I will say some thing about my own 'secular' version of dance in here, but I also would love to see some good posts, clips or links to dancing.
There are so many styles of dancing, and they are all magical. When watching a good dancer, even if we can't perform the same movements, we subtly move in unison osmotically. But it is not just the movements themselves. Dance styles are more about mood than actual technique. Of course technique plays an important role, but a good dancer of a style is able to express the mood intrinsic to the style itself. That way we are able to touch on possibilities we otherwise would not know of.
My dance writings are, as I call them, secular. Meaning they don't belong to any one style, and as such lack the moods. They are designed to focus directly on the body - how it is designed and how it can be employed to enhance the natural energetic potential of the body.
In music for example, my interest in guitar playing is built around the natural structure of the guitar itself, rather than music styles of songs. So too with dance, I am fascinated by the 'obvious' in our bodies, and then explore that.
But dance styles are fabulous, and I love to watch trained dancers in any style.
I will be putting up some examples of different styles, and would appreciate anyone to do likewise.
Always keep in mind, that we absorb the energy of dance for the purpose of turning every action of our own body into the same quality that dance embodies. Dance never starts or finishes - it is not contained to any dance floor - it is in every thing we do.
Dance is where the feet leave the ground - we lift our being off the earth and fly. To do this we have to lighten our load, and redistribute the pools of stagnant energy that lodge in certain areas of our aura. That is what my dance instructions are all about.
But in the end, it's all about lifting off the ground, and moving with grace and power.