Author Topic: Blue killed a bird yesterday  (Read 169 times)

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Blue killed a bird yesterday
« on: July 25, 2009, 09:19:24 AM »
I was so mad at him.

Ex or whatever, lol, and I were on the porch drinking wine, and Blue shows up, with a bird in his mouth, flapping his wings.

I was furious, gave ex a broom to free the bird from Blue then saw it laying there. It was done, gasping for breath, never to fly again.

I ran over to Blue and kicked him in his rear. My ex said its his nature, I know this. I know its his nature but I saw the bird, looked at it, and began just bawling.

I dont always cry. Im not an easy crier, but yesterday I just cried my ass off over the bird.

He has food, why take a life? No wonder if you live in the animal realm, its hard to become enlightened.

Blue killed yesterday, and now acrrued more Karma for himself. I can only hope he wont be judged for his nature anyway. But still, he didnt need to do that.

I was really upset about the bird. He finally left it alone so it could die in peace, without having to suffer more pain of having a cat gnawing at it on its last bit of life.
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Re: Blue killed a bird yesterday
« Reply #1 on: July 25, 2009, 09:24:24 AM »
You kicked your cat in the rear?
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Re: Blue killed a bird yesterday
« Reply #2 on: July 25, 2009, 09:37:52 AM »
I was so mad at him.

Ex or whatever, lol, and I were on the porch drinking wine, and Blue shows up, with a bird in his mouth, flapping his wings.

I was furious, gave ex a broom to free the bird from Blue then saw it laying there. It was done, gasping for breath, never to fly again.

I ran over to Blue and kicked him in his rear. My ex said its his nature, I know this. I know its his nature but I saw the bird, looked at it, and began just bawling.

I dont always cry. Im not an easy crier, but yesterday I just cried my ass off over the bird.

He has food, why take a life? No wonder if you live in the animal realm, its hard to become enlightened.

Blue killed yesterday, and now acrrued more Karma for himself. I can only hope he wont be judged for his nature anyway. But still, he didnt need to do that.

I was really upset about the bird. He finally left it alone so it could die in peace, without having to suffer more pain of having a cat gnawing at it on its last bit of life.

He accrued no karma for being true to his nature, and he doesn't need to become "enlightened". 

However, now you and he have something to work out. When you strike/hit/kick an animal, especially your pet, you lay out a path between you which calls for redemption.  Now truth be, he might forgive you ... but now you've introduced fear and punishment into your relationship.

If there's one thing which makes me mad, it's watching a pet after he's been abused, trying to get back into the good graces of his owner. Half the time, the owner doesn't even see it.

You should find him a good home, with someone who understands and loves cats.
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Re: Blue killed a bird yesterday
« Reply #3 on: July 25, 2009, 09:40:14 AM »
Just one more thing ...
as unhappy an event as it was, he was bringing that bird to you as a gift.
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Re: Blue killed a bird yesterday
« Reply #4 on: July 25, 2009, 09:41:15 AM »
He accrued no karma for being true to his nature, and he doesn't need to become "enlightened". 

However, now you and he have something to work out. When you strike/hit/kick an animal, especially your pet, you lay out a path between you which calls for redemption.  Now truth be, he might forgive you ... but now you've introduced fear and punishment into your relationship.

If there's one thing which makes me mad, it's watching a pet after he's been abused, trying to get back into the good graces of his owner. Half the time, the owner doesn't even see it.

You should find him a good home, with someone who understands and loves cats.

I do love him, but he wouldnt keep going after the bird, each time, I tried to get him away, he kept lunging for the bird, over and over, til I gave him a kick, then he ran and left it alone, so it could die in peace.

I didnt kick him like a football but enough to let him know, enough, he didnt need to continue to gnaw on a dying bird.

Why should I love a pet more than a bird in the long run? Both are worthy of life.
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Re: Blue killed a bird yesterday
« Reply #5 on: July 25, 2009, 09:41:48 AM »
Just one more thing ...
as unhappy an event as it was, he was bringing that bird to you as a gift.

I know, but he was torturing it.
"A warrior doesn't seek anything for his solace, nor can he possibly leave anything to chance. A warrior actually affects the outcome of events by the force of his awareness and his unbending intent." - don Juan

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Re: Blue killed a bird yesterday
« Reply #6 on: July 25, 2009, 09:49:39 AM »
If you let your cat out, this is going to happen.
The more experienced he becomes, the quicker he'll kill and the less the bird will suffer -- but you kicking him is no answer.
Stern words will do, but he'll still be himself.
If you care about the damage he'll do, don't let him out.
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Re: Blue killed a bird yesterday
« Reply #7 on: July 25, 2009, 09:56:53 AM »
If you let your cat out, this is going to happen.
The more experienced he becomes, the quicker he'll kill and the less the bird will suffer -- but you kicking him is no answer.
Stern words will do, but he'll still be himself.
If you care about the damage he'll do, don't let him out.

well I dont want to deprive him of nature and outdoors, he enjoys it a lot. Id just rather him not kill. I get very upset with killing of birds. Like I remember when Ferocious killed a hummingbird once, heard it squeaking and being tortured, I turned the hose on her full blast. I get very upset about the birds and seeing them dying like that. I know its his nature, but it still upsets me. I wish I could change it somehow.
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Re: Blue killed a bird yesterday
« Reply #8 on: July 25, 2009, 10:19:41 AM »
Hey, Ellen...

It's definitely Blue's nature to do what he did, and no matter what you do to him, his nature will not change.  He is a fine predator - no doubt even an impeccable predator - and we have to remember not to impose our humanform morals & beliefs onto another species.  I knew of a fellow once who tried to make his cat a vegetarian because he himself loathed killing other animals.  The result was that the cat became sick and almost died before the guy finally realized that it is the nature of nature to prey on itself; and that's just the way power has set things up.

The other thing that makes a world of sense to me is the "theory" (to me I would say it's a fact) that when it is a creature's time to die, the most noble death it can have is to give itself in service to another creature.  Who's to say the bird wasn't injured, or would have been killed in some other way that same afternoon?  To present herself to Blue was a gift the bird gave to the cat.  Yes, it's brutal to our humanform way of thinking; but to Blue and the bird, it is a pact of spirit  and I have no doubt that he was "bound" by that pact to do precisely what he did.

This morning, the ancient weenie dog we found running down the middle of the road about 2.5 years ago passed away.  She was eating and active yesterday morning, then by last night, she had slipped into what amounted to a fitful coma - old age and infirmity having taken its toll.  This morning, as she lay dying in my arms, I thought about the night we found her, and I wondered if I had done "the right thing" by plucking her out of the middle of a busy highway.  There is no doubt in my mind she would have died that night - if not by being run over by a car, then certainly food for the local coyotes.  And, if she'd been hit by a car, it's such a rural area she would have become food for the ravens and other scavengers.  As ugly as it may have been to my humanform sensibilities, I couldn't help wondering if I had given her a "better" life, or deprived her of her noble death.

So... maybe it would help to consider the possibility that we all have an appointment with our destiny.  We can either keep that appointment or not, depending on our own will, of course.  Some days, we'll fly away and emerge victorious.  But one day, Death will tap us just as it tapped the bird, and no matter what we do, it will be our time to dance with da cat.

Just me, but I think I might consider seeing things from Blue's perspective.  He's just being the best warrior he can be, working with the nature given to him by Nature.

Love him for who he is.  And thank him with all your heart for what he has shown you.

*warm embrace*
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Re: Blue killed a bird yesterday
« Reply #9 on: July 25, 2009, 11:13:58 AM »
Thanks D. I was thinking about it today, maybe I was seeing myself in the bird and death. Definitely something in me about the whole 'system' of death cried out. Your angle definitely shows something to it, for all I know the bird may have just made a pact with Blue, its possible. Sometimes birds get away, othertimes they dont.

I prefer them to get away though, and cats just, eat cat food. I know that Blue tho, is a predator by nature, stalker cat. Its a tough one. He loves being outdoors, chasing other cats around too! Hes got a lot of friends outdoors so I cant lock him up cause I dont like it when he goes after birds.

Maybe he'll at least be more discreet about it next time, sparing me from getting emotional.

Sorry you lost your dog last night too, btw. I think you did the right thing saving it. It was 'spotted' by you after all, for a reason. Must've been scared shitless when in the wild!
« Last Edit: July 25, 2009, 11:17:37 AM by ~Dragonfly »
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Re: Blue killed a bird yesterday
« Reply #10 on: July 25, 2009, 11:28:58 AM »

I prefer them to get away though, and cats just, eat cat food. I know that Blue tho, is a predator by nature, stalker cat. Its a tough one. He loves being outdoors, chasing other cats around too! Hes got a lot of friends outdoors so I cant lock him up cause I dont like it when he goes after birds.

Maybe he'll at least be more discreet about it next time, sparing me from getting emotional.

Maybe, but even if not, try to remember that he's doing his job in the grand scheme of things - being the best cat he knows how to be.  :)  One of the hardest things I ever had to watch was when my other weenie dog (Zero) caught & killed a baby squirrel earlier this spring.  I couldn't help thinking at first that I feed the dog the very best dog food $$$ can buy, so she had no need to kill this hapless squirrel... but on the other hand, it's her nature to do it and that squirrel just happened to be the slowest one at the watering hole.  It was his time and Zero was his destiny.

Sorry you lost your dog last night too, btw. I think you did the right thing saving it. It was 'spotted' by you after all, for a reason. Must've been scared shitless when in the wild!

It was her time.  Near as I can determine, she was probably at least 16 when we found her, so she had to be at least 18 when she left this world today.  I do feel that she crossed my path for a reason - she was a good challenge for me in the department of patience, and attempting to interact with an animal that was so severely withdrawn she seldom if ever showed any actual affection.  Loved to eat, though!  Reminded me of an ancient, arthritic granny-lady hobbling around looking for her reading glasses.  After I put her into the ground, I was standing outside hosing off one of the doggie blankets, and a hummingbird came to play in the mist from my hose.  The bird flitted & took a nice bath in the spray, and it seemed a nice closure to Honey's life - since hummers are spirit carriers from this world to the next, in legend.

What's also of interest to me is that I was "supposta" be up in Oregon at the moment, but something happened that caused me to cancel one of our shows, so we were able to be at home when her time came.  I was glad I could be with her - though, like you, something in the actual-ity of Death sometimes fills me with outrage and despair. Not for myself.  Can't even put it to words, really.  But this time, there was a sense of rightness and closure to it.  Somehow, the hummingbird really brought all of that home.

*hugs* to you & Blue
« Last Edit: July 25, 2009, 11:39:32 AM by Quantum Shaman »
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Re: Blue killed a bird yesterday
« Reply #11 on: July 25, 2009, 11:46:55 AM »
Sorry about your pooch, Della.
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Re: Blue killed a bird yesterday
« Reply #12 on: July 25, 2009, 11:58:40 AM »
To present herself to Blue was a gift the bird gave to the cat. 

I've watched that happen, as recently as at my mother's. There is a stray ("Mooch") that John feeds outdoors, and one day, as she was having breakfast, seemingly minding her own business, a sparrow flew down on the patio. Mooch didn't 'seem' to see the bird at first, but clearly the bird saw Mooch. The bird hopped over closer to Mooch, and Mooch still seemed to not see it .. or was pretending not to.  Suddenly, a lightning-fast LUNGE, the slightest scuffle, and off Mooch went, parading with the bird in her mouth.

I stood up and protested aloud. Mooch turned around to look at me, as if to say, 'Sorry lady -- it was what it was!' and scaled over the wall, bird-in-tow.  That bird, though, definitely offered herself up. Later I marvelled at how deftly Mooch carried it out.
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Re: Blue killed a bird yesterday
« Reply #13 on: July 25, 2009, 12:36:58 PM »
Interesting subject - can we somehow influence animal behaviour?

I used to think that animals as a physical beings do not have much in terms of mind and awareness. They live as in the sleep and they dream a simple, brutal dream of their life. Can it be altered?

Hard to say, but there is a level of interaction available to humans where you can speak to an animal and it would change its dream behaviour. I have not looked into it in terms of establishing permanency of such changes, but we definitely can reach the animal at deep levels.

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Re: Blue killed a bird yesterday
« Reply #14 on: July 25, 2009, 12:43:43 PM »
Hey,  Ellen,  maybe you could buy Blue a collar with a little bell on it.   That's what I did to stop Willy from hunting birdies.   They hear her coming a mile away now!   :P
« Last Edit: July 25, 2009, 01:05:17 PM by Celesta »


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