Yes, that is an excellent practice. And there are different ways to do this.
I always send my double ahead on any important event. And I use many different methods to vivify my double's capacity, depending on the situation and the significance. I am always learning new ways that my double tells me about.
I do it every week at the beginning of the week - I have a bath the night before the week begins, in which I use the incredible power of hot water baths to focus the astral faculty. I prepare the path. Then always before any big event, like a trip away, a big job or an important meeting. With these I often use light to pave the event, from its start to finish.
There are many techniques, but the result is that my double travels ahead and deals with the underlying energetic environment.
With really big events, I use a spirit catcher and summon the whole assembly of local spirits - spirits of the valley, hills and trees - or further, the assembly of heaven. Then my double stands in the centre and makes his case for their approval and support.
There is a special process to follow, but you'll need to read my book to find out about that.