Angela expressed it well in the 6/11 thread, so I'm going to quote it here:
The truth is always 'simple' ... when boiled down, just follow the money. It's all in plain sight. Those who control our nation, and probably have a strong hold on other countries as well, are greedy, power hungry bastards. They promote their 'causes' under the guise of religious and personal freedoms, when in fact, they want just the opposite. They want Total Control. This is our Patriarchal reign ... this is the 'good 'ol boys ... it's a modern day legal mafia, just as our Wall Street is legalized gambling.
Do you know that there is a hedge fund for snow precipitation? I heard it about two months ago on NPR (National Public Radio), and of course now, I can't find it on the internet. It's insane ... again, legalized gambling.
I swear I live in the land of the zombies ... everyone sleepily following their orders that have been implanted, programmed ... brainwashed ... And when a truth is revealed, it's quickly washed away, removed from public view, until a 'Jesse Ventura', or a 'Julian Assange' force it into the forefront. Then the 'witch hunt' begins to persecute the messengers ... or, are they really messengers
I feel the same reactions to the oil spill and climate change. In speaking to my brother the other day, who said he was going to be at Mardi Gras in New Orleans this year, I was cautioning him about the seafood. He said, "Oh, I thought that the whole thing about the spill wasn't as bad as they first thought... [that everything was ok]..." I shared a little of the content of this thread, and you would've thought I was telling him about little green men from Mars.
Back in the 70's, we had all those lies, a 'wrong' war, assassinations, Watergate, and the killings at Kent State. It drove me from reading much further. I would only occasionally follow a story thereafter. I'm back there now, and I know it's all wrong - the timing of withdrawal is wrong, especially per M's recent post:
We, who value spiritual aspirations, should be watching these movements intensely. Why? Because we need two things:
1. Time. The most precious thing - this path requires sufficient time to mature, and thus to throw it over for some emotional allegiance or sense of injustice, or out of head-in-the-sand ignorance, is insanity.
2. Goad-task. Without a powerful task relevant to our current life-world situation, we stagnate in our own juices. The current upheavals in all areas of our world are exactly what we need to push us over the final line.
Be in the world but not of it.
The trouble is, I don't think I have the energy any more to weed through all the bullshit. We have a controlled, not a free, press... God knows what the truth is, anymore, anywhere. Or is this the desired conclusion, by the powers-that-be? Perhaps I simply need a break from pouring into every detail.
I definitely need to decorate the walls of my own time-capsule.
Edited to add: I'm sure this weariness will pass. Meanwhile, thanks for letting me share my frustration.