Author Topic: The Way of the Wizard  (Read 140 times)

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The Way of the Wizard
« on: June 16, 2009, 06:58:33 AM »
The Way of the Wizard: Twenty Spiritual Lessons in Creating the Life You Want. 
By Deepak Chopra, 1995. 

Lesson 1.  A wizard exists in all of us.  This wizard sees and knows everything.   The wizard is beyond opposites of light and dark, good and evil, pleasure and pain.  Everything a wizard sees has its roots in the unseen world.  Nature reflects the moods of the wizard.  The body and mind may sleep, but the wizard is always awake.  The wizard possesses the secret of immortality.

Lesson 2.  The return of the magical can only happen with the return of innocence.  The essence of the wizard is transformation. 

Lesson 3.  The wizard watches the world come and go, but his soul dwells in realms of light.  The scenery changes, the seer remains the same.  Your body is just the place your memories call home.   

Lesson 4.  Who am I? is the only question worth asking and the only one never answered.  It is your destiny to play an infinity of roles, but these roles are not yourself.  The spirit is nonlocal, but it leaves behind a fingerprint, which we call the body.  A wizard does not believe himself to be a local event dreaming of a larger world.  A wizard is a world dreaming of local events.   

Lesson 5.  Wizards don't believe in death.  In the light of awareness, everything is alive.  There are no beginnings or endings.  To the wizard these are only mental constructs.  To be most fully alive, you have to be dead to the past.  Molecules dissolve and pass away, but consciousness survives the death of the matter on which it rides. 

Lesson 6.  The wizard's consciousness is a field that exists everywhere.  The streams of knowledge are compressed in revelatory moments.  We live as ripples of energy in the vast ocean of energy.  When the ego is set aside, you have access to the totality of memory. 

Lesson 7.  When the doors of perception are cleansed, you will begin to see the unseen world - the wizard's world.  There is a wellspring of life within you where you can go for cleansing and transformation.  Purification consists of getting rid of toxins in your life: toxic emotions, toxic thoughts, toxic relationships.   All living bodies, physical and subtle, are bundles of energy that can be perceived directly. 

Lesson 8.  Power is a double edged sword.  Ego power seeks to control and dominate.  The wizard's power is the power of love.  The seat of power is the inner self.  The ego follows us like a dark shadow.  Its power is intoxicating and addicting but ultimately destructive.  The eternal clash of power ends in unity. 

Lesson 9.  The wizard lives in a state of knowingness.  This knowingness orchestrates its own fulfillment.  The field of awareness organizes itself around our intentions.  Knowledge and intention are forces.  What you intend changes the field in your favor.   Intentions compressed into words enfold magical power.   The wizard does not try to solve the mystery of life.  He is here to live it. 

Lesson 10.  We all have a shadow self that is part of our total reality.  The shadow is not here to hurt you but to point out where you are incomplete.  When the shadow is embraced, it can be healed.  When it is healed, it turns to love.   When you can live with all your opposite qualities, you will be living your total self as the wizard. 

Lesson 11.  The wizard is the teacher of alchemy.  Alchemy is transformation.  Through alchemy you begin the quest for perfection.  You are the world.  When you transform yourself, the world you live in will also be transformed.  The goals of the quest - heroism, hope, grace and love - are the inheritance of the timeless.  To summon a wizard's help, you must be strong in truth, not stubborn in judgment. 

Lesson 12.  Wisdom is alive and therefore always unpredictable.  Order is another face of chaos, chaos is another face of order.  The uncertainty you feel inside is the doorway to wisdom.  Insecurity will always be with the quester - he continues to stumble but never falls.  Human order is made of rules.  The wizard's order has not rules - it flows with the  nature of life. 

Lesson 13.   The reality you experience is a mirror image of your expectations.  If you project the same images every day, your reality will be the same every day.   When attention is perfect, it creates order and clarity out of chaos and confusion. 

Lesson 14.  Wizards do not grieve over loss, because the only thing that can be lost is the unreal.  Lose everything, and the real will still remain.  In the rubble of devastation and disaster are buried hidden treasures.   When you look in the ashes, look well. 

Lesson 15.  To the extent you know love, you become love.  Love is more than an emotion.  It is a force of nature and therefore must contain truth.  When you say the word love, you may catch the feeling, but the essence cannot be spoken.  The purest love lies where it is least expected - it unattachment. 

Lesson 16.  Beyond waking, dreaming, and sleeping there are infinite realms of consciousness.  A wizard exists simultaneously in all times.  A wizard sees infinite versions of every event.   The straight lines of time are actually threads of a web extending to infinity. 

Lesson 17.  Seekers are never lost, because spirit is always beckoning to them.  Seekers are offered clues all the time from the world of spirit.  Ordinary people call these clues coincidences.  To a wizard there are no coincidences.  Every event exists to expose another layer of the soul.  Spirit wants to meet you.  To accept its invitation, you must be undefended.  When you seek, begin in your heart.  The cave of the hear is the home of truth. 

Lesson 18.  Immortality can be lived in the midst of mortality.  Time and the timeless are not opposites.   Because it embraces everything, the timeless has no opposite.  At the level of the ego, we struggle to solve our problems.  Spirit sees that struggle is the problem.  The wizard is aware of the battle between ego and spirit, but he realizes that both are immortal and cannot die.  Every aspect of yourself is immortal, even the parts you judge most harshly. 

Lesson 19.  Wizards never condemn desire.  It was by following their desires that they became wizards.  Every desire is created by some past desire.  The chain of desire never ends.  It is life itself.  Don't consider any desires useless or wrong - someday each one will be fulfilled.  Desires are seeds waiting for their season to sprout.  From a single seed of desire, whole forests grow.  Cherish every wish in your heart, however trivial it may seem.  One day these trivial wishes will lead you to God. 

Lesson 20.  The most good you can do for the world is to become a wizard. 

-   Deepak Chopra.   The Way of the Wizard: Twenty Spiritual Lessons in Creating the Life You Want.  New York, Harmony Books, 1995.   169 pages.  ISBN: 051770434X. 

Without constant complete silence meditation - samadi - we lose ourselves in the game.  MM

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Re: The Way of the Wizard
« Reply #1 on: June 16, 2009, 07:53:45 AM »
Deepak's a good dude. Thanks for the snip Jen. A lot of useful info in all that - its all true.
"A warrior doesn't seek anything for his solace, nor can he possibly leave anything to chance. A warrior actually affects the outcome of events by the force of his awareness and his unbending intent." - don Juan

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Re: The Way of the Wizard
« Reply #2 on: June 16, 2009, 08:00:46 AM »
Lesson 19.  Wizards never condemn desire.  It was by following their desires that they became wizards.  Every desire is created by some past desire.  The chain of desire never ends.  It is life itself.  Don't consider any desires useless or wrong - someday each one will be fulfilled.  Desires are seeds waiting for their season to sprout.  From a single seed of desire, whole forests grow.  Cherish every wish in your heart, however trivial it may seem.  One day these trivial wishes will lead you to God



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