One of the things I was getting at, to make it clear was, is it necessary for one to empty oneself, to another individual? Like Im reading a book called Daughter of Fire, where a woman who wanted to be trained in a particular sufi order, was asked by her teacher, to write out a confession of every wrong she had ever done in her life, that this was a necessary thing for her to do. And, when she wrote it out she felt really bad, getting down to the finer details of various things. I still can see some strange value in this, however, doing a confession to someone, in some way. I can see it serving as a mirror back to the self, of how imperfect that ego-mind can be, when it comes down to acting on those thoughts which either arent ours via programming, or are our thoughts but they are 'unwholesome' like the mighty saints and lamas and the like, put it.
I wonder if, such a thing, beyond recapitulation is necessary, and it could be part of the 'album' or maybe a different sort of album, one to empty and toss into the fire when done. Its not ignored is the point, the 'stains on the soul,' and the repeat mistakes the tyrant of mind does, if its all faced in some way.
So I wonder if this emptying, or even a confessing, is actually something which could work. Trouble is, most are unwilling to do it, because they fear too much the response and the judgments of another, say even if one is a shaman, a teacher of some sort, a lama, guru, guide, whatever, it almost would seem overwhelmingly worse, to confess to such an individual, and empty out in front of them. Perhaps necessary, but it would seem worse. Like unloading all of that and laying it in some holy temple, it would seem almost too trashy to do. Serve as some strange mirror to the self. Hard to do. Its difficult to get it on paper enough.
Anyway just more thoughts on it. I suspect very few in here have ever really done that. I dont even know if I could say, write all down, empty my 'self' to another in such a way. It would lead to progress, but would be a very difficult thing to do.