Buddha said the raft is not the shore to express that even per teachings, that this we use to cross the great shore, is not 'it' and we are to not get hooked on it, and carry it. But its not simply a metaphor even for the teachings - though this certainly applies, this also includes our physical body or 'self' which we believe is 'it,' yet is not 'it.' Not-self reveals, when the raft is discarded, simply that. Holding onto the raft we may call 'self,' we toss it and say 'oh, not-self!'
In addition per the metaphor of the lotus - similar consequences apply. The lotus, rises above the muddy water - no matter what circumstances (the great hammer) slams us, we all have the ability to be forged like steel and rise. Yet, Buddha is always seated on the lotus, so even the lotus is not the 'shore,' and the raft is not the shore. Buddha, whence bloomed sneaks a peak at us. Its all about the journey, not the destination. And Buddha is the blooming process itself. Not even the lotus or raft.
The lotus too is that temporary blossom in the mud which will whither away and die. We bud, we rise, like lotuses in the mud, float, like the raft. Then buddha nature peeks out and 'what is doing the seeing then?' The mystery cannot be solved, but the unknown can be known, as unknowable. At least until, we can meet up with the deathless itself.
How many lotuses, over and over, do we have to be, to get it? I do not know. But we have to set that unbending intent, to cross the shore and be willing to toss the raft and discard it. All is impermanent, but stillllll... who is that seeing then?