Author Topic: Ghost Crabs  (Read 48 times)

Offline Nichi

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Ghost Crabs
« on: July 19, 2010, 11:49:03 PM »

Also called Sand Crabs

Encountered this picture while working on another thread, and wanted to share.  These crabs are so funny - we have them on the beaches, here and on the Outer Banks. They tend to occupy the areas with fewer people. (Their actual size to a couple of inches larger is shown in the photograph.)

First, you're sitting on the sand, watching the water, the birds, the horizon - listening to the constant lapping of the waves and being lulled into this salty euphoria. Then, you become aware in your peripheral vision that outside the bounds of your blanket, you are surrounded by these guys. (They are 100% harmless.)

They edge out of their holes in the sand and keep their eyes on you as they move sideways, a foot or 2 into the next hole. Then again, and again. You solipsistically imagine that it's all about keeping their eyes on you, the big blanket monster, though I'm sure they have business to which they're attending.

Then, all you have to do is move your head or raise your hand, and poof! They've all gone into their holes again.  This goes on indefinitely ... out, in, out in...  They are good company!  :)
Not here, not there, but everywhere - always right before your eyes.
~Hsin Hsin Ming

Offline Nichi

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Re: Ghost Crabs
« Reply #1 on: August 05, 2010, 09:52:57 PM »
Not here, not there, but everywhere - always right before your eyes.
~Hsin Hsin Ming

Offline Nichi

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Re: Ghost Crabs
« Reply #2 on: August 05, 2010, 10:05:54 PM »

Not here, not there, but everywhere - always right before your eyes.
~Hsin Hsin Ming


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