For the sake of revisiting this theme, and to save me going over stuff, here is a post Nichi found of mine from god knows where back in 2006, but I think it puts the case quite well:
CC talked of these in one of his later books. Those who know anything of the life of CC post fame, have come to be suspicious of these flyers.
i have not personally seen large heavy flying slugs, though I enjoy the image. i was already somewhat along the road by the time i read his flyer stories, and i had not till then formulated this view. but when i read his words, i knew immediately what he was talking about - i hadn’t seen that they too were spirits. and when the idea hit me i jumped for joy that someone else had seen this insidious thing - such a relief!
but what are we to do? this thing whatever you call it has a hold on the mind of humanity.
long time ago a strange people came the land. they were serious and fiery. they had a sacred ceremony where they stood in a circle. then one would step into the middle, with a knife (they worshiped the knife you know) with which that man or woman would proceed to cut themselves while all the others watched in horror and pleasure, as they wallowed in pain and despair. needless to say in their worldly behaviour, they were cruel and ruthless, eventually enslaving the whole land.
they were an evil morbid tribe, who depressed the whole nation - and they set out and sucked of the pain of others, thus creating more, they did harvest.
there existed an earlier DNA group. they were fair and light people who loved laughter and life. they too had a sacred ceremony, where they would all stand in a circle, facing outwards, in complete silence - sometimes for hours. they painted wherever they went, leaving behind the imprint of their minds - they still exist today, though they are a very rare minority, who generally go around in a sad disguise, just to fit in, like living in a rain coat. but underneath they suffer from fits of laughter, or ecstasy.
so eventually these self-inflictors got the upper hand, and made films about themselves, wrote books about themselves, and generally infested the natives.
there is a special breed of ‘concern’ that runs in families. it is extremely powerful, and self-righteous. casting its net of sour lollies, convincing us we are lonely. that was their real coup, when they introduced that one. its been down hill since then, and all the lonely people consume their own maya with anxiety or anger, till they look out those two eyes like frightened hollow logs...
the other grouping, by contrast, love to foster their maya, and praise each other for sporting a fine crop. they would spread their maya in games, especially male female games, which were a great favourite. truly beautiful displays of maya could be enjoyed by everyone.
the interlopers, would also use a special kind of maya, which they projected onto the screen of the mind - projecting the very shape of the heart, this was their subtle weapon - projecting the emotional landscape, describing the ‘text’ of life. but underpinned by a yearning for imaginary worlds, that were held with passionate white knuckled fear. Oh such a juicy drop!
so you could sit on the hills about the town and watch in the old days, as great beams of maya lit the night sky, and explosive maya battles would be watched with wonder and delight. these days the few of us left have learnt the art of perfect deception - not a tortured soul could tell, we learn to walk in perfect imitation, and to whistle in silence.
just drop the whole thing! who cares? let it go, look at the night sky, and open your mouth - stand in wonder. then look back at the self doubt, the slights endured, the sorrows, with a mild sense of bewilderment... fancy, thinking of that all day! what a stupid waste of time.
look out your two eyes - there it is right in front, all about you is your dancing partner.
and you know the sound that flyers hate most?
silence baffles them completely
competence gives them indigestion
beauty, even they stand and ponder