With the advent of the internet, a new problem has arisen. Previously we had rumour, which we still have although it is not as effective with the internet-savvy as with the traditional working class.
Today, those who gain their information from a wide source, especially the internet, face a serious problem of how to value the quality of these sources. This is especially problematic in the health sphere, but applies across the board.
The problem is that anyone can put up anything they like on the internet. There is no filtering like there has been in traditional media. This is both a good and bad thing. Traditional media has been taken over by two forces - powerful interests, and mass interests.
We have to accept the flood of un-vetted information on the internet, as within that arena, the freedom of the internet allows for distribution of some really high quality - just as for low quality.
As a rule of thumb, when valuing an internet source, you should do a search on it if you see it is presenting some extreme view. The reason is twofold. Many sites fall under the the following two distortions:
1. They are specifically set up to proliferate the views of vested interests. This means that what you read there has a hidden agenda, not immediately obvious by the content. I know this will apply to all sites, but nonetheless you should be aware that you are being fed on the basis of underlying philosophies - some totally hidden and remote from the content.
For example, the Republican party in the US is currently running many lines which are insane. they know this perfectly well, and they don't mind, because their interest in not in the truth of their information, but in getting re-elected to power. It is a means to an end, and frankly any means will do.
2. They are set up with the best of intentions, but without their knowledge they are the pawns of highly clever interests. An example is now found in New Age magazines/websites where people put forward views which they believe to be true, without realising these precise attitudes are being specifically made up and pervaded into uncritical minds for the benefit of certain religious, political or industrial interests.
Another example is the recent Climate Change Sceptical movement, which is basically populated by people who actually feel a genuine sense of scepticism, without realising the consequences are being actively manipulated to benefit the Coal and Oil industries. I mean these huge industrial companies actually sit down and create attitudes and words to push out into the wider community, with the sole purpose of destabilising any shift away from reliance on their products. It is highly funded and highly rewarding financially for them.
Those who pursue these ideas are often completely unaware of the powerful political and industrial influences moving behind the scenes.
I could go on, but many have written on this, and I may find some better at revealing the world of secret power moves than I. The one big one is of course Movement Conservatism, and Neo-Liberal Economics. This is now on the historical record - the beginnings and the big financiers. Their influence has seeped into the most naive minds via the most innocuous means.
So I want to begin here a list of sites on the internet or in the mainstream press, which look to present a balanced perspective. It is not necessary they be on the Right or Left, so long as they offer sensible and vetted content.
1. Fairfax press. In Australia we are fortunate to have this media company. They have been highly criticised by all governments because they lack a dominant figurehead with which deals can be worked out. They give far more licence to their journalists than almost any other Australian and possibly world newspaper. Recently they have come under the scrutiny of the been-counters and so have fallen from their previous pedistal, yet they still present one of the best national and international media outlets I have found.
http://www.smh.com.auhttp://www.theage.com.auAlas, for most of you, they will be too nationally based.
2. Al Jazeera. http://english.aljazeera.net/HomePageThis is a great media site, which has a very good coverage of the nations not usually covered in Western newspapers.
3. Dawn.comhttp://www.dawn.com/Pakistani newspaper, but such interesting articles.
4. The Guardian Weeklyhttp://www.guardianweekly.co.uk/A Left leaning newspaper - meaning they take up the causes of those who are victims of global change, rather than those who are the winners. But it is a very well vetted newspaper, and although they publish many controversial articles, they are extremely careful to maintain their integrity as a high quality source of information. Their sin, from the Right, is not the falseness of their articles, but their constant focus on 'losers'. Unfortunately it can be a bit depressing, but then perhaps that is the truth these days.
5. Tedhttp://www.ted.com/this is a new one fro me, and I have only just been looking at it, but it does seem to have a great range of issues - and not so preoccupied with politics and war. Please investigate and get back about what you think.
6. Truth Outhttp://www.truthout.org/index.htmI confess I don't go to this much, as it is a bit too political for me. But it does look to be a good site.
7. Journey Man Pictureshttp://www.youtube.com/user/journeymanpicturesVicki found this one, and although I haven't investigated it much, it looks quite interesting.
You are welcome to post up your own sites for our interest and comment.