One of the 'things' I had to clear within me - genetically - was the whole issue (can't think of another word) around Jesus and the Christ. The clearing happened after rather a lot of work quite a long time ago.. I am not the type to adopt something/concept/new ideas without having released the old and I knew that without this work I would be held back from any further progress.
It was quite interesting, not just an acceptance of other's beliefs, but to explore the root of those beliefs and how they impacted on me.
Towards the end of my work in this, I had a dream in which Jesus gave me a new passport to cross the border into another country. I drove in my car, a long road, up a steep hill until cresting the hill, I saw a seashore scape below me. It was very beautiful and the sun was shining brightly. A small village nestled at the foot. I have seen that place a number of times in my dreams, but not yet actually gone there.