Author Topic: The Inipi/ Sweat lodge  (Read 355 times)

Offline Jennifer-

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The Inipi/ Sweat lodge
« on: July 20, 2006, 09:49:30 PM »
Torn by the winds…

The Inipi, which some call sweat lodge, is not unique to Lakota or even Native American nations. The cultures of nations throughout the world have used sweat lodges of one sort or another for many hundreds of years. Some of these uses are spiritual, some not. They all have elements in common. Like the Chanunpa, it is a ceremony of itself, and precedes other ceremonies as well.

The water that flows through the Inipi, is as the water that flows from the sweat of those stooping close to Mother Earth in the darkness of the lodge. It is as the source of Mother Earth’s life, flowing through her rivers, lakes and oceans like blood through her veins. All become mingled, united their in the darkness of Mother Earth’s womb. It is a spiritual experience that is nearly ineffable.

Always it has brought me closer to Mother Earth than any other experience has done. Like the saplings that form the lodge, I feel part of Mother Earth, as a tree, centered with my roots in the ground. Like the Chanunpa, it is an intense way of praying, but so much more. For each person who crawls into the lodge, close to Mother Earth in the darkness, the experience is different. Each time I have been given a sense of balance, exuberance, and though elated, peace.

This is a weapon of the modern warrior. The faith that comes from the prayer of the Inipi as well as the strength and peace that comes from the experience. As we each go through our lives, we often find ourselves torn by the winds of angst and ire of daily life. It is easy to find ourselves battered down. To me, Inipi has been a way to become lifted up again. To be centered, balanced and calmed. When I find myself caught up by anxiety, in need of balance. I remember how it felt then in the lodge, to be centered. I see the stones and the billowing steam, the life of Mother Earth. I smell the sweet grass once again. Once again, the hot steam fills my lungs and brings a clarity of mind that allows for no other thoughts than Mother Earth, the Creator and the prayers that brought me there. Again, I experience the profound sense of peace. Throughout the year, there are times when we gather for the inipi. When I find myself torn by the winds of daily life, I go back to the inipi.

Peace be with you.

Sister Juliemarie

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Offline Jennifer-

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Re: The Inipi/ Sweat lodge
« Reply #1 on: July 20, 2006, 09:59:15 PM »
I work mostly alone on things~ such as constructing the sweatlodge, if anyone is interested in the structure itself, Id be more then willing to help with ideas of what Ive done, trial and error.. Ive built 4 so far. My last being the combo of all the others and what I had wished they where once done.

So now with my 'perfect' lodge the real work begins!

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Re: The Inipi/ Sweat lodge
« Reply #2 on: July 20, 2006, 10:03:25 PM »
Would be interesting to build and use one, but i don't have a place for it right now. It should be some detached place where there would not be normal people to whom you have to explain what you are doing.

Offline Michael

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Re: The Inipi/ Sweat lodge
« Reply #3 on: July 20, 2006, 10:09:20 PM »
definately give instructions here

Offline Jennifer-

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Re: The Inipi/ Sweat lodge
« Reply #4 on: July 20, 2006, 10:09:49 PM »

« Last Edit: July 20, 2006, 10:38:44 PM by Michael »
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Offline Jennifer-

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Re: The Inipi/ Sweat lodge
« Reply #5 on: July 20, 2006, 10:20:08 PM »
Would be interesting to build and use one, but i don't have a place for it right now. It should be some detached place where there would not be normal people to whom you have to explain what you are doing.

I'll share the construction of mine today so when and if you do decide youll have an idea of where to start. :)

Ive made my whole yard a detached place.. *smiles* trust me.. once the 'normal people' see it and ponder the idea that you may be naked and hanging out fireside in the back yard.. if smoke is rising when they arrive they DO NOT look. lol I do understand what you mean... most ppl gave up on me being normal a long time ago..

Perhaps in time you'll find the perfect spot !!!

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Offline Jennifer-

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Re: The Inipi/ Sweat lodge
« Reply #6 on: July 20, 2006, 10:25:31 PM »
Actually.. I just got thinking....

Everyone that has seen mine has not pushed at any great detail in what it is beyond "thats my sweatlodge" the ones that don't ask... are fearful.

Sometimes I have sweats where Ill invite 'normals' just so they can have the experience. After they leave, is when I do my work.

It can be a great fun gathering... (and you dont have to be naked)

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Offline Jennifer-

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Re: The Inipi/ Sweat lodge
« Reply #7 on: July 21, 2006, 09:35:58 PM »
Im going to try and bypass all spiritual aspects of the lodge for now and only talk about its construction as if it where a mere added structure to your back yard. (this may be hard to do but for simplicity I find it best)

Traditionally the Native Americans would construct the structure with the opening facing East. I personally have my door facing West for my own connections. If you follow this sort of theory then take into consideration the directions when chosing a spot for the lodge.

Keep in mind the bigger the lodge the more rocks it will take to heat it.

A nice flat spot is needed, I dont remove the grass but let it die naturally due to lack of light and remove it later. A rock pit must be dug and for saftey reasons all grass and roots must be removed from it. (not only can they catch fire from the hot rocks, but being in a tight spot and smudged by burning roots isnt all that pleasant to the eyes, nor does it smell that great) Surround the pit with sand or gravel making a path to the opening that youll feed the pit from to make for easy pushing if the rocks cant be placed directly.

The structure itself is made of poles bend and formed into a dome shape. I gathered a large amount of saplings of all kinds. Anything from 1-2 inch thickness. The bending requires that they not be dried.. so you are at the mercy of the poles once cut to get the lodge built. Depending on weather.. Id say you have a few days.

Take some time and decide where the openings will be. One for adding hot rocks from a fire pit outside and another for entering the lodge. (Ive had them with one opening for both which worked fine, but the ultimate is having two openings) Place your poles according to these openings.

Dig into the earth about 1 foot and stand the poles up packing them in as tight as possible. Bend them towards each other and tie them tight. (I used a natural string) Once you get maybe 6-8 main poles in and bent.. the rest you can sort of weave into the structure and tie to add strength.

The covering....

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Offline Jennifer-

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Re: The Inipi/ Sweat lodge
« Reply #8 on: July 21, 2006, 09:43:58 PM »
I didnt take pictures of my frame before the covering but found this one to share, to give you an idea of what it could look like.

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Offline Jennifer-

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Re: The Inipi/ Sweat lodge
« Reply #9 on: July 21, 2006, 09:56:54 PM »
The covering is something to be desired. Im still in hopes of one day having enough native moose hide to cover a lodge but for now I must use whats available. Although it could look crude you really can use anything that will keep the light out and the steam in. Tarps, wool blankets, plastic, canvas..

I wrapped the frame in a heavy cloth of one color first, added tarps and canvas covering over that. I purchased rolls of heavy vinal for the outside covering (which you can see as white in my photos) I cut the rolls into strips that would cover the lodge as well as have a good amount of room for weighting it down with rocks outside. I layed the strips out on the ground beside each other and stitched up the sides making one huge piece for the top covering.

Pull the top covering over the lodge and add rocks around the edge to help keep things in place.

(This is the only part I had help with.. so this is a possible project for one person ;) ~

Fire and rocks....
Without constant complete silence meditation - samadi - we lose ourselves in the game.  MM

Offline Jennifer-

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Re: The Inipi/ Sweat lodge
« Reply #10 on: July 21, 2006, 10:00:50 PM »
Without constant complete silence meditation - samadi - we lose ourselves in the game.  MM

Offline Jennifer-

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Re: The Inipi/ Sweat lodge
« Reply #11 on: July 21, 2006, 10:15:05 PM »
Gather a large amount of rocks to be heated. Be careful not to chose rocks that will absorb water and splinter. Its been said that lava rock is ideal. I use rock from a near by stream.

The bigger the rock.. the longer it holds heat.. but dont forget youll be handling these rocks heated to a temp. of RED hot. Use great caution.

Youll build the fire by placing the starter branches first. A row of soft wood next. I use 3-4 ft. unsplit logs. Pile the next layer of hardwood going the oppisite direction of the softwood. Another layer of hardwood going the oppisite direction of that.. so every layer crisscrosses. After you have 3-4 rows on, pile on the rocks. I cover this surface and all around it. Make 3-4 layers on top of that alternativing softwood and hardwood to ensure a good hot burn.

I also fill an iron cauldron of rock and heat it on top for setting into the lodge first to sort of preheat things.

The rocks should heat for at least 3-4 hours.

I usually fast drinking only water (alot of water) the day of and sometimes the day before as well.

Be super careful splashing the rocks with water to create steam... steam burns as badly as hot water.

Many Blessings to you and your lodge.. enjoy!

Without constant complete silence meditation - samadi - we lose ourselves in the game.  MM

Offline Jennifer-

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Re: The Inipi/ Sweat lodge
« Reply #12 on: July 21, 2006, 10:17:13 PM »
Without constant complete silence meditation - samadi - we lose ourselves in the game.  MM

Offline Michael

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Re: The Inipi/ Sweat lodge
« Reply #13 on: July 21, 2006, 11:12:59 PM »
that's excellent Raven, thanks

Offline daphne

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Re: The Inipi/ Sweat lodge
« Reply #14 on: July 28, 2006, 03:47:59 AM »
Thats lovely, Raven, Thanks!
I enjoy sweat lodge very much - very cleansing it is for all the bodies, as well as great for any work to be done.
The one time my friend decided to build a sweat lodge with the saplings in the form of the merkebah - so from overhead one could see the form of the 6 pointed star. it was quite a feat getting it all together so that it wouldn't collapse once the covering was on.

One sweat we had we invited 2 local sangomas. The local tradition of 'sweat' is somewhat different here, more individual kind of wrapped up in a blanket over steam and assorted plants. The one sangoma found it rather difficult, though the other carried through. It was afterwards when they were out of the sweat that the one who had found it difficult suddenly got 'taken' and we had a most fascinating time with her revelations.
I wonder if it has anything to do with the different elements? Here, the sangomas are usually related to earth and/or water.
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