Author Topic: Deepwater Horizon  (Read 2297 times)

Offline Nichi

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Re: Deepwater Horizon
« Reply #60 on: June 06, 2010, 02:11:55 PM »
Here are other ways the military is involved -
The US Army Corps of Engineers


US Coast Guard
« Last Edit: June 06, 2010, 06:32:14 PM by Nichi »
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Offline Michael

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Re: Deepwater Horizon
« Reply #61 on: June 06, 2010, 02:35:14 PM »
Yes, I don't understand why there hasn't been a mass volunteer response like back then. Everyone seems to be waiting for BP or the government to act.

Maybe there is and I just haven't heard about it.

Offline Nichi

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Re: Deepwater Horizon
« Reply #62 on: June 06, 2010, 04:52:36 PM »
Yes, I don't understand why there hasn't been a mass volunteer response like back then. Everyone seems to be waiting for BP or the government to act.

I think it's a combination of denial, bewilderment and shock, the waiting.
I was thinking about the wiki article cited above: it said that 162 miles of US coastline was impacted, and we had 2 months before the oil "landed".

In the current scenario, there will be well over 558 miles of US coastline impacted, and the oil has come ashore in less than/more than one month. And that's not including the current which will take it around to the Atlantic side of the coastline. So, perhaps I was hasty in making a comparison.

Maybe there is and I just haven't heard about it.

On the Army Corps of Engineers site, there is a blurb about "the unemployed" getting hired for the clean-up. There's also talk of the Obama office developing a youth corps.

Meanwhile, there are many animal activist organizations (like Audubon, for just one) who are setting up shop to assist ... not to mention various Institutes and Universities. Perhaps we don't "know" about all of this yet because the work has only begun.   There is conspiracy-talk about BP attempting to keep the photos of the dead and dying birds, fish, and other critters out of the public's view, but I don't think they can succeed at that.
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Offline Nichi

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Re: Deepwater Horizon
« Reply #63 on: June 06, 2010, 06:05:08 PM »
Birds frozen in oil: image of a desperate summer

By Seth Borenstein, Ap Science Writer – Sat Jun 5, 3:46 am ET

They are the ghastly images of a summer fouled before it started. Squawking seagulls and majestic brown pelicans coated in oil. Click. Gunk dripping from their beaks. Click. Big eyes wide open. Click. Even the professionals want to turn away. They can't.

"They get me. It's just inherently sad," said Nils Warnock, a wildlife recovery specialist. "You see this bird totally covered in oil and all you can see are those eyes looking at you blinking. You'd have to be pretty tough not to be affected by that image."

Warnock didn't see the birds in person. He's in California, but the pictures still hit him in the gut. Warnock has been rescuing birds in oil slicks since 1985 and he still chokes up when talking about photos of birds he hasn't seen in person.

Now put yourself in Melanie Driscoll's shoes. She doesn't just see the pictures. She sees the birds close-up through her bird conservation work for the National Audubon Society across Louisiana. The pleading eyes get her, too.

Driscoll has to shut down her emotions while helping coordinate the rescue of the birds. But the feelings sneak back at night, keeping her awake, making her see oily blackness creeping across her cats and even across the moon when she looks up.

When environmental groups try to tug at the public's heart and wallet, they focus on what biologists call "charismatic megafauna." It's the feathered or furry helpless critter that you can relate to. It's not the oiled hermit crab — an image joked about as not very touching by Jon Stewart on "The Daily Show" Thursday night.

It's got to have eyes that melt your heart. And that's what's all over the nation's front pages now.

"The pelican has really become the poster child for this that people are really focusing on," Driscoll said. "The bird is the symbol. They are visible. They are charismatic."

Up in Alaska, where it has been 21 years since the Exxon Valdez spill, residents watching the images of oiled birds are turning off their TV sets because it is just too hard to see, said Nancy Bird. She is director of the Prince William Sound Science Center, which still monitors the effects of the 1989 spill.

"I just wish that somebody would put them out of their misery very quickly," she said. "Watching an animal like that die a slow death is pretty disturbing."

The birds seem frozen in oil. The image is apt.

Birds that get oiled can die from being too cold, or too hot, because the crude oil interferes with the natural oils that make them waterproof. That means their sensitive skin is exposed to extremes in temperature. Even in the relatively mild Gulf waters, they can "die from hypothermia," said Ken Rosenberg, director of conservation science at the Cornell Lab of Ornithology. They can also drown.

The brown pelican, the state symbol of Louisiana, is now also the symbol of death — not just for the birds in the pictures, but for the likely thousands unseen.

"If you're seeing oiled birds, we can assume that there's a lot of death going on," Rosenberg said. "They literally are an indicator of what's going on in the entire ecosystem."

Some species of birds, especially those that lurk hidden in marshes — such as the clapper rail, seaside sparrow and mottled duck — will not be photographed coated with oil. They'll just disappear sight unseen, Driscoll said.

"Those birds won't get their eulogy," Driscoll said. "They'll just disappear. It's an unseen tragedy."
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Offline Nichi

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Re: Deepwater Horizon
« Reply #64 on: June 06, 2010, 06:49:09 PM »
My last hope, since Pensacola has a huge Naval Base, is that the military will become proactive in this, somehow, someway - even if by putting more pressure on the administration. I will bet as we speak, someone in the Navy knows what needs to be done....

I've read about 20 articles more on the whole business since posting the above, and I'm chagrined to report that the Navy has been involved from the beginning, opening the Pensacola base to all the agencies, and supplying booms and skimmers to the effort. So I need not have 'hoped' - it already was in motion. My bad.

It is an interesting sensation, though, this lingering sense that nothing is being done. Since we've been speaking of the "fi", I wonder what program of hopelessness and helplessness is operative here.
« Last Edit: June 06, 2010, 06:53:52 PM by Nichi »
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Offline Michael

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Re: Deepwater Horizon
« Reply #65 on: June 06, 2010, 08:48:04 PM »
You'd think the Navy and the Coast Guard could do something to contain the spread, or redirect it, or whatever.

This is turning out worse and worse every day. I heard they were successful with the last measure, but haven't heard yet how successful.

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Re: Deepwater Horizon
« Reply #66 on: June 06, 2010, 08:50:36 PM »
Since we've been speaking of the "fi", I wonder what program of hopelessness and helplessness is operative here.

It's the one where people get into an emotion state over something they can do nothing about.

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Re: Deepwater Horizon
« Reply #67 on: June 06, 2010, 09:03:59 PM »
I heard they were successful with the last measure, but haven't heard yet how successful.

Just read, it's a third they are capturing.

Ke-ke wan

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Re: Deepwater Horizon
« Reply #68 on: June 08, 2010, 03:04:08 AM »
Just read, it's a third they are capturing.

I had a dream that they had found an oily substance that the spillage would stick to and in dumping that it all stuck together and was easier to suck up!

Ke-ke wan

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Re: Deepwater Horizon
« Reply #69 on: June 08, 2010, 03:04:30 AM »

What is the meaning of the oil spill that is occurring (in May 2010) in the Gulf of Mexico?

You may be hoping for information that will bring new hope for resolving this issue.  Because this is a third-dimensional experience, created by third-dimensional choices, the hope for resolution lies in what you choose to do in the material world.  There is no way to escape this fact – ultimately, you are working with the consequences of the long-standing choices made by humanity.

Like everything, this event is resonating at every level of existence -- in the physical, social, energetic, higher dimensions, at every level -- this event is resonating for all of humanity.  The primary energy of this is the energy of birth, which may not seem to make sense at first.  Just like in birth, this is the painful new beginning of a fresh perspective.

At a more third dimensional level, this is a wakeup call for humanity.  It has always been written that as you did damage to your environment, which is Planet Earth, eventually you would need to wake up and notice that damage.  Then you have a whole series of choices to make as a human race.  You can strive to mitigate the damage and heal the earth or you can ignore it until things get bad enough that you choose to mitigate and heal the earth.

Either way at some point, in order to survive, humanity is going to change their primary drives toward wholeness and healing for all forms of life on the planet.  That is the inevitable end result.  It may that there are very few humans left alive when you finally make that decision.  Until then, you will see progressively bigger and more startling wakeup calls.  Most of them will present themselves as what you are calling ecological disasters, manmade disasters, and increasingly they will affect human beings rather than just animals.  It will affect human beings in more immediate and irrevocable ways.  This is yet another wakeup call in regard to the process of humanity in having swung out of balance with nature and now being called to swing back into balance with nature.

As most of you know, you have a very long road ahead of you.  Even if you choose to totally change the whole human race's perspective on the value of ecology, you would still have generations of work ahead of you to physically resolve the damage you have done.  Actually, most of the work still lies in simply helping more of humanity recognize the need to bring yourselves back into balance with ecology.  It is a wakeup call in a third dimensional level.

There is this deeper spiritual meaning of birth.  The energy of the Gulf of Mexico at this time looks like a birth canal and if you imagine birth occurring for a mammal, for a human being or any other mammal, the birth canal expands, it extends, it sometimes tears.  There is a lot of blood and a lot of other fluid.  It is a messy event and energetically you are birthing a new potential for humanity.  That wakeup call has so much potential.  It has to come through a messy and painful event.

What you are likely to find is that that wakeup call is going to evolve over the course of the next several years.  The first major shift occurring is people who never thought that they would worry about ecology or being in balance with Planet Earth are finding themselves now necessarily concerned with it because their lives are being directly impacted.  That number of people, that number of people being directly impacted will continue to expand because right now the strongest potential is that the oil will spread to many other coastlines before it is resolved.  It will be present for right now, potentially for decades.  That is one of the immediate effects.  In the hearts and minds of many, many individuals, they're waking up to the truth about your current relationship about Planet Earth and the fact that it is out of alignment.

There is a secondary impact for most of the world, and certainly for the western world, in regard to your oil or petroleum resources and the impact will occur in money.  A lot of people will lose a lot of money.  Some very wealthy people will lose a lot of money because of their misguided efforts to become wealth through oil production, but even more people will lose money by paying higher prices for oil and by paying higher taxes to help clean up the mess that has been made.  That larger impact will also serve as a wakeup call for many, many more people.  If humanity and particularly we will be more specific about the United States, if people in the United States had collectively shifted more toward coming into balance with nature, you may not have had such a large and far reaching and impactful disaster.

You are not being punished -- you are simply being woken up.  Just like a teenager who is reluctant to get out of bed in the morning, if a parent pushes them and nudges them lovingly, they may not wakeup so eventually the parent has to shout or push the teenager off the bed or throw cold water on their face or something that feels like a punishment but really is an effort to get you to wakeup.

We know that for many of you who have long been aware of the ecological imbalance and long been invested in helping to resolve it, it is very frustrating to see such a large disaster happen despite your efforts.  In order for this to be resolved for humanity, humanity as a whole needs to make the shift.  It is always lonely and it is always difficult to be a pioneer to be ahead of the curve.  For those of you in that position, there is some value in it as well.  That is the meaning of the Gulf oil spill.  It is actually pretty straightforward.  It is a direct consequence of your actions.
 How can we help?

The question of how you can help is that if the primary purpose of this in the larger scale of things is to encourage people to wake up and change their core values or realign how their behavior matches their core values.  One of the most important things you can do to help here is to actually talk about this with your friends and neighbors and to avoid blaming or avoid saying, "I told you so."  It is difficult to come out of denial.  It is very painful to come out of denial.  It will serve you to be gentle and soft but totally willing to talk about this.

Talk about the events with your friends and neighbors, not in the form of debate, but simply bring up the topic, watch the conversation evolve and just gently take note of who is waking up.  There will be people who are resisting or denying the truth of this impact and there is not much you can do to change their minds.  The people who are suddenly realizing that their actions, that somehow they're connected to the ecological disaster, turn your attention to those people.  Without blame and without any sense of self-righteousness, be willing to talk about and brainstorm together how you can make changes in your lives that help bring you and therefore to some extent, bring humanity back into alignment with the balances of nature.

This is a long slow process.  Many of you hope that this will be the final awakening.  Like this will be bad enough that everyone will suddenly wake up but this is really the kind of thing that's going to change over the course of years and even generations.  It is vitally important that you do your part.

There are also some things you can do physically.  Ultimately, you must change your relationship to energy – we mean this on the physical level of electricity and oil, and we mean it in regard to metaphysical energy.  The process of realizing that everything is energy and that you are made of love goes hand-in-hand with the process of releasing your consumptive behaviors and ceasing your destruction of Planet Earth.  You MUST address this at both a physical and an energetic level.

Organizations are going to emerge to help support the cleanup of this mess and also the prevention of future such disasters.  Those organizations are the seeds for organizations that eventually help you be better stewards of wetlands and coastal areas across the world.  It will serve you to support those organizations.  Some of you will be called to support them by volunteering and some of you will send money.  It will be important to wait and pay attention to make sure you are sending money to the organizations that actually have staying power and integrity.  Essentially there are seeds being planted for what will become long-standing organizations that help everyone steward these natural areas.  They will arise out of crisis and some of them will last as long-term stewards that will essentially be channels through which people can connect with nature.

There is something you can do on an energetic level as well.  This is one of those physical events that is particularly susceptible to your intentions; to the energy that you send through prayer, through meditation, through visualization.  Because it is occurring in water and because it is liquid, it can be easily moved and the oceans particularly respond to energy because they are reservoirs of energy.  It actually will make a difference for you to visualize, pray or do some of those spiritual practices to send light to the area.  We suggest that you not get too caught up in trying to decide where the oil should or should not go because you will all have different ideas about that and none of you has a complete enough perspective to really know.

Instead, send light with the intention that the oceans manage the oil in the way that best serves them because the oceans, their currents, the life in the oceans, all of them are connected to this and you can funnel energy to them and they will know what to do.  They will know where to send the oil, they will know how best to mitigate its effects as long as it is there.  Simply send light in the most loving and empowering energy you can to the area.  This is the kind of thing that will help you feel better because you are doing something.  You will not see direct results right away, but over time you can know that by doing that things will turn out better than they would have had you not done this.  As long as your vision is limited, you will not see directly how that effect occurs, but trust us and know that it truly does have an effect.  Prayer works, meditation works, your loving intentions, they really do work to make the world function better than it would without you here.   (May 2010)

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Re: Deepwater Horizon
« Reply #70 on: June 08, 2010, 09:19:33 AM »
That has some good stuff in it Piper. A constructive long term approach.

Offline Nichi

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Re: Deepwater Horizon
« Reply #71 on: June 08, 2010, 12:42:23 PM »
There is this deeper spiritual meaning of birth.  The energy of the Gulf of Mexico at this time looks like a birth canal and if you imagine birth occurring for a mammal, for a human being or any other mammal, the birth canal expands, it extends, it sometimes tears.  There is a lot of blood and a lot of other fluid.  It is a messy event and energetically you are birthing a new potential for humanity.  That wakeup call has so much potential.  It has to come through a messy and painful event.

What you are likely to find is that that wakeup call is going to evolve over the course of the next several years.  The first major shift occurring is people who never thought that they would worry about ecology or being in balance with Planet Earth are finding themselves now necessarily concerned with it because their lives are being directly impacted.  That number of people, that number of people being directly impacted will continue to expand because right now the strongest potential is that the oil will spread to many other coastlines before it is resolved.  It will be present for right now, potentially for decades.  That is one of the immediate effects.  In the hearts and minds of many, many individuals, they're waking up to the truth about your current relationship about Planet Earth and the fact that it is out of alignment.

I'm seeing this, little by little. In some situations, it's hard to identify the left from the right.
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Offline Nichi

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Re: Deepwater Horizon
« Reply #72 on: June 08, 2010, 07:04:53 PM »
We are finally realizing that we are going to have to leave

Amazing this insidious gag order BP has on the folks it allegedly "reimburses" or hires.  This enforced silence is probably why there has been the sensation of a lull.
« Last Edit: June 08, 2010, 07:07:00 PM by Nichi »
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Offline Michael

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Re: Deepwater Horizon
« Reply #73 on: June 08, 2010, 09:23:20 PM »
Another of those cases where we make a promise that is not ours. You want to help? Pay the price of not opening the small door.

I can well understand BP's point of view - it has enough bad publicity. But that makes it very hard on those seeking to do something about the creatures caught in this.


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Re: Deepwater Horizon
« Reply #74 on: June 09, 2010, 05:08:19 AM »
At a more third dimensional level, this is a wakeup call for humanity.  It has always been written that as you did damage to your environment, which is Planet Earth, eventually you would need to wake up and notice that damage.  Then you have a whole series of choices to make as a human race.   You can strive to mitigate the damage and heal the earth or you can ignore it until things get bad enough that you choose to mitigate and heal the earth.

Either way at some point, in order to survive, humanity is going to change their primary drives toward wholeness and healing for all forms of life on the planet.  That is the inevitable end result.  It may that there are very few humans left alive when you finally make that decision.  Until then, you will see progressively bigger and more startling wakeup calls.  Most of them will present themselves as what you are calling ecological disasters, manmade disasters, and increasingly they will affect human beings rather than just animals.  It will affect human beings in more immediate and irrevocable ways.  This is yet another wakeup call in regard to the process of humanity in having swung out of balance with nature and now being called to swing back into balance with nature.

« Last Edit: June 09, 2010, 05:14:31 AM by Jamir »


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