About 6 years or so ago, a Cherokee (elder Native American Indian) taught me a ritual for closure to old and opening for new beginnings.
I did the ritual once after I learned of it. I have shared it with few others who understand the medicine of such things.
Recently, I participated in the dreaming/awareness workshop here and there are similarities to certain aspects. I thought I would share with those interested as it seems to be a good tool/exercise for me to use once again and perhaps it might be of use to others here.
For me, New Year's day seems a good time to do such a thing. Since the traditional New Year is a few weeks away, I'll share what I did my first time.
Several weeks beforehand, I made notes....
I wrote down things that troubled me... ideas/thoughts/experiences that needed to be released. Or relationships that were not what they should have.. could have been... and that I still held energy around.
I wrote down the thoughts that creep in sometimes... you are not smart enough... not good enough... whatever enough.... that slipped so often into my mind.
I wrote down things related to loved ones who had passed away...
The process is about healing and release... very simply... write down things that you do not want to trouble you again.
So... I had this list....
On New Year's day, I took my list and and got into my car.. and headed to the mountains of North Georgia. Not knowing specifically where I was headed, but I knew I would figure it out on the way, or would recognize an appropriate place when I got there.
As I drove north... about a 3 hour drive... I recalled a place. Nestled in a valley between some of the highest mountains we have there. I recalled a secluded mountain stream.... nestled in a quiet, remote valley... fed by springs the flowed from beneath and within the mountain... I knew it was the place.
Though I'd only been there once before, I found it.
I pulled from the road and stepped from my car... the air in the mountains chill on my skin and in my lungs. I rolled my windows down and reached into the car to start a cd playing... Native American flute and drumming... it seemed appropriate...
I turned the stereo up loud and walked to the stream. The place I first came to seemed fitting... a calm little pool between two sets of rapids.. one upstream, one down.
I knelt down and slipped my fingers beneath the surface... it was colder than the mountain air I breathed.
There were many rocks in the stream and along side on the bank. I gathered a few and placed them in the calm water. I built it up until it was steady in the stream and above the current. I could reach it if I leaned out from the bank.
I gathered leaves and branches for a small fire. The fire would be built on the rocks in the stream. I placed them carefully on the little altar (if that is the right word... it matters not)... I had sage and smudged the area.... then lit the leaves and twigs...
As the drums beat cadence in the background and the flute called out to Great Spirit, I pulled the papers with the things I'd written from my pocket.
I tore it carefully, separating between each item I wanted to release.
I began to place each bit of paper on the fire... saying the things I would say for release.. asking Spirit for help and guidance.... I would watch the fire kiss the edges of my thoughts on paper... the flames licking and racing across in the breeze pushing down through the mountain valley.... the words were consumed in the flame... blackened.
Bit by bit... piece by piece.. I placed them in the fire.... watching the smoke climb towards the heavens...
I burned the things that needed release/relief from or in my life...
When the last piece was burned, I dipped my hand into the stream and gently washed the pure, clear waters from the mountain stream over the rocks and ashes... watching them be caught in the current and carried away.
As always, I am rambling here.. so I will close with this...
The fire purifies symbolically.... it cleanses your mind and spirit of the things that need release....
The waters of the stream carry away all the things that remain after the purification...
The native tradition is these things that have troubled you are carried away... the smoke is caught up in the winds and the wind travels to the furthest regions of the earth.... the stream trickles and flows.. becoming a creek.. the creek a river.. the river winds to the ocean... the ashes make their way there and are caught up in the waves and they can never find their way back to trouble you again.
A few days afterwards, I was driving home from work... and old thought began to slip into my mind... a negative thought that served no value. I paused for a moment... and recalled the ritual.. I said something to the effect..... "you can't bother me anymore.. I have released you and you hold no power over me".....
The thought left my mind and has never returned.
I plan to do the ritual again this New Year's day.
Try it if you will.. it may be of benefit to you.
You don't have to journey to a special place... there are places that serve as well near to where you sit right now if you will think of them.. the details don't really matter... it is about the "intent" of release.....
I'll write of my experience this coming New Year's day in this thread in case anyone is interested.