Author Topic: WE'RE STUFFED!!!  (Read 34459 times)

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« Reply #2655 on: June 18, 2024, 04:03:17 PM »
OMG this is so pathetic.

Over the weekend, the Convicted Shitshispants, visited a Black church in Detroit, MI. Now...This is getting around but I think Roland explains it the best of them all. He basically rolls the tape of the audience in the church. Counts how many paid"black people" are in the church, vs the crowd. It is TONS of white people, in a black church, and a few paid actors who are black, in the church. SO...what does this mean? It means black people are not stupid, and he can't find black people who would enter no church with him speaking his spew, knowing he is totally racist AF. But I love how Roland plays "Where's Waldo" to "find" the black people in this church. Dumpy Doodoo is supposed to be speaking to them's a ton of white folks? Oh he is so stupid! The scoop:
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« Reply #2656 on: June 19, 2024, 04:56:59 PM »
Yes I clown him a lot, because he is a flagrant idiot. But he is a very dangerous idiot at that. What makes him dangerous is not just himself, having the dirty charisma to fuel a base. But the real threat if the Deluded Melon gets elected, is the threat to start mass deportations of people. And that is a promise, I do believe he intends to keep.

I have seen snips of his rallies, where the crowd is chanting "send them back!" He will fire up the Xenophobia, making the crowd feel that there are nothing but criminals and folks from mental institutions being unloaded into this country. Now yes, some may be criminals. But the bulk of those seeking asylum, are families fleeing for their lives, and dreaming of a better life. But yes I do believe, if he did win, he would be so bold as to set up camps, and these folks who are in the country, would get stuck in them. We already had bad situations in past, of folks being put in cages, or children being separated from families. But this could get extremely ugly if he gets elected.

When I have seen these MAGA idiots interviewed, they say one of the main issues they care about is immigration. I don't think these people cared much about it before, until he decided to run, and started speaking to their racist shadows. But the fact so many folks all over the country, would not bat an eyelash these folks would be yanked from homes or off the street, and stuck in cages, and things, is unbelievable. And they claim to be Christian? Sure they are! That's a load of hogwash. We could see a repeat of Nazi Germany, but with Hispanic people.
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« Reply #2657 on: June 19, 2024, 05:54:46 PM »
One thing Dumbass Donnie has is merch. I am in the middle of watching a YouTube of him at the Wisconsin rally. Same state where he said shit about Milwaukee being a horrible city. But the YouTuber points to a kid, standing to the side of their Orange Jesus. He is wearing a shirt saying “I’m Voting for the Convicted Felon.” Stupid little kid, is too young to vote. Yes! First a Mugshot. Now this. So I hit Amazon. Sure as flower there is merch! One day, when these buffoons come out of the haze. They are going to go into their closets, look at the shit they wore, and feel stupid as all hell. Attached is the merch. Yes you can get a tee shirt or hat of this clown. It’s above and beyond stupidity. Even the flyers scratch their head over this one.
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« Reply #2658 on: June 21, 2024, 09:27:51 AM »
Here it comes! Even before the election. The Louisiana governor signed into law, it is MANDATORY for all school classrooms to display The Ten Commandments. We have Christian Nationalism breathing down our necks. This is ridiculous. I am certain the ACLU will answer to this one.

Louisiana classrooms now required by law to display the Ten Commandments
Stephanie Gallman Dianne Gallagher
By Stephanie Gallman and Dianne Gallagher, CNN

Updated 9:41 PM EDT, Wed June 19, 2024

Louisiana public schools are now required to display the Ten Commandments in all classrooms, after Republican Gov. Jeff Landry signed the requirement into law Wednesday.

House Bill 71, approved by state lawmakers last month, mandates that a poster-size display of the Ten Commandments with “large, easily readable font” be in every classroom at schools that receive state funding, from kindergarten through the university level.

Before signing the bill, Landry called it “one of (his) favorites.”

“If you want to respect the rule of law, you gotta start from the original law given which was Moses. … He got his commandments from God,” Landry said.

Opponents of the bill have argued that a state requiring a religious text in all classrooms would violate the establishment clause of the US Constitution, which says that Congress can “make no law respecting an establishment of religion.”

Civil liberties groups swiftly vowed to challenge the law – which makes Louisiana the first in the nation to require the Ten Commandments be displayed in every classroom that receives state funding – in court.

The American Civil Liberties Union, the American Civil Liberties Union of Louisiana, Americans United for Separation of Church and State and the Freedom from Religion Foundation said that the law violates longstanding Supreme Court precedent and the First Amendment and would result in “unconstitutional religious coercion of students.”

“The First Amendment promises that we all get to decide for ourselves what religious beliefs, if any, to hold and practice, without pressure from the government. Politicians have no business imposing their preferred religious doctrine on students and families in public schools,” the groups said in a joint statement.

Supporters of the law, in defending the measure, have leaned on the 2022 US Supreme Court decision in Kennedy v. Bremerton School District, which gave a high school football coach his job back after he was disciplined over a controversy involving prayer on the field. The Supreme Court ruled that the coach’s prayers amounted to private speech, protected by the First Amendment, and could not be restricted by the school district.

The decision lowered the bar between church and state in an opinion that legal experts predicted would allow more religious expression in public spaces. At the time, the court clarified that a government entity does not necessarily violate the establishment clause by permitting religious expression in public.

Louisiana state Rep. Dodie Horton, the Republican author of the bill, said at the bill signing that “it’s like hope is in the air everywhere.” Horton has dismissed concerns from Democratic opponents of the measure, saying the Ten Commandments are rooted in legal history and her bill would place a “moral code” in the classroom.

This story has been updated with additional details.
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« Reply #2659 on: June 21, 2024, 09:31:32 AM »
This country has gone to the dogs. These people want to force The Ten Commandments down everyone's throat. Yet, they want to elect someone who has broken every single one of them. What gives here?
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« Reply #2660 on: June 22, 2024, 08:56:28 AM »
This may not get a lot of news as much is distraction. But over 1000 pilgrims to Mecca are dead from the heat, and more could be the case. It is like 125 degrees in Saudi Arabia right now, and these people are dropping like crazy. Very sad.
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« Reply #2661 on: June 26, 2024, 04:10:56 AM »
A big threat to our country is Project 2025. A 900 page playbook, how these right wing conservatives plan to dismantle the government. And put in place their own people. I have not read it all, but I have seen the highlights. Nationwide abortion ban, LGBTQIA banning all sorts for them, deportations of immigrants I'm pretty sure in there. Taking down various institutions. And yes, propping up the Manchurian Cantaloupe as their fearless and demented leader. It's going to be interesting how this plays out. But these goons want to take us way, way backwards and make it even worse. It's darkness. I hope the country is not so tired of this they don't vote. But I expect some attempts at sophisticated cheating this year. This election is going to be a huge ass mess. See what happens. Debate Thursday. I can hardly wait to see it!
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« Reply #2662 on: June 26, 2024, 03:36:49 PM »
It’s all a flowering mess!

So the big debate where the two old men face off, will be here Thursday. And I personally think IF a debate takes place, Biden will wipe the floor with Dementia Doo Doo.  He has spent all these years calling him Sleepy Joe. Saying he walks into walls. Is making claims they going to put good drugs up his ass to debate. More “it’s rigged” comin. But he is flip flopping. I heard the Orange Jesus say he may “lose on purpose” as a strategy. Who goes to a debate to lose on purpose? The Deluded Melon, that’s who. He’s running scared. The scoop:
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« Reply #2663 on: June 27, 2024, 05:28:14 PM »
I love seeing the young people cover politics. Harry is a gem! Now yes, the debate is…tonight actually. President Biden has done countless debates his lifetime. He know much is riding on this debate. Now, he’s smart enough to know, those under the Strong Delusion are lost. So really, the aim is fence sitters and independents. Now, if his Shakti is on fire, maybe he can wake up a MAGA dope head. But he needs to take the Deluded Melon down. Period. I think that Tower candle is itching to be burned!
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« Reply #2664 on: June 29, 2024, 03:23:19 PM »
Now I know, last night at the debate, Biden is said to have had a cold. But it was a very lackluster performance, and everyone is talking about it. Well, he went to Raleigh today, and he was on FIRE. 🔥 WHY couldn't he be this way last night? He does have one more debate. His best bet here: do a bunch of rallies, and speak to people, do that whole "grass roots" deal, and then second debate in September, he simply must kick ass.

Nice impressive speech why not last night?
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Re: WE'RE STUFFED!!! And We’re Done!
« Reply #2665 on: June 30, 2024, 07:34:46 PM »
We are. Thanks to SCOTUS. We are possibly gonna get the Wrath.

Basically, the Supreme Court ruled, states can punish the homeless for sleeping on the street.

Ok. These people have no money. No home. Because they are human beings, they require sleep.

Do they think being homeless is a choice? All are what? Lazy drug addicts? Apparently so.

So basically, states can fine them, when they got no money. Ok then they can’t pay a fine. So like they jail you if you can’t pay.

So a shelter can’t take them. Where do they go?

It’s cruel and sickening. This is America. And we gonna get the Wrath.
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« Reply #2666 on: July 02, 2024, 01:34:28 AM »
So SCOTUS ruled. A huge delay. Sending it back to lower court. Which then has to be sent back to SCOTUS. Like Brian said: "Justice delayed, is justice denied."
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« Reply #2667 on: July 04, 2024, 07:47:20 AM »
So Ron the Con ordered the Epstein Grand Jury case unsealed. I think he secretly wanted to stick it to Sir Shitshispants, for sure! Now all the trash coming out. Will the MAGA Kool Aid Cult pay attention? It should have dawned on them, seeing the Deluded Melon dancing with Epstein, or him "wishing well" Gislaine Maxwell. But the followers have shit for brains, just like him. A couple scoops:
"A warrior doesn't seek anything for his solace, nor can he possibly leave anything to chance. A warrior actually affects the outcome of events by the force of his awareness and his unbending intent." - don Juan

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« Reply #2668 on: July 04, 2024, 01:17:42 PM »
She is still in the race. The long shot.

Now she can’t even reach the finish line unless she can debate. If she can get on the debate stage for all to see, esp after Bidens poor performance, she could win.
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« Reply #2669 on: July 08, 2024, 08:01:34 AM »
The Orange Jesus never knows when to keep his pie hole shut. Now, a few days ago, he spoke out "seemingly" against 2025. "I know nothing about it, who's behind it, but I disagree with most of it..." If you know nothing, how can you disagree, if you don't know what it is? And he is full of shit, because he has spoke at The Heritage Foundation in a conference before. There are videos of him, with their NAME on the wall behind him. AND many former folks from his old admin helped author the 900 page playbook to enact an authoritarian regime.

Now how his own words are the proverbial foot in mouth? Now this has many talking about the whole thing. Prior, many didn't even know about it. But now? The news is saturated with the topic. People on the street being interviewed even are alerted. And all those fence sitters and independents who were unsure which way to go? How they gonna go, seeing what these folks want to do? The playbook is basically satanic - it's that bad. And then the leader on the news saying the left will have less bloodshed if they don't fight back? That clip has been played by every news outlet, and every independent youtuber ever since. The alarm has been rung, and...Trump helped to spread the word! The scoop:
"A warrior doesn't seek anything for his solace, nor can he possibly leave anything to chance. A warrior actually affects the outcome of events by the force of his awareness and his unbending intent." - don Juan


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