Author Topic: Transformation  (Read 193 times)

Offline Jennifer-

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« on: February 18, 2009, 10:13:30 PM »
 Excerpt from The Toltec Way
all material © 2005 Dr. Susan Gregg


ransformation is the second of the Toltec Masteries, and it corresponds to the stage of development referred to in the Toltec tradition as being a hunter. A hunter learns the habits and routines of his prey in order to successfully capture it. In your tracking exercises, your personal history will serve as your prey. You will be seeking the events, the assumptions and the beliefs that you’ve developed over your life. When you capture them, you can evaluate how they have affected you and how you can choose to transform them. You can then release them.

In a way, the Masteries of Awareness and Transformation are quite similar. In the former, you learn that your emotions and your actions are “automatic” responses to the beliefs that you’ve created through your filter system. You learn that your filter system prevents you from seeing reality and that it acts as your “interpreter” of what is external to you. Finally, you learn that what is external, what is “out there,” cannot be changed. What can be changed is your perception of it and your response to it.

In the process of Transformation, you will use the tools of recapitulation, tracking, and writing your Book of Freedom to assist you in seeing your past in a new light. Through tracking, you develop an awareness of what triggers your behaviors. As you explore the triggers you begin to realize what you have to gain, and what you have to lose by changing the behavior. Once you thoroughly understand the reasons for your old choices you can begin to make new ones.

We all have histories. When we meet someone, we have a story that we tell called “our life.” Our story is full of facts, events, emotions, and happenings. It is a myth. This myth is based on our beliefs, agreements, and assumptions; since it is a creation of our filter system, it is highly distorted. By clearing out our filter system, we become able to transform our childhood, as I have done.

When my first book Dance of Power was released, my father asked me how I could tell all those lies about our family. I hadn't cleared out portions of my filters yet and I shared stories about my childhood as I remembered them. When I asked my dad about his recollection of those stories, his versions were entirely different. He, too, remembered them through his filter system as well. Neither of us was accurate. Now I recall those events very differently. I know that my filters still color them; but the filters are a bit clearer and more loving.

We take our stories so seriously. We often defend our right to be miserable by refusing to change the story. For years my favorite role was playing the victim. I was very skilled at the role and could turn even the most good-natured person into a victimizer. Until I was willing to let go of that story line I made very little progress in my emotional healing or spiritual explorations. I had a hard time letting it go because the person I victimized the most was myself.


I felt comfortable in the role of victim; I did “poor me” so well. It was familiar, safe, and comfortable. At first, I had no idea how it would feel or how I would act if I stepped into my personal power and let go of my personal importance. I terrorized myself and made the process so much harder than it had to be. Once I accepted that I was comfortable with it and that playing that role had served me, I could start to change.

There are still times in my life when I can feel that old role welling up inside of me just wanting to come out. I can still do a pretty good whine--but I don’t take it very seriously for very long. And, if I feel a need to play “victim” for a while that’s fine, because I can change how I feel anytime I choose. In fact, as soon as I stopped judging myself, I could engage my sense of humor. I could lovingly laugh at myself and move on. I find it far easier to change when I’m amused by my behavior than when I’m judging it.

Our beliefs, the roles we play, and our filter system are all just part of a story we remember to tell ourselves every morning and all day long. Your life is based on your mythology. If you’re willing to change your mythology your life will change drastically. Change is only as difficult as the strength of our emotional attachment is to our story.

You already know what your personal myth is, and you can rewrite it from scratch. What would you like it to be instead?
Without constant complete silence meditation - samadi - we lose ourselves in the game.  MM

Offline Jennifer-

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« Reply #1 on: February 18, 2009, 10:17:43 PM »

Intent is the third of the Toltec Masteries. It corresponds to the stage of development in the Toltec tradition referred to as being a warrior. As a warrior you are practicing the skills of emotional neutrality and alertness so you can choose more clearly when and how to act. You are close to achieving personal freedom so your choices are based on your connection to your spiritual self rather than your filter system.

Our Intent directs our energy and dictates the form our creations will take. It is a very powerful force in our lives, yet we are often unaware of it. We have allowed the energy of Intent to become enslaved by our filter systems.

Intent works either consciously or unconsciously, but it is always operating in our lives. Once you learn how to consciously harness the power of intent, anything is possible. Intent works hand in hand with the other two Masteries. If you set your Intent to be aware of your filter system, you will stop focusing on the “out there.” If you aren’t actively conscious of your Intent, chances are your Intent is to defend your filter system and your limitations, so you will.

Our lives constantly reflect our Intent. If you look at the results you are getting in your life you can understand what your Intent has been. If you are unhappy, your Intent was to be unhappy. If you say your Intent is to quit smoking and you continue to smoke, then your Intent was to continue smoking. By using your ability to track yourself and see deeply within, you can understand your motives and use them to change your Intent.

Intent and the will complement one another. Think about a sailboat with the wind blowing strongly in its sails; the intent is the wind, and the will is the rudder guiding the boat. Your will directs the energy that propels you forward. Your Intent is part of the divine force that allows you to create your experiences in this life. Focusing your Intent with your will allows you to become a co-creator with God.

Intent is often hard to see directly but its reflection in our lives is always crystal clear. In order to thoroughly understand Intent, we will have to approach it from several different directions. Be gentle with yourself, embrace your outcomes, and Intent will become your greatest tool. Judge yourself and your process and you can be certain your Intent is to stay the same, not change. In the following chapters, I’ll explore how to discover your Intent and how your life will change when you surrender to it.

Susan Gregg
Without constant complete silence meditation - samadi - we lose ourselves in the game.  MM


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Re: Transformation
« Reply #2 on: February 19, 2009, 06:26:30 AM »

Living the Mastery of Love
or what is also called The Mastery of Intent.

Offline Jennifer-

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Re: Transformation
« Reply #3 on: February 19, 2009, 09:36:33 PM »
I liked that book Jahn, Ive only read that one and the four agreements by Ruiz.. couldn't get into his other ones.
Without constant complete silence meditation - samadi - we lose ourselves in the game.  MM

tangerine dream

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Re: Transformation
« Reply #4 on: February 19, 2009, 09:52:29 PM »
I liked that book Jahn, Ive only read that one and the four agreements by Ruiz.. couldn't get into his other ones.

I've got it on hold at our Librbay and can't wait to read it, but the Library seems to have lost it. 
  They have no idea where it is.  I've been waiting  many moons-- so I figure that someone needs it more than me right now and they will find it when I need to read it. :)


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Re: Transformation
« Reply #5 on: February 20, 2009, 03:27:25 AM »

"Toltec knowledge arises from the same essential unity of truth as all the sacred esoteric traditions found around the world. Though it is not a religion it honors all the spiritual masters who have taught on the earth. While it embrace spirit, it is most accurately described as a way of life, distinguished by the ready accessibility and love."

page xii

"A Toltec is an artist of Love
an artist of the Spirit
someone who is creating every moment,
every second, the most beautiful art -
the Art of Dreaming.


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Re: Transformation
« Reply #6 on: February 20, 2009, 03:29:20 AM »
I liked that book Jahn, Ive only read that one and the four agreements by Ruiz.. couldn't get into his other ones.

I valued "Beyond fear" very much. That book came to me in a period when I worked with the phenomena of fear.

Offline Jennifer-

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Re: Transformation
« Reply #7 on: February 20, 2009, 03:40:18 AM »
"Toltec knowledge arises from the same essential unity of truth as all the sacred esoteric traditions found around the world. Though it is not a religion it honors all the spiritual masters who have taught on the earth. While it embrace spirit, it is most accurately described as a way of life, distinguished by the ready accessibility and love."

page xii

"A Toltec is an artist of Love
an artist of the Spirit
someone who is creating every moment,
every second, the most beautiful art -
the Art of Dreaming.

This is beautiful.

Without constant complete silence meditation - samadi - we lose ourselves in the game.  MM

Offline Michael

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Re: Transformation
« Reply #8 on: February 20, 2009, 09:42:51 PM »
The Book of Freedom - this is an important subject we have never discussed here.


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Re: Transformation
« Reply #9 on: February 20, 2009, 09:58:39 PM »
The Book of Freedom - this is an important subject we have never discussed here.

Do you mean Miguel Ruiz's book 'The Four Agreements: Practical Guide to Personal Freedom'? you mean the really hard issue of what the ultimate freedom is all about?

Offline Michael

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Re: Transformation
« Reply #10 on: February 20, 2009, 10:21:53 PM »
and writing your Book of Freedom to assist you in seeing your past in a new light

Look it up - DJ spoke of this, but I don't think it was in one of CC's books.

tangerine dream

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Re: Transformation
« Reply #11 on: February 20, 2009, 10:46:18 PM »
Look it up - DJ spoke of this, but I don't think it was in one of CC's books.



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Re: Transformation
« Reply #12 on: February 20, 2009, 10:57:38 PM »
Look it up - DJ spoke of this, but I don't think it was in one of CC's books.

Yes, I'll try. So far I have taken as the basis/working assumption what DJ said in the book on dreaming - how practically non-existent the chance of freedom is (as inorganic awareness dominates the human realm almost totally) and how feeble is the possibility of ever achieving anything beyond human realm. So the shot for freedom means near-eternal stripping of layers of own consciousness and leaving the human realm behind (as it does not belong to humans).


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