past few months,  and I experienced something during the 2-week heatwave-from-hell I never have before  -- groundheat. The heat wasn't just coming from above, it was coming from below. Deep below. The family here said they couldn't feel that, so you'll have to trust me  --- something is heating up from the core. That's my sense.  I don't understand the geophysics of it, but it's right there, in my spine.

There's a trend in the US which really blows my mind -- a whole current of folk who actually "laugh" when the words "global warming" are used.  There's a brainwash-factor there, it's totally bizarre. I don't get that at all. After the hurricane season of 2005, how could anyone really still think nothing's afoot?
Maybe it's because of my own personal ions, and nothing mystical at all, but I feel it  everywhere.

By the way, M, the story goes that many many bucks have been shelled out per repair of New Orleans, though a lot of those funds may have been shuttled to the wrong people. New Orleans isn't ready for another hurricane, that's for sure --- the waves of that awareness were slapping hard at the initial stage of Ernesto's track. Then the track changed. A reprieve.

The other thing is this: by the usual logic, the us should be having a hurricane season to beat the band, with the heat which hit the country, considering that the waters should have been really really warm, but we aren't. That is strange. (Knock on wood -- the season has a couple more months to go!) Speculations are few about this, though it very well could be the effect of that polar water meltdown, I don't know.
Or, if you want to go "conspiracy-theory" on it -- the folks who were manipulating the hurricanes last season were perhaps put out of business.   Ha.

At any rate, the issue is extremely political. The information which is disseminated is ruled by politics, and there's a strong right-wing faction here who line up like musk-oxen to protect Bush. 
Mind you, this is the country who brought back creationism as the valid purview of schools to teach.
It's good to be aware of, but near well impossible to influence, m -- I don't see any other way but mystical there, but of course, that has been tried already.

Still, though, look for an opportunity to act I will!
« Last Edit: September 04, 2006, 03:18:17 AM by nichi »


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« Reply #11 on: September 04, 2006, 03:17:52 AM »
Nichi, when you talk about Sun flares and cycles, do you remember that Sun is a sentient being responsible for all life in Solar system?

When I hear your ideas like the ones above, I sometimes get the feeling that they come from the mindstate where Sun is reduced to an 'objective' factor or circumstance.


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« Reply #12 on: September 04, 2006, 03:23:38 AM »
Hmm, not sure why you got that idea, e --
I definitely do see it as a sentient being!

My point was that its power was great, and yet it seems to be mostly ignored here as a factor! (In the politics of the thing.)


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« Reply #13 on: September 04, 2006, 03:29:10 AM »
Hmm, not sure why you got that idea, e --
I definitely do see it as a sentient being!

My point was that its power was great, and yet it seems to ne mostly ignored here as a factor! (In the politics of the thing.)

Then it might want to eradicate our civilization because it is a dead end. All these flares and increased UV radiation and stuff - it is its way to deal with the problem of delusions of mankind. I see it as a consequence of our previous actions. Hence, it is a remedy to which most people react in an increasingly destructive manner because of their growing disconnect from their hearts. Classic vicious cycle.


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« Reply #14 on: September 04, 2006, 03:34:44 AM »
Yes! "Disconnection" and the delusion of superiority (on any front you can think of) are at the heart of all the problems of the civilization(s) of 2006!
The institutionalization of separation is where western civilization took a deadly turn.

Vicious cycle indeed!


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