Author Topic: The Two Witnesses and more ...  (Read 124 times)


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The Two Witnesses and more ...
« on: January 26, 2010, 06:26:54 AM »

I can't remember how I stumbled upon this book and message. I found it today on one of my USB-sticks. And I had a long and good read. Of course it is close to nuts but some parts are valuable enough. That the "whore" in the revelation is the church that did not follow God, and the rather not so original idea that women have been belittled and dominated in the churches for all decades and it is about time to restore women’s part and role in the True Church.

The author, Ronald Weinland, is also painfully aware about how people’s belief system is created by thousands of years of misguidance, and he is not especially happy with the catholic church and its derivates. So some sound ideas mixed with a perhaps too literal beliefs and concepts. Quite interesting after all, and his ideas about World War III is worth a read.

Here is some more background details


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Re: The Two Witnesses and more ...
« Reply #1 on: January 26, 2010, 06:39:14 AM »
All the following is a copy from "Concerns About Ronald Weinland's Church of God, Preparing for the Kingdom of God"

Ronald Weinland Interview on The Mike McConnell Show Radio on April 7, 2008
Ronald Weinland made many public statements which were clearly false. Something that one who claims to be speaking for God would not make and then later change. Another example of this occurred in a radio interview on April 7, 2008.

The Weinland Watch blog typed a transcript which reported the statements in writing (which I [the COG Writer] verified by listening to the radio interview myself today).  Here is some from that transcript (without any added blogger comments):

Mike McConnell (MM): And why would you have to be in Israel or why would you choose to be in Israel?

Ronald Weinland (RW): Well I’m going to be there when this all begins on April the 17th because that’s where my job begins and that’s where my job ends. It’s just uh something that I’m to do at this particular point in time…


MM: Right. You you say that’s when your job starts. What is your job?

RW:Well my job starts April the 17th.

MM: Right. And your job is what?

RW: I am one of the individuals the scripture refers to as one of the two end-time witnesses. One of god’s two end-time prophets.

MM: And you know who the other one is and you won’t reveal it until that point in time?

RW: Yeah next week.

MM: Next week?

RW: Yeah. It’s because it’s not something that’s to be given until that specific time publicly so.

MM: All right is this other person someone you know?

RW: Oh absolutely.

MM: So what uh it could be like your wife or something?

RW: Well. It’ll be announced at that time…

RW: If it doesn’t pan out the only thing I would do is uh . So if I responded to anything at all was to explain to people I was a false prophet that’s the only answer. That I’m no longer a minister.

MM: So if by Labour Day we’re still having a picnic.

RW: Well then I’m I’m through.

MM: Then you would find a different line of work.

RW: Absolutely…

MM: And do you know which cities are going to be nuked?

RW: Well uh, I’ve said many a time here I wouldn’t want to live in New York city or Chicago or LA and uh Houston Texas especially some of those areas uh the larger cities uh those are the primary targets.

MM: And this is something going on between us and Russia? Or us and who?

RW: No, this is uh, some of it’s going to be a matter of terrorism. But even after the terrorism uh actually Europe’s going to uh send a few our way as well. They’re uh we’re gonna be conquered that’s a part of the processes. By the time the fifth trumpet sounds we are going to be conquered by Europe…

Ronald Weinland earlier made it sound like nearly everything would happen in February through April 2008, then it appears that he gave himself more time. But even that did not help him as his prophecies have continually proven false. The fact that Barack Obama became President of the United States on January 20, 2009 should be clear proof on that point. And the fact that USA cities were not nuked in 2008 should be proof enough for the others.

« Last Edit: January 26, 2010, 06:42:06 AM by Jamir »

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Re: The Two Witnesses and more ...
« Reply #2 on: January 26, 2010, 07:51:17 AM »
I pull back, usually, when someone declares themselves to be the prophet ... Wild material, Jamir!
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Re: The Two Witnesses and more ...
« Reply #3 on: January 26, 2010, 08:10:17 AM »
I pull back, usually, when someone declares themselves to be the prophet ... Wild material, Jamir!

Yes it is odd enough and quite sound, but a drawback is, that if you enroll to this church, you have to pay the Tithe.


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