Author Topic: We are one and I love you!  (Read 49 times)

tangerine dream

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We are one and I love you!
« on: February 26, 2009, 04:50:24 AM »
Worldpeace: We are one and I love you!

By Mirri Rocks Published 12/23/2008 The archive of the universe Rating:

fighting for peace is like having sex for virginity

In these days I experienced a deeper truth inside myself. I feel that I like LOVE a lot. That I love to honor the truth of myself and of others. It’s important to speak your truth and to share your experiences and your energy. I also feel deep inside my soul that it doesn’t matter anymore if something resonates or not. It’s about the love. We don’t have to live in a vibration that totally resonates with ours. In a way we are seeking the feeling of home, outside ourselves I feel. When we anchor the feeling of home inside our body’s and hearts, we expand that in our reality.

We can interact with every soul, and fall in love with everyone. So discussions are flying away with every breath. Just sharing. I feel that it has become my passion to facilitate space in where someone else can share their own truth. Limitations disappear and we erase borders when we do that. Separation is an illusion. We lift the veil when we talk from heart to heart with people.

Although the majority of humanity hasn’t got the same believe systems as I do, 1 thing is the same. We all are god also, we all are love!

I decided to not limit myself anymore by my own believe systems. I love to express unconditional love in every moment. It is funny cause when I became aware about that, I was confronted with my own intents, actions and beliefs. Suddenly I saw how delicate and hard to grasp unconditional love is. It just is. It doesn’t matter anymore if you are in a vibration that has the same belief systems as you do. Or if another ones words or opinions resonate with you or me. It all goes beyond that game. It’s about living on a soul level. Communicating from the heart, seeing the god in someone else’s eyes, words and actions.

I felt a huge freedom when I realized this on a deeper level. Real acceptation of yourself and others sets free. It goes beyond power games, judgment and fear. And the funny thing is it honors all those things at the same time. I love power games, I love judgment. You know why? Cause it’s all the same love we seek when we try to meditate. It’s the same love that is the building block of this dimension. Can we  go beyond? Can we see trough the illusion of separation? We are one. For ever and always. One is love. Everything is love. You are love. You are love from your toes till your head and more. Everything you say, experience and do is love.


There is world peace already. Do we dare to experience it? Can we feel it when we are arguing with another, in conflicts? What if war is a celebration of love? It’s a game we play with a veil. In a place of supposed separation. It’s a game we play in freedom, in unity.  We are the masters of the game board that know how to play this game really well. We are gods playing and experiencing the human experience.

When we go to that place of love, we can see it from another perspective. That change of perspective can give you world peace right now.
My gift for you in these times is unconditional love. Here a big hug for you! I love you!


With love and a hug,




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Re: We are one and I love you!
« Reply #1 on: February 26, 2009, 05:48:03 AM »

I decided to not limit myself anymore by my own believe systems. I love to express unconditional love in every moment. It is funny cause when I became aware about that, I was confronted with my own intents, actions and beliefs. Suddenly I saw how delicate and hard to grasp unconditional love is. It just is. It doesn’t matter anymore if you are in a vibration that has the same belief systems as you do. Or if another ones words or opinions resonate with you or me. It all goes beyond that game. It’s about living on a soul level. Communicating from the heart, seeing the god in someone else’s eyes, words and actions.

Right, so very right. So I tried this old unconditional love today. I got a parking ticket at work, heh that feels not that great ...  :P

It was the end of the day so I went home, just a little upset, there were a ripple on my usually soo cool surface. Well at home I got a bit happier when I saw that the telephone time to the company had ended but there was a possibility to complain via the Internet. Good heavens, even parking tickets companies take complains on Internet.

This was my great chance, I am good at writing to authorities, I have a history of success in parking ticket claims - so down to work and I finished my claim within a half hour, explaining every detail why my car was on that parking lot this day. I hope they buy it. The fine was reasonable too so I can take it without tears.

Btw. The first thing I saw when I parked there in the morning was a squirrel! Then I thought of Jen and Simple being. I followed the squirrel for a while on his way from the ground up in a tree.

Beside the ticket I had a wonderful day.  :)

And how fun is it to work in a company that order fines? Poor souls, I really felt some love there.
« Last Edit: February 26, 2009, 06:55:55 AM by Jamir »

tangerine dream

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Re: We are one and I love you!
« Reply #2 on: February 26, 2009, 05:59:57 AM »

Offline Jennifer-

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Re: We are one and I love you!
« Reply #3 on: February 26, 2009, 09:37:46 PM »
Btw. The first thing I saw when I parked there in the morning was a squirrel! Then I thought of Jen and Simple being. I followed the squirrel for a while on his way from the ground up in a tree.

 :) :-*
Without constant complete silence meditation - samadi - we lose ourselves in the game.  MM


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