Author Topic: Gratitude quotes  (Read 26 times)

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Gratitude quotes
« on: November 28, 2009, 08:50:25 AM »
Gratitude Quotes

"At times our own light goes out and is rekindled by a spark from another person.Each of us has cause to think with deep gratitude of those who have lighted the flame within us." -Albert Schweitzer

"He is a wise man who does not grieve for the things which he has not, but rejoices for those which he has." - Epictetus

"Go to foreign countries and you will get to know the good things one possesses at home." - Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe

"Life without thankfulness is devoid of love and passion. Hope without thankfulness is lacking in fine perception. Faith without thankfulness lacks strength and fortitude. Every virtue divorced from thankfulness is maimed and limps along the spiritual road." -John Henry Jowett

“For each new morning with its light,For rest and shelter of the night,For health and food, for love and friends,For everything Thy goodness sends.”-Ralph Waldo Emerson

“Silent gratitude isn't much use to anyone.” -G.B. Stern

“God gave you a gift of 86,400 seconds today. Have you used one to say "thank you?" -William A. Ward

"No one is as capable of gratitude as one who has emerged from the kingdom of night." -Elie Wiesel

"Gratitude is a vaccine, an antitoxin, and an antiseptic"
- John Henry Jowett

"If you want to turn your life around, try thankfulness. It will change your life mightily." - Gerald Good

"Feeling grateful or appreciative of someone or something in your life actually attracts more of the things that you appreciate and value into your life." -Christiane Northrup

“Appreciation can make a day, even change a life. Your willingness to put it into words is all that is necessary.” -Margaret Cousins

"Develop an attitude of gratitude, and give thanks for everything that happens to you, knowing that every step forward is a step toward achieving something bigger and better than your current situation."
-Brian Tracy

“The hardest arithmetic to master is that which enables us to count our blessings.”-Eric Hoffer

“Feeling gratitude and not expressing it is like wrapping a present and not giving it.” -William Arthur Ward

“Let us rise up and be thankful, for if we didn't learn a lot today, at least we learned a little, and if we didn't learn a little, at least we didn't get sick, and if we got sick, at least we didn't die; so, let us all be thankful.” -Buddha

“To educate yourself for the feeling of gratitude means to take nothing for granted, but to always seek out and value the kind that will stand behind the action. Nothing that is done for you is a matter of course. Everything originates in a will for the good, which is directed at you. Train yourself never to put off the word or action for the expression of gratitude.” -Albert Schweitzer

“Let's be grateful for those who give us happiness; they are the charming gardeners who make our soul bloom.” - Marcel Proust

“Saying thank you is more than good manners. It is good spirituality.” - Alfred Painter

"Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God."
-The Bible Phil 4:6 NKJV

"As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them." - John F. Kennedy

"If the only prayer you said in your whole life was, "thank you," that would suffice." - Meister Eckhart

"Gratitude is merely the secret hope of further favors." - François Duc de La Rochefoucauld

"I would maintain that thanks are the highest form of thought; and that gratitude is happiness doubled by wonder." - G.K. Chesterton

"If a fellow isn't thankful for what he's got, he isn't likely to be thankful for what he's going to get." - Frank A. Clark

"Gratitude is the fairest blossom which springs from the soul." - Henry Ward Beecher
"A warrior doesn't seek anything for his solace, nor can he possibly leave anything to chance. A warrior actually affects the outcome of events by the force of his awareness and his unbending intent." - don Juan


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