Author Topic: Hemp Hearts  (Read 123 times)

Ke-ke wan

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Hemp Hearts
« on: January 01, 2010, 11:35:33 AM »
The medical benefits of hemp hearts are only a recent discovery, and many doctors are simply dumbfounded by them. They're the tiny shelled seeds that come from the hemp plant, but despite their size, they pack a powerful nutritional punch! It's like having all of the vital nutrients your body needs to be at its very best. They really are  Nature's own Power Food.

To get the most out of hemp hearts, you'll need to take 3-4 heaping spoonfuls of them each day. That may sound like a lot, but because hemp hearts are odorless and nearly flavorless, you can easily add them to just about any regular food and you'll never know they're there! Pour some into your cereal or oatmeal, add them as a topping to a baked potato, or stir them in with spaghetti you'll forget they're in there!
Eat them alone as a quick snack and enjoy a nutty crunch similar to sesame seeds or sunflower seeds.   Yum!

Hemp hearts can soothe and help relieve ailments when used consistently as part of your diet!

    * Arthritis: The proteins and enzymes in hemp hearts help soothe the inflammation and reduce the swelling in many forms of arthritis.Hemp Hearts Shelled Hemp Seed
    * Food Cravings and Weight Gain: The best time to get your daily serving of hemp hearts is with your breakfast. That said, your body will then be satisfied and happily working with all the nutrients contained in the seeds, and won't irritate you with hunger pains or cravings for sweet or salty snacks!

    * High Blood Pressure and High Cholesterol: Left untreated, these serious health risks could lead you to having a stroke or heart attack. When used consecutively for three months, you'll notice a reduction in your cholesterol and blood pressure levels, which decreases your risk of stroke.
    * Digestion and Constipation: If you suffer from frequent digestive or intestinal problems, you'll be pleased to know that hemp seeds help regulate the digestive system, and are easy to digest at any age! The coarse fibers and plant sterols
found in hemp hearts may also decrease your risk of colon or prostrate cancer.

    * Diabetes, Food Allergies or Intolerances: If you're unable to eat digest gluten (a form of wheat), lactose or other forms of sugars, hemp hearts are a godsend! You can have a nutritionally superior diet to that of your sugar-laden friends, and enjoy a greater feeling of fullness and satisfaction without having to worry about problem foods. Hemp hearts also contain no THC.

    * Chronic Fatigue: If you're feeling tired all the time, your diet may be to blame! Hemp hearts are packed with proteins that give your body energy to burn! Bring back that youthful vitality and become more productive!

Ke-ke wan

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Re: Hemp Hearts
« Reply #1 on: January 01, 2010, 11:37:46 AM »
Hemp Seed Oil

One of nature’s greatest gifts to mankind, Hemp Seed Oil is a bountiful source of high quality nutrition and provides many wonderful medicinal uses as well. Hemp Seed Oil has a history of use dating back thousands of years to the Chinese Ming Dynasty, and has long been a popular natural remedy in Eastern cultures. There has been resistance to the use of hemp and its by-products in Western countries because of the association with its cannabis relative marijuana.

However, this is an unfortunate misunderstanding, as industrial hemp cannot be abused as a drug because it has such low levels of THC, the psychoactive ingredient in marijuana. The market for Hemp Seed Oil and other useful hemp products is growing worldwide as more people become aware of its many benefits and as prejudice against it lessens.

Hemp Seed Oil is obtained by pressing the seeds of the industrial hemp plant, officially known as Cannabis sativa. Before we discuss specific benefits of the oil, let me say that when choosing a source of Hemp Seed Oil, you want to be sure it is derived from organically grown hemp that is GMO-free (not genetically altered). It should be first cold-pressed, and produced in low-light and a low-oxygen environment, as heat, light, and oxygen destroy many of its natural attributes. It should also be stored in the refrigerator to maintain freshness and prevent rancidity. A quality oil appropriate for nutritional, cosmetic and medical uses should have a dark green color and a rich, nutty flavor, and should always be packaged in a glass container, never plastic.

Hemp Seed Oil has many exciting uses!

Hemp Seed Oil as a Nutritional Supplement

This natural product has been acclaimed as one of the most nutritionally-rich and balanced substances available, and for good reason. As a protein source, it stands out due to its formulation that includes all of the known 20 amino acids, including the 9 essential amino acids. Thus, it is an excellent source of complete protein. A conglomeration of studies have documented the importance of the ratio of Omega 3 to Omega 6 consumption. Hemp seed oil comes the closest to this optimum ratio of any naturally occurring oil. Hemp seed oil has a ratio of at least one-to-three, Omega 3 to Omega 6.

Hemp seed contains all 10 essential amino acids, the building blocks of protein. Hemp seed contains 33% pure digestible protein, providing readily available amino acids for building and repairing tissue. Hemp seed protein is composed of 65% high-quality edestin protein, the most potent protein of any plant source, 35% albumin protein and glutamic acid. The globulin edestin in hemp seed closely resembles the globulin in blood plasma, and is compatible with the human digestive system. It is vital to the maintenance of a healthy immune system and is also used to manufacture antibodies. Albumin is a protein manufactued by the liver that is supportive of liver and kidney health.In addition, Hemp Seed Oil is rich in a variety of bio-active compounds including vitamins (A, B1, B2, B3, B6, C, D, and E), antioxidants, chlorophyll, and minerals (calcium, magnesium, potassium, sulfur, phosphorous, iron, and zinc).

The oil can be taken directly, with a typical adult consuming 1-2 Tbsp. daily. It can also be added to other foods, making an excellent ingredient in salad dressings or tastes great as a butter substitute (try it on warm bread — Delicious!). If you want to use it in cooked dishes, be sure to add the hemp oil after heating has occurred.

Avocado Hemp Dressing
Yield 1 1/2 cups

Ingredient List

2 ripe Organic Avocados
1/4 Cup Organic Hemp Oil
juice from 1 Organic Lemon
1-2 Tablespoons Organic Cilantro, minced
1-2 Cloves fresh, minced organic Garlic
1-2 teaspoons Ume Plum Vinegar (Eden Organic)
Purified Water

Directions: Cut avocados in half. Hold the pitted half firmly, and strike with a chef’s knife. The knife should stick to the pit, making it easy for you to pull it out of the avocado. Repeat with other avocado. Scoop avocado out of skins and place in bowl. Mash with fork, then stir in hemp oil, lemon juice, cilantro, pepper, and vinegar. Thin with purified water, if necessary. Taste and adjust seasonings. A thicker dressing can be made as a delicious dip or drizzled over steamed, organic vegetables.

Hemp Seed Oil as a Source of Essential Fatty Acids (EFAs)

Hemp Seed Oil is a very good source of EFAs (essential fatty acids), including an optimal balance of omega-3s and omega-6s. Most Americans do not get enough omega-3 (and too much omega-6), so this is a great way to boost omega-3 levels.

The benefits of EFAs are many. They are involved with literally every function of the body, at the cellular level, and therefore are critical for our bodies to function at their best and for overall wellness. EFAs help us to experience:Healthier skin & hair Better use of oxygen in the body A stronger immune system Better arterial and cardiac health Healthy cell membranesImproved hormonal balance Balanced thyroid and adrenal activity Loss of excessive weight Better pain control Increased energy Greater mental clarity

Hemp Seed Oil for Healthy Skin

Because of the high levels of so many critical nutrients, especially EFAs, Hemp Seed Oil is an excellent product to use on the skin. Because it is so nutritionally-rich, it can be used or added to products such as shampoos, natural skin care products, and others. If you purchase (or make your own) organic personal care products, adding a bit of Hemp Seed Oil will only increase their effectiveness. It will help to keep the skin supple and restore tissues, has anti-aging properties, and can even help protect your skin from harmful ultra-violet rays.

Hemp seed oil also provides healthy, effective treatment for a variety of skin disorders such as psoriasis, eczema, acne, and dry skin.

*** Side Note***
I personally find hemp seed oil to be slightly heavy and strong flavoured so I don't like to use it as a salad oil,  unless I am going for a specific flavour. 

As consumers become more educated about organic alternatives for products to use in and on their bodies, the demand for Hemp Seed Oil is likely to increase. When looking for new ways to improve your lifestyle of wellness, I highly recommend including organic Hemp Seed Oil. The brand that I recommend and use personally is from Living Harvest.

« Last Edit: January 01, 2010, 11:47:32 AM by bluebird »

Ke-ke wan

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Re: Hemp Hearts
« Reply #2 on: January 01, 2010, 11:44:41 AM »
Hemp seeds contain up to 24% protein.    A handful of seed provides the minimum daily requirement for adults. Hemp has a high quality protein content that contains all eight essential amino acids in the correct proportions that humans need.

Hemp seeds have the most complete edible and usable protein in the vegetable kingdom.   Hemp seed protein can supply any diet with a vegetarian source of essential fatty acids, antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, fibre, chlorophyll, and a complete, balanced gluten-free source of the essential amino acids.

« Last Edit: January 14, 2010, 12:46:53 PM by bluebird »

Ke-ke wan

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Re: Hemp Hearts
« Reply #3 on: January 14, 2010, 12:47:22 PM »

Ke-ke wan

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Re: Hemp Hearts
« Reply #4 on: January 14, 2010, 12:50:07 PM »
Hemp Seed Granola

Makes: 8 servings
Prep Time: 15 min
Cook Time: 25-35 minutes


1c Manitoba Harvest Shelled Hemp Seeds
1/4c Hemp Seed Oil
4c Organic Oats (the slow cook kind)
1/2c Organic Brown Sugar
1/2c Cinnamon
2/3c Raw Almonds, crushed (feel free to substitute another nut or none at all)
1/2c Organic Honey
1/4c Organic Olive Oil


 Preheat oven to 340F

In a glass bowl, combine:
Oats, hemp seeds, brown sugar, cinnamon, almonds & mix well.

In a small saucepan, heat honey and olive oil - be sure not to allow it to boil - just needs to be heated through

Pour honey & olive oil into dry ingredients, and coat well.  Spoon granola mixture onto a cookie sheet, and bake for 25-35 minutes. Let the granola cool for about 40 minutes so it begins to harden & get crunchy.

Store or gift this granola in air tight containers. Dried fruits can be added to this recipe to create more festive flavors.


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