Author Topic: Luminous Assistance  (Read 123 times)


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Luminous Assistance
« on: November 29, 2006, 03:15:35 AM »
Luminous Assistance

Do not insist on fighting your bad instincts by yourself, because not only do you run the risk of not winning, you will grow weaker in the process. Yes, because you are battling against yourself and this division makes you even more vulnerable. It is very dangerous to fight yourself. Not only do you never really win against this inner enemy, but you end up destroying yourself. The moral and religious teachings that never cease to preach the relentless struggle against evil in man do not know true psychology. We must learn to win, to overcome, yes, but without fighting. How? By asking other forces to fight in our stead, and these other forces can only be luminous forces which we foster thanks to our love for all that is beautiful, great and divine. So, instead of launching a direct attack on our instincts and finding ourselves either floored or terribly unhappy because we have had to relinquish some of the satisfactions we need, we call upon luminous forces, who will overpower them with ease.

Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov

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Re: Luminous Assistance
« Reply #1 on: April 25, 2014, 08:35:03 PM »
That's an interesting idea - will try it myself.


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