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Author Topic: Cornering Ego into a Spiritual Path  (Read 31659 times)

Endless Whisper

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Cornering Ego into a Spiritual Path
« on: March 06, 2008, 07:32:21 AM »
Let's look at something interesting on the spiritual path.

First, ego itself seeks the spiritual path. If it really knew better, ego, itd avoid it altogether, cause getting on the spiritual path, means its own death. It fools itself into the whole thing, for numerous reasons.

But one of them is because somewhere, either in childhood or even in early adulthood, it realizes that death doesn't just happen to other people, it can happen to us. Death becomes some realization, which causes the ego to worry, panic.

It could be a close relative dying, a friend, or a sudden brush with death. But something may occur where physical death is a reality.

Other reasons - its own 'fate' in an afterlife. Okay, now Ive got the idea that death is imminent. Im not going to live in the physical world forever. Everything dies. My pet died when I was four. My mom when I was 23. I know oneday I will too. Where do I go, later, if anywhere at all?

Ego runs around looking for answers because its unsure of this, and wants to ensure its survival. Its told there's a heaven, a hell. Its told there's rebirth and reincarnation. There's a possibility of immortality! Hey cool! I get on the spiritual path, not only can I ensure my survival, I can even attain a better life here, maybe, and then an even better afterlife, so I can go on, whoo whee!

However, then ego, reaches a standstill. It hears about, ego death, and it has to be eliminated. It begins to be examined. It reads and reads about ego having to be taken out of the equation and stands like a deer in headlights "huh?" And this is the icing on the cake, the grand poo baaaaaaaa of all time. It "ego" searches for "ego" to go take an axe to and cut off from itself and make sure, this 'other ego' doesnt get in the way.

And yet, alas, its all ego.

That might be what KW was saying about the 'closed loop.' That lanky bald man is right. Ego is a closed loop, and what can break the barrier to our ego.

Firstly, truth itself gives ego a jolt. When our egos are faced with an undeniable truth, one that is solid, there is no arguing back with truth. So when it falls into the pool of truth, it drowns itself in it, whether it likes it or not.

Truth, another truth, is we all have an ego. Lets get past the 'word' ego. Weve come to label the thing. E-G-O. We see it, we think of it as a three letter word that begins with an 'e.' Take out the 'e' and put in a 'd' its god. But the D is for death, to be god realized, etc, got to take out the e which stands for ego, cut it off, stick in a d for death, then we have god, and nothing else, nothing more.

Thats the difficult part. Ego cannot slay ego. Thats stupid. Only God can.

So, you're far along the path enough, cause you're on a spiritual path, you've heard of the ego. You know pretty much what it means. But how can you know for certain, that ego is in charge, or not? And how sure are you, that you've fooled yourself, or not?

Ego is the part of us which initially steps on the spiritual path. Everyone's egos takes the first step, wears the shoes. But the last step, doesn't belong to the ego. The step out of the loop of madness, off the wheel, wont be it, no matter what.

Always too late to turn back - that is the way it goes.

Offline daphne

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Re: Cornering Ego into a Spiritual Path
« Reply #1 on: March 06, 2008, 12:07:35 PM »

Lets get past the 'word' ego.

Personally I find it difficult to get past the word 'ego' in a general discussion. The word itself and what it represents, not to mention the idea 'ego-death', has different meaning in different context. I suppose that is why if one were to google 'ego-death', one would find explanations as varied as the different paths, both mystical and not.

In one context, ego-death would be the experience of loss of identity; of an "I". In another context, it would be the transformation of self-centredness. In yet another context, the loss of self--importance.
Some see ego-death as a temporary state achievable by various methods, and others only as an ultimate goal. For some, ego is the same as the self, for others it is not.

One thing though I am certain on, when one starts exploring the idea of an 'ego', it is like you say, difficult to turn back. Can take you to places the 'ego' would not have thought of!!

Endless Whisper

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Re: Cornering Ego into a Spiritual Path
« Reply #2 on: March 06, 2008, 02:24:39 PM »

In one context, ego-death would be the experience of loss of identity; of an "I". In another context, it would be the transformation of self-centredness. In yet another context, the loss of self--importance.

All the same thing.

Offline daphne

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Re: Cornering Ego into a Spiritual Path
« Reply #3 on: March 06, 2008, 04:31:38 PM »
All the same thing.

maybe so. certainly provides sufficient material for a multitude of writings..

Endless Whisper

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Re: Cornering Ego into a Spiritual Path
« Reply #4 on: March 06, 2008, 05:25:34 PM »
maybe so. certainly provides sufficient material for a multitude of writings..

Probably cause people like to talk about egos, cause they like to talk about themselves, even if by proxy ;)

Offline daphne

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Re: Cornering Ego into a Spiritual Path
« Reply #5 on: March 06, 2008, 05:28:59 PM »
Probably cause people like to talk about egos, cause they like to talk about themselves, even if by proxy ;)

aint that the truth!


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Re: Cornering Ego into a Spiritual Path
« Reply #6 on: March 06, 2008, 05:46:29 PM »
The thing about talking about the ego ......
is that you invoke the ego, for better or worse!  ;D

Endless Whisper

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Re: Cornering Ego into a Spiritual Path
« Reply #7 on: March 06, 2008, 08:10:57 PM »
The thing about talking about the ego ......
is that you invoke the ego, for better or worse!  ;D

Yeah, I wake up and its invoked, Im asleep its invoked. Egos have some use though, I think so anyway. Why cut it off from myself, oh im talkin about myself again. Oh no, the endless battle!  :D

Offline daphne

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Re: Cornering Ego into a Spiritual Path
« Reply #8 on: March 06, 2008, 08:41:30 PM »
I often find myself not only talking about myself.. but it's to myself that I am talking about myself..  we have great conversations!!   :D


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Re: Cornering Ego into a Spiritual Path
« Reply #9 on: March 07, 2008, 01:55:24 AM »
Yeah, I wake up and its invoked, Im asleep its invoked. Egos have some use though, I think so anyway. Why cut it off from myself, oh im talkin about myself again. Oh no, the endless battle!  :D

Talking about the "ego" is where I really trip up on my syntaxes.  Different spiritual systems put it into different lights, most of them negative.
But see, I was in mental health for 25-some years, and "ego" was used in the Freudian sense, which, if healthy, was a good thing.

So I always have to stop and get my bearings before I speak about it. (Where am I? What are the operative definitions?) But mostly, I don't speak about it, just because discussions of it can get gnarly sometimes. 

Not this discussion, of course, which is full of elan!
« Last Edit: March 07, 2008, 02:07:33 AM by nichi »

Offline Definitive Journey

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Re: Cornering Ego into a Spiritual Path
« Reply #10 on: March 08, 2008, 08:03:17 PM »

There was a cowherd boy who took his cows to the meadows every morning and brought them back to the cowshed at the end of the day. One evening, as he was tying the cows up for the night, the boy found that one of them was missing her rope. He feared that she might run away, but it was too late to go and buy a new rope. The boy didn't know what to do, so he went to a wise man who lived nearby and sought his advice. The wise man told the boy to pretend to tie the cow, and make sure that the cow saw him doing it. The boy did as the wise man suggested and pretended to tie the cow. The next morning the boy discovered that the cow had remained still throughout the night. He untied all the cows as usual, and they all went outside. He was about to go to the meadows when he noticed that the cow with the missing rope was still in the cowshed. She was standing on the same spot where she had been all night. He tried to coax her to join the herd, but she wouldn't budge. The boy was perplexed. He went back to the wise man who said, "The cow still thinks she is tied up. Go back and pretend to untie her." The boy did as he was told, and the cow happily left the cowshed. This is what the guru does with the ego of the disciple. The guru helps untie that which was never there. Like the cow, due to our ignorance, we believe that we are bound by the ego when, in fact, we are completely free. We need to be convinced of this, however.

-Mother Amma (Mata Amritanandamayi)
"Discipline is, indeed, the supreme joy of feeling reverent awe; of watching, with your mouth open, whatever is behind those secret doors."

Endless Whisper

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Re: Cornering Ego into a Spiritual Path
« Reply #11 on: March 08, 2008, 09:21:11 PM »

Do you believe you're free? Im just curious. Reminds me of:

The primal consciousness-mistake,
from what the Hindu sages tell,
is thinking that the rope's a snake.
The error we so simply make
when we take emptiness for hell
(the primal consciousness-mistake)
comes before thought. The rope we take
for serpent, is just hemp — how well
in seeing, it becomes a snake.
We jump and scream and grab the rake
to kill the cobra, and we've made
the primal consciousness-mistake.
The coil of fibre for whose sake
we catch our breath and leap and yell
becomes in mind a "rope" or "snake".
The fright is real, the snake's a fake
and we the victims of the spell —
the primal consciousness-mistake
of sensing rope and seeing snake.

~Michael Cope

Endless Whisper

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Re: Cornering Ego into a Spiritual Path
« Reply #12 on: March 08, 2008, 09:24:02 PM »
Thats basically what illusions are - illusions, not real, but the effect is real.

Like men waking up from a wet dream - the dream sex was unreal, but the stains on the sheets = real. The effect is real.

Offline Definitive Journey

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Re: Cornering Ego into a Spiritual Path
« Reply #13 on: March 08, 2008, 09:46:20 PM »


Do you believe you're free? Im just curious.



"Discipline is, indeed, the supreme joy of feeling reverent awe; of watching, with your mouth open, whatever is behind those secret doors."

Endless Whisper

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Re: Cornering Ego into a Spiritual Path
« Reply #14 on: March 08, 2008, 09:48:53 PM »



I didnt say from. Just said, free.